Friday, September 27, 2024

 Another Kama-LIAR “weird salad” sprang out of nowhere yesterday…Kama-LIAR’s use of “holistic”  (3 times in 14 seconds) in a softball interview reminded me of how I was taught to do as a child when learning new vocabulary words.. I was taught to say it and use it in sentences 3 times as I “stored” it in my brain’s “dictionary”. I’d be interested in knowing if there are any videos or recordings that demonstrate that she’s ever used “holistic” before in her life! I’d also be interested if she even KNOWS the definition of the word, and whether she thought of it or was reading it off a Teleprompter…

Wow! Did you see the heroic rescue by the Fox News reporter on Northside Drive in Atlanta this morning! While talking with the Fox and Friends anchors, the reporter noticed a car behind him that was stalled in the flash flood waters and called the emergency in. But as he talked, the water kept rising until it reached window height, and the reporter looked again, and said, “I’ve got to do something”, then ditched his microphone and waded to the car and got the woman out and brought her to safety! Bet that woman was glad it was a Fox reporter rather than a CNN one.. the CNN reporter would probably have put in a call to Kama-LIAR to see if she could come down after the storm left and pose for a photo-op with the now dead woman in the car and blamed Trump!

Columbus, GA was blessed that the hurricane that had been predicted to come close to us  even late yesterday afternoon, suddenly changed course once it got on land, and ended up going 25 miles east of Macon!

Online headline: “US highway program's use of race, gender in contracting is unlawful, judge says” – Thank goodness! Maybe our new roads can be built better so potholes don’t appear so fast!

So the FBI &  DOJ is after NYC Mayor Adams... After watching the FBI & DOJ conspire to take down Trump for the past 8 years, you have to be leary of their motive.. but who do we have we can trust to scrutinize the FBI & DOJ?

Wow! The NYC situation revolving around current Mayor Adams is heading down a dark rabbit hole! It seems Gov Hochul is the person who can remove NYC's Mayor and would be required to replace him with the NYC Public Advocate..... In this case Jumanne  Williams, a self described Socialist-Democrat community activist, closely connected with AOC, who won a Special Election to replace now District Attorney Letitia James of the absurd ongoing  Trump  persecution.  You can bet this is to politically help Kama-LIAR.

Wonder when MSM is going to parse Kama-LIAR's $6,000 first year childcare deduction and $25,000 first-time home buyers' "gift"? The "childcare" deduction will be just for new babies, not previous or already born babies/children, and $25,000 for a first-time home buyer will only be enough down payment for a $125,000 home for most buyers, and what can you really find for $125,000?

Online headline: “Father surprises son with a new Dodge Challenger for his 16th Birthday” -- Good grief! That's like putting a new AK-47 in the hands of a HamASS teen and sending him to a concert in Israel!

Here's a better way to put Mark the Cuban under oath when he says he endorses Kama-LIAR: Put her on "Shark Tank" to sell her financial policies…. then see if Mark the Cuban says, "I'm in" or "I'm out!".

Online headline: “Harris solution for communities 'at capacity' from illegal immigration includes amnesty” --  Hmmm...and how does "fake amnesty" make the  solution go away. She'd get better results telling the Americans in Ohio to start speaking Haitian exclusively..

Online headline: “Kamala Harris Scores Surprise Endorsement From Ex-Commander of U.S. Forces in Afghanistan” --  Good grief!  What good is the endorsement for Kama-LIAR  being qualified as a Commander-in-Chief by a former failed Military leader? Based on how disastrous the Biden/Harris departure from Afghaistan was, McChrystal should be Court Martialed from his pension!

Online headline: “Port workers from Maine to Texas are set to strike Tuesday. Expect shortages and higher prices” --  Why isn't Resident Biden stepping up to the plate and stopping such a strike? Remember when President Reagan put a stop to the Air Traffic Controllers' strike!

Online headline: “Biden, Harris throw out ultimatum pitting Second Amendment against gun violence prevention” --  Hmmm... now here's an idea that will test Kama-LIAR and JoKKKe's commitment to their desire for gun control... they should demand their voters  turn in all their guns before they can cast their ballots for Kama-LIAR!

Online headline/story: “Lawmakers urge White House to grant Guatemalans protective status *  Democrat Virginia Representative Gerry Connolly and Rep. Lou Correa, D-Calif., are leading nearly 60 members of Congress who cite climate change and violence in Guatemala in providing “temporary humanitarian protections” through the programs.” --
Wait a minute! First, there are no Republicans so they can’t say “bi-partisan group”, but there are also more than 150 Democrats that are NOT SIGNING ON! Of course, aren't the illegal aliens from Guatamala the ones Kama-LIAR visited and told them, "Don't come."? Of course she told them that "in English", so I doubt they even knew what she said ..

Online headline: “Oklahoma Judge: Men can be women” --  How ironic... said Judge's name is ..and I'm not kidding.. Jeff Virgin! I'd reconsider my opinion under this circumstance: The "she-it" and Judge Virgin travel to Minnesota, get free Walz tampons from a high school boys' bathroom, and insert one each in their existing "plumbing" until only the string hangs out!

Online headline: “Atlanta Falcons Are Taking Heat Over Their Controversial New Logo That Is Going To Offend A Lot Of People” --  You know, if the Atlanta Falcons' management wants to change its image, maybe it should concentrate on building a SuperBowl winning powerhouse team rather than creating a new logo that looks like an inverted "L".

Online “headLIE”: “NYC mayor's indictment shatters MAGA narrative of Democrats 'weaponizing' DOJ: analyst” – Nice try.. but.. Not hardly! It's still weaponized.. only this time to divert attention from Trump's court appeals that look like will be embarrassing to DA James, judge ImaMoron, and Governor Hokum.

Online headline: “Rashida Tlaib calls on Antony Blinken ‘to resign now’” -- Dang! Who'da ever thought Tlaib would agree with anything I ever said or thought! It's just taken her way longer to get to this point.

Online story: "We do have a broken immigration system," Kama-LIAR Harris said Wednesday in an interview with MSNBC  (with Stephanie "she doesn't have to be perfect, she's running against Trump" Ruhle). "And it needs to be fixed." -- Hmmm... and this comes from the Border Tsar how broke it and she’s denied it being broken for almost 4 years ..

Online headline: “Billionaire Mark Cuban says he would be interested in buying Twitter/X and Fox News if it ever went up for sale” -- Mark the Cuban reminds me of the girl in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory who turned into a blueberry ... wanting something RIGHT NOW.. but can't afford it .

Online headline: “Kamala Harris calls for eliminating the Senate filibuster to restore "reproductive freedom" --  Hmmm ..Kama-LIAR  just wants to turn the US Senate into a 51 wolves/49 sheep Socialist situation so she can eat lamb.

Online headline: “Exclusive: Ro Khanna Proposes Capping Childcare at $10 a Day” --  Good grief! Think about how many teen babysitters and private daycare centers that would go out of business!

Online headline: “U.S. Naval Academy Wants To Keep Race As An Admissions Factor To Ensure Diversity In Military” -- Hmmm...I'll bet any Admiral would rather have the "best" overall builders construct the ship he commands rather than a ship built by DEI.

Online headline: “Harris offers more detail on her price-gouging ban” -- Since when is producing a very desired  product the public demands and making a profit a "gouging" system! Basically, such items create competition real quick at lower price points!

Online headline: “Black political firms 'frustrated' Harris campaign isn't investing in minority businesses: 'Pretty insulting'” --  Hmmm… The Black political firms leaders ought to be thankful she's not trying to "help" them… their market credibility will INCREASE in the future!

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