Wednesday, August 4, 2021

 As expected, Trump backed candidate in Ohio out-distanced four other good candidates for the Republican spot in the Ohio 15th's Congressional Primary.. Meanwhile, on the other hand.. the AOC-Bernie backed choice in the Ohio Democrat Congressional Primary took it on the chin.

Online headline: "WH to DeSantis, Abbott: Handle Delta spike or 'get out of the way'" -- Hmmm... and a proper response would be, "Hey, White House, stop letting Covid-19 carrying illegal aliens into Texas, and stop busing/flying them to Florida!"

Online headline: "Trump to object to release of tax returns - lawyer" -- And rightfully so! Until IRS completes its audit, and all appeals are settles, Trump's tax returns ARE NOT EVIDENCE...Until the IRS proves criminal wrong-doings, no one outside the IRS and Trump's legal team has any right to see, much less claim/use them as "evidence"..

Online "headLIE": "John Kerry: Trump wrecked America's credibility on climate change" -- Good grief! John Kerry.. Algore, too... did a great job at ruining the left's credibility long before Trump discredited both of them as hypocrites! Kerry ruined his own credibility each time he took his private jet to Climate Change conferences to speak on the matter..

The NY Attorney General's office ripped Gov Fredo Cuomo "a new one" yesterday.. Couldn't happen to a vicer guy!

JoKKKe Biden is ... well.... such a JOKE! He condemned NY Gov Fredo Cuomo for his sexual harassment issues, yet didn't own up to his own indiscretions with women surrounding him...

Gov Fredo Cuomo was pathetic in his response to charges leveled at him by the NY Atty General, and all those photos he flashed on the screen basically confirmed the charges showed he has no concern at injecting his own will into other people's personal space whenever... wherever ... he wanted.

It looks like the governors of california and New York really miss Donald Trump... he's no longer available to divert attention from themselves.

Yep.. gotta be dementia... It seems that JoKKKe Biden must have forgotten that he's had multiple charges from women about many groping moments when he said Fredo Cuomo should do the right thing and resign.

Hmmm... while CNN cannot make Gov Fredo Cuomo immediately resign, CNN can immediately fire Chris Cuomo...

Looks like JoKKKe Biden has been affected by Chuckles Harris, and has developed his own strain of cackling.

Online headline: "Springsteen makes Olympic debut, falls short in qualifier * Jessica Springsteen had no luck going solo in Tokyo" -- "Falls short in qualifier"? "Falling Short" Hmmm... sounds like a family trait.... she falls short in the Olympics, and Bruce falls short of American patriotism..

Online headline/story: "Atlanta police release images of potential witnesses to deadly park stabbing of woman and dog * "Authorities are offering a $10,000 reward for information regarding Janness's murder. The animal rights group PETA is offering its own $10,000 reward." -- Good grief! How could any reporter.. from any network...include a statement that equates the killing of a pet on a par with killing of a human being?

Online headline: "San Francisco Mayor London Breed agrees to pay nearly $23,000 for ethics violations while in office: report" -- Hmmmm... if she admitted to these "ethics violations", we have to wonder what ethics violations haven't been discovered...

From the "who'da ever thunk this?" department - Online headline/story: "BLM Rhode Island PAC calls for resignation of Dem strategist who tweeted about Graham * Kate Coyne-McCoy, the strategist, came under fire on Tuesday after tweeting out, "It’s wrong to hope he dies from Covid right? * Ian Donnis of the #@blmripac "tweeted" in response, "How can we trust someone with such blatant disregard for human life with the will of RI voters? Anyone affiliated with the Democratic Party should be held to a higher standard" -- Hmmm.. and which "standard" is Donnis referring to the normal "double standard" or the obvious "triple standard" this act falls under.. Of, by the way, Donnis has been "mum" on NY Gov Fredo Cuomo..

From the "Speaking of Democrat "standards" department - Online headline/story: "Illinois man who killed mom with baseball bat and says it was accidental avoids prison * Mary Summerwill's loved ones did not wish to see her son prosecuted, authorities said * An Illinois man who beat his mother to death with a baseball bat after he mistakenly thought she was an intruder will serve probation and community service in exchange for a guilty plea. * "Thomas Summerwill must live with the fact that, accidental or not, he is responsible for his mother’s death," Kane County State’s Attorney Jamie Mosser said. "He will never again be able to hug her, seek advice from her, or tell her he loves her. He will never be able to introduce his children to their grandmother. That is a heavy burden." -- "He will never again be able to hug her, seek advice from her, or tell her he loves her. He will never be able to introduce his children to their grandmother"? Good grief! But he will be able to swing that baseball bats at others!
Online headline: "Biden sidesteps question on justification for letting unvaccinated migrants into US" -- DOH! JoKKKe Biden HAS TO duck such questions.. otherwise, he'd have to explain his decision to encourage unvaccinated illegal aliens to cross into our country without screening, without vaccines, and then turning hem loose all over the country!

From the "NBC's Olympic ratings must really be down" department - Online headline/story: "Olympic gold medalist wrestler Tamyra Mensah-Stock: "I love representing the U.S. I freaking love living there," the Olympic gold medalist said before pumping her fist, smiling, and pulling the stars and stripes tighter to her body." -- Yes! Just think.. NBC COULD have shown more like Tamyra Mensay-Stock.. but decided to highlight loses like Megan Rapinoe amd Gwen Berry... and NBC has paid the price! Hey, NBC.. you've been measured.. and found wanting and inadequate!

Online headline: "Impeachment witness Vindman: If Trump had been removed, 600,000 Americans wouldn't have died of COVID" -- Good grief! Whatta dumbo! If Hellary had been elected, the US deaths would probably been twice as many! In fact.. MSM would have had to address the fact that Obama/Biden left the "pandemic closet" empty of ventilators and PP Gear! To boot, there would probably not have been any vaccines today!

What a great evening in our City.. This was "National Night Out" in our neighborhood!

WTVM-TV9 story: "COLUMBUS, Ga. (WTVM) - The public has the chance to let Columbus city leaders know how they’d like to see funds from the American Rescue Plan Act used." -- " It seems rather insincere that Columbus Council wants public input (they ain't gonna listen) on how to SPEND $78 MILLION federal dollars sent to it in an attempt by Democrats to seem sympathetic (Sympathetic is about as close as Democrats can get.. but what they really are is PATHETIC) .. OK, Council.. Hmmm.. In a few of words... efficiently... thoughtfully... practically... for maintenance and repairs to public assets.... ... how about using it to: reduce property taxes.. give Police Officers raises and recruit the necessary new police officers to adequately protect our community.. to repair existing public buildings (assets), to fix our garbage trucks.. resurface streets... and fully open our courts and jails so criminals can be processed better...

With governors and mayors initiating new vaccination IDs mandates, you bet a new home industry of fake vaccination IDs will roar to life.

Online headline: "Elizabeth Warren: Abortion is 'about the functioning of our democracy'" -- How SICK! The fact that Warren's mother didn't exercise this option is proof positive Elizabeth Warren has no voice in this matter! And this is not a legislative.. nor court issue.. it's an issue between women/couples with God...

Online headline: "Parents should wear masks at home to protect young kids, NIH director suggests" -- Good grief! Prophetess Rochelle is pathetic.. wonder if she kisses and sleeps with her partner while wearing a mask?

Why are the Socialist-Democrats so concerned about government created jobs being seemingly reserved for unions? Shouldn't all Americans be treated equally? I bring this up because the White House "handlers" spokesperson Jen Psaki's intentional reference to a new passenger train system providing "union jobs" rather than just "jobs" available to all qualified Americans.

Oh! do American unions REQUIRE members to be American citizens?

Online headline: "Leo Terrell rips liberal 'View' hosts for blaming VP's unpopularity on racism: 'Conclusion without any facts'" -- Good grief! Behar has an excuse for everything.. but reality! She expects high ratings but between a loser hostess and a loser guest.. she lucky that ratings are above ZERO!

Online headline: "Pentagon entered lockdown due to 'shooting event' outside building near Metro station, scene now secure" -- I gotta ask.. Are Pentagon military employees stripped of their weapons at work? Remember how the Muslim officer shot up Pensacola Air Base a few years ago and we found out Clinton had stripped military personnel of weaponry while on base?

Online headline/story: "Mexico bars US from returning many migrant families, threatening to make border crisis worse * The decision to prohibit a great number of non-Mexican migrant families from returning to Mexico is expected to force Border Patrol to release more people into the U.S. because it lacks space at existing facilities to hold the thousands coming into custody daily." -- "a great number of non-Mexican migrant families from returning to Mexico is expected to force Border Patrol to release more people into the U.S."? Wait a minute.. how did those "non-Mexican migrant families" get into MEXICO to begin with! Those are all Mexico's problem! Oh.. and there are no "migrant" families involved.. they are "illegal alien families"!

This should be valuable to all American patriots... Online headline: "It's the Law: What to do during a traffic stop if you own a firearm" Read the story -

Whatta great moment in Columbus, GA history! Online headline: "Inaugural classes start next week at Mercer Univ. School of Medicine in Columbus"

I cannot believe what I just read..... some unknown doctor said JoKKKe Biden's current "plan" for addressing Covid-19 is the "only logical" approach out there. Good grief! How "logical" was JoKKKe Biden's original Covid-19 plan... how logical was his plan to stop the Keystone XL Pipeline, shut down federal land fracking, eliminate our oil independence, and then support Germany's pipeline project with logical was his plan to stop the border wall construction and appointing VP Chuckles Harris as Border Czar... hmmm... how logical is it to believe anything JoKKKe Biden says is good for America's future?

Whatta great joy this morning! Golden Donuts on the table... and in my tummy!

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