Thursday, September 19, 2024


From the “Oh, my God!” department - Online headline/story: “George Soros pours $250,000 into the Global Disinformation * The records show the Soros-backed Foundation to Promote Open Society, a major grantmaking organization, sent $250,000 in 2023 to Disinformation Index, Inc., the American outpost of the Global Disinformation Index. That British group, which received $150,000 from Soros along with funding from the  U.S. State Department, has faced “censorship” scrutiny from Congress ever since a series of Washington Examiner reports shed light on its efforts to defund news outlets in the U.S.” –  Good grief! An OPEN.. an INTENTIONAL.. effort to “defund (Conservative) news outlets in the U.S.:… This is not just “foreign election interference”, it’s treason by the Democratic Party and our own Secretary of State Blinken, and the Biden-Harris Oval Office! You must read this complete article! Link below!


Online headline: “Columbus GA Clingstones GM talks tickets, merchandise and more at Kiwanis meeting” --  Good grief!  I'm surprised that this story didn't get "killed" from being published.. I've seen more enthusiasm at a tragic funeral!

Earlier, I noted I thought that the new “Clingstones” emblem looked like a “topless girls softball player”, but my very special partner/resource noted, it also looks like “Humpty Dumpty”, too..  Hmmm… Didn’t Humpty have a great fall….


Online headline: “Former GA House candidate (James Frank Austin, Jr of Macon) Misused $2 million in COVID aid to 'enrich themselves' and buy a Bentley, prosecutors say” --  A true DEMOCRAT! What the story doesn't "tell us" is that he got disqualified to run in 2016, and trounced in 2018!


I’ve waited until today to mention the ingenious Israeli ploy of rigging Hezbollah “pagers” to explode on signal because I felt “the other shoe hadn’t dropped yet”.. I was right… yesterday Hezbollah “walkie-talkies” did he same! Pretty soon, Hezbollah terrorists will be afraid to start their cars, use their Microwave Ovens, ring a doorbell, or sign-in on their computers! Go get’em Netanyahu! No wonder US Democrats aren’t supporting Israel!


Online headine: “AOC Criticizes Pager Blasts Targeting Hezbollah Members, Seeks 'Full Accounting' of the Attack” – Hey, AOC… you’ll get a full accounting of everything once Israel is finished..


Online headline: “Biden to travel to Berlin” -- Hmmmm....wonder if he thinks he's going on a playdate with Irving?Online headline: “U.N. adopts resolution calling for Israel to withdraw to pre-1967 borders “ -- Hmmm...let's deport the UN offices to Gaza!...And send them a bill for back rent and parking tickets!


Online headline: “Teamsters union declines to endorse in presidential election, breaking decades of precedent” –Hmmm... The Teamsters have decided not to endorse Kama-LIAR Harris... They worded it so the announcement just said the union bosses weren't going to endorse either candidate, but they weren't going to endorse Trump anyway DESPITE that the union workers polled almost 2-to-1 FOR Trump.  The union workers need to vote for better leaders. You know… by NOT ENDORSING DEMOCRAT Kama-LIAR, the bosses, in effect, endorsed Trump.



Online headline/story: “Harris supported gov’t entering gun owners’ homes to inspect firearms * Harris’ comments came during a press conference in May of 2007 while introducing the legislation that the vice president helped draft. * Harris said, “We’re going to require responsible behaviors among everybody in the community, and just because you legally possess a gun in the sanctity of your locked home doesn’t mean that we’re not going to walk into that home and check to see if you’re being responsible and safe in the way you conduct your affairs.” -- Sounds like a huge violation of unlawful searches protected against by our 4th Amendment! Hmmm… are there any Amendments of the first ten that Kama-LIAR agrees with?


About that suit that Kama-LIAR wears in a host of colors… it  fits  her like a coat a dad would drape around his daughter's shoulders to keep her warm because he felt a cool breeze. It also reminds me of the “suits” worn by Xi Jinping and Kim Jong Un… hmmm.. isn’t Kama-LIAR’s father an avowed Marxist ….



I saw a story about Democrats in GA  sending out "voting packages" that contained water, snacks and a mask that their voters could take with them to sustain them if they have a long line & waiting situation... The water and snack (hope they checked the expiration dates) are fine,  but it concerns me about the mask.. I have a feeling the masks is just an attempt to make it harder for Election Officials to match up faces to voters' PHOTO ID cards.



Oh…. IF… if Kama-LIAR should win, I hope she goes after Ticketmaster and scalpers for their “gouging” prices on sports and concert tickets!



Like  Hellary,  Kama-LIAR loves pearl necklaces, too.. Guess they both look at the government Treasury Department as their personal  “oyster”.

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