Wednesday, August 18, 2021

 Hey, Columbus, GA! Not sure who is pushing it, but on August 24th next week, there will be a "reading" of a Socialist Manifest Ordinance aimed at making some people "MORE EQUAL" than others. Be at the Tuesday August 24, 2021 Columbus Council meeting at the Government Service Center on Macon Road ... 5:30 ... to exercise your voice against Article XXII ... while you can! Equality is not about putting one groups desires/interests above others.. this would be re-establishing the "Jim Crow Era!

There was a body pulled out of the Chattahoochee River yesterday.. According to the WTVM-TV9 report, it's focused on Phenix City.. but, of course, the river is GA boundary with Alabama. and the Columbus Coroner (not Phenix City's) was called in to investigate, and the body will be sent to the GBI (versus ABI) for determination of cause of death,, Just mentioning this now in case there's a determination of another homicide...

Had an interesting fact pointed out to me yesterday.. I'd seen how focused MSM and the DNC had been about highlighting Jacksonville (Duval County) Florida as a "hotspot" for Covid-19.. This is "happening" because Governor DeSantis is a Jacksonville resident, and MSM/DNC are trying to embarrass DeSantis.
This is the flow chart of cases/deaths in Duval County since February 2nd this year:
Between July 18th and August 16th, there have been "ZERO.. NADA... Nary...NIL" deaths in Duval County attributed to Covid-19.

As unsettling as it is when JoKKKe Biden is in the White House, it's even more unsettling when we hear about White House decisions while Biden is away from the White House...

Why are we even considering a movement to get JoKKKe Biden out of the White House... at least before January of 2023? Until then, getting rid of Biden.. whether by the 25th Amendment, or impeachment, or even resignation, would put Chuckles Harris in the Oval Office, and if she were then impeached, Queen PeLOUSY Speaker.... would become President...

Pentagon Press Secretary Adm. John Kirby told a questioner that he "had not HEARD" of any Taliban negotiations being conducted with a former Taliban GITMO "detainee" who was released by Obama/Biden in 2014". Hmmm... of course, "not having HEARD" is not the same as no negotiations are actually going on.
With the complete debacle of the Afghani evacuation, the world needs to hear from President Biden directly, but he's been whisked back to isolation at Camp David because of his obvious lack of coherence of what's going on.

You know.. I keep seeing reports that the Afghani situation boils down to "Intel Failure". I'm scratching my head wondering who actually credits "Intelligence with anyone in the JoKKKe Biden Administration?
Wow! Remember how Obama & Biden fawned over Bo Bergdahl ... and traded out 5 Taliban officials from GITMO for him in return.... and then later we discover Bergdahl was a traitor? Now we are learning those released Taliban official are leading the Taliban again..

Online headline: "Biden admin pledges to crack down on schools that don't allow trans athletes in girls' sports" -- Once again.. we need the girls' teams players and parents of one public high school to support having all their boy's sports teams to declare "all their players are girls", and compete as the girls' teams. One year of mockery will end this warped mentality!

Online headline: "US halted dollar shipments to Afghanistan to keep cash out of Taliban’s hands * U.S. officials are also blocking Taliban from Afghan government accounts managed by the Fed and U.S. banks" -- Good grief.. you may have missed this, but when Afghanistan President Ghani fled, 4 vehicles of cash followed him to his awaiting plane, and he had so much, he had to leave a lot on the runway. You know.. what his says is that money the US "gave" Afghanistan ended up in "more equal's pockets". You have to wonder if the soldiers may have have been more loyal to their government if President Ghani paid them better rather than kept it for himself...

Am trying to track down former Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani's American Citizenship
which he vacated to run for the presidency of Afghanistan in 2009.. he lost then but won (with some questionable issues) in 2014. Seeing the packets of cash he took with him when he fled a few days ago, we do have to wonder whether the Obama/Biden Administration may have had influence on Ghani's election. Obama has a record of undermining Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu, so it fits that he might have undermined Abdullah Abdullah in Afghanistan's 2009 and 2014 elections.

OK... the MCSD closing all the public schools in Columbus, GA Tuesday proved to be another "The Sky is falling. The Sky is falling!" Chicken Little moment, and parents may have to alter a family vacation already scheduled due to the students having to make up the day.

Now that MCSD's schools have started and buses are running, how much in $1,000.00 signing bonus money was taken out of the classroom budget that would have benefited all students... I recall the MCSD was planning on $50,000.00...

Online headline: "Thousands of fake COVID-19 vaccine cards, some from China, seized by US Customs " -- Good grief! A shipment of FAKE ID's from China sorta caps off how demented China is.. giving the US the coronavirus wasn't enough... now China wants to make sure it stays in circulation by allowing the unvaccinated to act like they are.. Bet it won't be long before illegal aliens crossing our border have one of these on them...

Online headline: "NYC launching program to pay young criminal offenders $1k per month for participation, good behavior: reports" -- Good grief! Can't you see what's going to happen next... that paid not-to-be-hoodlums will want pay raises to keep up with inflation...

Online headline: "Suspected Times Square shooter accused of injuring Marine rejects plea deal" -- Good grief! This just shows ow our justice system has failed! The DA and the criminal probably don't feel a jury will convict a documented criminal, so the criminal rejects the plea deal. Thank you.... Democrats.... NOT!

Good grief! Two members of "the Squad" are sponsoring a bill to "cancel rent and evictions" and both of them collect $1,000's in rental income on properties in Michigan and Massachusetts. What hypocrisy since neither has offered their lessee's to stop paying them rent...

Online headline: "Tennessee probe finds fired vaccine official mailed herself muzzle despite claims Republicans silenced her * Dr. Michelle Fiscus paid for the muzzle with her own credit card, reports say" -- Why hasn't she been arrested for reporting a fake crime!

Online headline: "Psaki declines to 'guarantee' evacuation of Americans stranded in Afghanistan after Aug. 31" -- Hmmm..Well, her e-mail "auto response" over the weekend said she would not be "in" at all this week...and her presence and performance prove it.

From the "blown out flip[flop of Jimmy Buffett" department - Online headline: "Biden admin depends on Taliban to give Americans 'safe passage' 6 weeks after Biden said he doesn't trust them" -- Wow! why do any liberals ever believe what another liberal says?

From the wonder if "he Big Guy" is getting his 10% "tip":

Wonder if JoKKKe Biden stole Charlie Daniel's fiddle:

Online headline: "Gavin Newsom 'incredibly proud' of Biden amid Afghanistan debacle, doubles down on campaigning with him * Gov. Newsom says he is 'incredibly enthusiastic' to have President Biden's support" -- Wonder if Newsom is also enthusiastic about having his aunt Queen PeLOUSY campaigning for him?

Online headline: "White House admits 'fair amount' of US equipment in Afghanistan in Taliban hands * National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said the administration doesn't 'have a complete picture, obviously, of where every article of defense materials has gone'" -- a "fair amount"? What's "fair" when it amounts to giving the Taliban all the weapons and equipment the US paid for in equipping the Afghani army?

Yesterday's flow of advisors and information dispensers summed up the Biden Administration... no solutions.. just excuses and blame for others. Of course, the one aspect not addressed was why Biden ended the Trump plan to have America's soldiers out before the Spring Offensive...

Did you see the picture of American soldiers guarding the perimeter of Kabul International Airport on Fox News yesterday? They were vigilant in performing their duties.... lying prone.. with automatic weapons aimed out towards the Taliban which have encircled the airport... but did you notice that these heroes were lined up on the bubbly hot asphalt exposed to the 90 degree plus temps of a sunny & cloudless day. ...obeying their orders without compromise for personal comfort...

Online story: "Freshman firebrand Rep. Cori Bush, D-Mo., nabbed a book deal worth up to $100,000 before even finishing her first term in office. * The "Squad" member’s recent financial disclosure form shows that the Missouri congresswoman is receiving between $50,001 and $100,000 in a book advance for her tome from Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group. * Bush’s disclosure, which was filed last Friday, noted that the book advance was "reviewed and approved by the House Committee on Ethics" in advance. The title of the book is "The Cori Chronicles," according to the disclosure." -- "approved by the House Committee on Ethics"? Good grief! We saw how PeLOUSY picked committee members when she reject Republican recommended members for the January 6th investigation committee.. Does anyone feel PeLOUSY would be more ethical in appointing her House Ethics Committee?

Wake up American women! The Socialist-Democrats actually are sympathetic with Muslim's Sharia Law application on women..

Online headline: "Janet Yellen: Biden's infrastructure plan is a down payment on the economy America can – and should – have" -- "down payment on the economy"? Wow! We have a dyslexic in charge of the FED... obviously she was actually saying that the infrastructure "payment" could bring "DOWN" the ECONOMY!

Online headline: "Harry, Meghan: 'We are left speechless' over 'the situation in Afghanistan'" -- Good grief! Well.. Harry.. you, too Meghan.. how about remaining SILENT as well!

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