Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Online headline: "Congressional veterans call on Biden to help put Global War on Terrorism Memorial on National Mall * Bipartisan group of military veterans pushing for new memorial on National Mall" -- Fat chance ... especially with Democrats in the White House and in control of both Congressional Chambers... since "terrorism" is not in their "politically correct dictionary or conversation.. Now.. what veterans and their families can do is visit the National Infantry Museum.... at whatever the libs change Ft Benning's name to...and see a heartfelt memorial of GWOT!

Is there anyone in America who believes there wasn't a deal made that has enabled Creepo Cuomo to "resign" and get 14 days to bury any unrevealed evidence tucked away in his office or Gov. Mansion...

Now, what kind of deal has his brother Fredo Cuomo made with CNN to keep his job?

Listen carefully at the words Creepo Cuomo uses to deny charges! When he denies that he hasn't "sexually harassed" those women, he's carefully picked those words.. but he's not saying he hasn't committed sexual battery.
I'm conducting a poll of my own... now that Creepo Cuomo has been "sacrificed", what spin will the MSM and Democrats put on it? I'm sure in a few weeks, they will try to "sell" it as their version of the "Sacrificial Lamb", but that's not going to work. Why... because it's no longer beneficial to the Socialist-Democrats to imply they are close to God as they have denied HIM more that Thomas. No, what they are LEFT with is a choice between promoting Cuomo as their "sacrificial donkey or pig" .... They will try to push 'donkey", but won't be successful... Creepo Cuomo was/is ..A PIG!

Looks like the Democrat Party will do to Kathy Hochul as they have done to VA's Lt Governor Justin Fairfax. At least the Dems allowed her to become Governor (versus not demanding VA Gov Northam resign) before they abandon her in their next Primary for either Al Sharlatan or "Bull" de Bl@sio.

Online headline: "Top Al Sharpton adviser conferring with Andrew Cuomo amid sexual harassment scandal" -- Hmmm.. finally a subject matter an Al Sharlatan advisor is well qualified to speak about.

Online headline/story: "Cuomo resignation: New York's last three governors, all Democrats, left office amid scandal" -- Spitzer, Patterson, and now Creepo Cuomo.. the only thing that has "saved" the Democrats more embarrassment is that Republican George Pataki kept New Yorkers from having experienced three straight Governors shaming them.

Can you believe that after Cuomo made his resignation announcement, JoKKKe Biden congratulated Creepo for doing " a hell of a job" as Governor.. Well only if eliminating older voters.. who were probably more conservative voters... from the voting lists.

So the Dems got Creepo Cuomo to resign.. but that's has re-opened anther old can of worms.. JoKKKe Biden's sexual harassment charges by Tara Reade.. and probably others...

Online headline: "Cuomo resigns: Alec Baldwin blames cancel culture for resignation amid sexual harassment accusations" -- Hmmm... Baldwin should be the Webster Dictionary picture for being the ultimate example of a culture to cancel

Elected school boards...they happened in Columbus in 1992, and statewide a year later.. these are the worst things that ever happened to public education!

Online headline/story: "DeSantis adds teeth to ban on mask mandates in schools, threatens to withdraw salaries * The governor's office warned that superintendents and school board members who required children to wear face masks in school would face fines or see their salaries withheld." -- Sounds like a plan to me.. but I would go DeSantis one better.. I'd use their salaries as the source of revenue to fund any salary or retention "bonuses" they try to spend tax dollars on.

Sadly, our Little League GA State Champions, the Northern LL of Columbus, GA, ended their World Champion quest last evening. How about a "Standing O" for some very special young Columbusites!!!

Looking at the LL World Series brackets, I already see where the LLB officials have set themselves up for a fiasco... Because of the International Division countries not being included, LL Regional Champions and runners-up are both going to Williamsport so some awkward results may undermine the appeal of Championship results.. The finals could pit two teams from the same region, or two finalists who were runners-up in their regions (diminishing National TV interest), or heaven, forbid, one region's champion may beat the champion from another region but lose to the runner-up of that region in the Final game. Anyway, I hope LLB's fans' policy does not leave empty bleachers like we saw during the Regional games...

From the "what's new?" department - Online headline/story: "Mexico releases human poop into the ocean, contaminating and closing the ocean in Imperial Beach * The EPA announced help is on the way, but shortly after, another sewage dump closed the ocean in Imperial Beach. * Mexico is able to continue dumping without consequence from the United States." -- Good grief! You would think that JoKKKe Biden's White House "handlers" and the Progressive wing of "the LEFT" would at least want to stop Mexico from dumping its "dregs" on our side of the Pacific and the Gulf ... even while they ignore the "dregs" being dumped across our land border.

These are pictures of debris and a mattress that have been on the side of Mobley Road here in Columbus, GA for at least 6 weeks. Doesn't any Columbus Council member or any City owned or leased garbage/debris trucks...ever drive on Mobley Road?

WTVM-TV9 headline: "MCSD urges parents to enroll students; inaccurate count could impact resources" -- "Inaccurate count impact resources"? Wait a's not about an "inaccurate count", it's about "THE count" that will ACCURATELY reveal how parents feel private and/or home schooling is a better choice for their children.

From the "it's obvious!" department - Online headline: "Wisconsin governor vetoes GOP bills to restrict absentee ballots * Wisconsin Republicans don't have enough votes to override Evers' veto" -- Once again.. it's obvious that to be against a safer vote is to be FOR potential FRAUD! It's also more than obvious that MSM supports potential FRAUD as well and that enables any..and all.. efforts at such.

WTVM-TV9 headline/story: "Cuomo resignation: New York's last three governors, all Democrats, left office amid scandal * the BOLA, could help local law enforcement protect themselves and others without using lethal force when it comes to apprehending suspects." -- Good grief! For an officer to have to decide on whether grabbing the BOLA versus his/her STUN GUN or firearm gives the criminal more time to harm the police officer! Stop coddling criminals!

Online headline: "Biden Administration Approves Rule Forcing Companies to Hire Minority, LGBTQ+ Executives and Publicly Disclose Diversity" -- Hmmm... sounds a lot like another "mandate" you know,, what NYC Mayor de Bl@sio says is the only thing that gives us freedom... and since when is having government make personal choices for anyone assuring our Constitution Rights?

Online headline: "Hunter Biden relaxes with family in Malibu as he readies for high-priced art sale" -- This is ALL the proof the DOJ.. and the American public... needs to know so that all the names of every "buyer" be publicly identified so the names can be compared to anybody Prez JoKKKE Biden meets with under any circumstances.

Online headline: "German teacher goes on trial in alleged cannibalism case" -- Hmmm... Guess he met him on "Tender". Oh! C'mon, libs.. even you should laugh at this one...

Atlanta Journal story: "Potential Republican U.S. Senate candidate Herschel Walker and his wife live in Texas, but she voted in Georgia’s election for president last fall." -- Me thinks the AJC just lost it's argument about GA not needing the new voting laws!

Can anyone confirm the story I've seen that California is going to allow print-at-home and electronic voting in the upcoming RECALL election? It's too big a story not to check out.. even if it's a fake news one...

Online headline: 'Sen. Bernie Sanders: It's time to protect working families through $3.5 trillion budget 'reconciliation' bill" -- "Protect working families"? Yeah! But the best... and only REAL way the best way to do that is by reducing taxes and reigning in inflation causing Congressional pork spending!


Online headline/story: "CDC adjusts Florida COVID-19 numbers after health department call-out * The CDC initially reported 28,317 new cases on Sunday but adjusted that number to 19,584 by Tuesday. The health department said there were 15,319 cases on Sunday." -- That was no error.. just a political gambit to try and make FL Gov DeSantis' Covid-19 leadership look bad.. Like I said.. it wasn't error.. it was a political maneuver of the Democrats 

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