Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Good Grief! Now we know how Synovus is going to pay for the renaming rights of Golden Park! If you bank with Synovus, look to the bottom of your monthly bank statement… it says, “Service Charge – Paper Stmt (Statement) Fee  $2.00” … unless of course you access it via your home computer or phone…  You know, no company can guarantee they can protect their own records from hackers or the damage hackers can create with so much financial information, but think about how vulnerable the average home computer is! You know…. It’s sorta ironic that Synovus has affiliated itself with the Columbus, GA Clingstones.. now Synovus can advertise itself as “The Official Bank of the Pits”.

Online headline: “Fans Demand LGBTQ+ Representation as Disney Faces Calls for Lesbian or Transgender Princess” – First, I’ll be that Disney has MORE FANS that disagree with this…secondly, if Disney kowtows to this, then Disney definitely needs to change its name to match its future, "Welcome to DISMAL Land"!

Online headline: “Jon Stewart condemns the US and Israel's “wanton rocketing” Middle East war policies” -- Well, Jon, how about going to HamASS today and marching out with all the remaining hostages! Then . and only then, should you offer your opinion!

I should be able to say this is “UNBELIEVABLE”.. but I can’t… The DOJ has actually released THE COPY of a letter they found in would be Trump assassin Number 2, Ryan Routh’s house in Hawaii where he offers a reward of $150,000.00 to anyone that “finishes the job” if he (Routh) fails in his attempt to assassinate Trump! This can only be deciphered as a challenge by the JoKKKe-Kama-LIAR campaign to entice another attempt by another sicko! Charges should be made for Biden, Kama_LIAR Harris, AG Garland, Sec of DHS Mayorkas, former USSS Director Cheatle and Acting USSS Director Rowe for an assassination conspiracy!

Online “headLIE”: “Oregon mistakenly registered nearly 1,260 possible noncitizens to vote, DMV admits””? Sure.. right!

Online headline/story: “Kamala Harris Tells Wisconsin Radio Station She Wants to ‘Eliminate The Filibuster For Roe’ * During a Tuesday morning radio show in Wisconsin, Vice President Kamala Harris made clear that she supports ending the Senate filibuster in order to restore federal abortion rights stripped by the overturning of Roe v. Wade. – Looks like she’s already trying to “rein in media” to OBEY HER as she’s previously stated! “Federal abortion rights” weren’t stripped.. The right was RETURNED to the individual states pursuant to Constitutional States’ Rights guaranteed by the 10th Amendment which were usurped wrongly by the 1973 US Supreme Court!

Online headline: “Augusta leaders vote to hire new city administrator” --  Hmmm ...sounds like a possible solution for Columbus GA's External Audit Results and the three department executives under investigation!

Online headline: “Opinion: Dershowitz: Israel’s pager attack was legal under the laws of war” --  Hmmm… legal-smeagle?... what it was… well.. was BRILLIANT!

Online headline: “Jussie Smollett Reclaims Spotlight Just Days After Appeal, Says Ancestors Are ‘Guiding’ Him Through Legal Battle” -- Hmmm  lock this guy up in a mental ward and hide the key for a few years!

Online headline: “Opinion: The Electoral College endangers the republic, but don’t blame the Framers --
Yeah! Blame the Democratic Party! The Dems have been trying to rig the Electoral Vote for the past 35+ years by loading in illegal aliens to states so more Congressional Districts get created in Blue States… CA alone has 8 more Congressional Districts since 1988!

Online headline: “Judge's Ruling Sparks Debate: Indiana Inmate to Receive Taxpayer-Funded Gender-Affirming Surgery” --  This stuff happens only when Democrats call the shots on Federal judges.. one of Clinton’s in this case! Vote Trump and the Republicans down ballot!

Online “headLIE”: “Big News! Crime is down in the US! Murder rates dropped 11.6% – the largest drop in 20 years!” --  Seriously... who believes anything that comes from the Washington FBI.... especially when reported by MSNBC!

We heard a lot of words come out of Biden's mouth in his last recitation to the UN. Unfortunately, they were words read from a Teleprompter, not words from his heart...

At the UN, Resident Biden bragged about how Vietnam is now "our friend" since 'the war" ended... Well, Vietnam today is not what Vietnam was during the war years. We supported South Viet Nam versus the China/Russia supported and influenced North Viet Nam. Today, Vietnam is 100% a Communist governed country.. and still supported and influenced by China. If world conditions change, Vietnam will not side with us.

Biden's main point in his recitation  at the UN was to reinforce his dedication to reduce polluting emissions by 2030... the silent reception by other countries was "deafeningly silent".

Resident Biden is 81 years old .. that's 4 years older than I am. .. I cannot imagine my grandchildren believing Biden and I are so close in age.

The Wall Street Journal said "it's a much more dangerous world  that Biden inherited"... and the WSJ is totally correct! Biden's INEPTNESS  had emboldened the world's despots to return to the ways they abandoned when Trump was in office.

With the expected drenching for our Columbus GA area by Hurricane Hellene, does the City still plan to have it’s “drive by” dumping of pollutants at the landfill on Saturday morning?

From the “there’s a specific reason why, too!” department – Online headline: “An unburdened Biden embraces more freewheeling public appearances as he advocates for Harris” --  well, Biden knows his legacy  for his family is contingent on Kama-Liar winning and pardoning all his family on January 20th!

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