Wednesday, September 11, 2024

 Let's take a minute to remember the American's who died 23 years ago at the hand Islamic Jihadists like HamASS, ISIS, Taliban, Hezbola, and Houthis


Wow! ABC was even more disappointing than even I anticipated, and before the debate, I could not fathom how disappointing ABC could be. SMH....

Online headline: “Mark Cuban is lauding Kamala Harris for joining him in his big fight to lower prescription drug prices Source: Business Insider” -- Hmmm... ironically, Mark Cuban now IS one of the "pharmacy middlemen" he says needs to be "taken down".... so's Walmart and Walgreen... and our Columbus, GA's own historic Dinglewood Pharmacy..

Looks like Kama-LIAR used her DA skills to cover up her lack of VP/Presidential skills. She avoided answering questions and baited Trump at every opportunity, and ABC did not "push back" on her avoidance or truthfulness. Maybe presidential debate candidates need to be sworn in "to tell the truth, nothing but the truth".

Online headline: “Taylor Swift endorses Kamala Harris in Instagram post after the debate” -- Hmmm...betcha Travis Kelce doesn't endorse Kama-LIAR..

Online headline: “‘Lost an incredible man.’ Patients, colleagues mourn the death of beloved Columbus doctor Source” --  A source close to Dr Goodchild stated that the other driver was an illegal alien..... Media needs to publicly confirm or deny this.

Online headline: “ABC News: Fact-checking Kamala Harris and Donald Trump's 1st presidential debate” – Hmmm… I hardly think ABC should be "Fact Checking" its own production...

Online headline: “Trump: People can't buy cereal, eggs” -- Hmmmm....eggs I paid less than $2.50 a dozen during Trump's term are costing me $6.00 now, even worse are Hostess Donuts... they were under $2.00 then, and yesterday a DIDN'T buy a bag because they recently jumped from $3.79 to $4.99.

Online headline: “Judge Grants Preliminary Injunction Allowing Two Transgender Girls to Participate in Girls’ Sports” -- Why would any judge.. especially a woman judge… feel that boys wanting to play on a girls team is likely to win on its merits! How would the judge feel if she was denied her  job in favor of a man calling himself a woman had been picked instead of her?

Online headline: “Columbus, GA  animal shelter searches for vet amid operational challenges “ -- Hmmmm...and while they are searching for a veterinarian, maybe Columbus Mayor Skippy can search for a new City Manager, too.

Online headline/story: “Peachy keen: Braves AA team unveils new name, logo ahead of move to Columbus, GA” --  Dan Simon, who designed the logo, said "I don't think anyone has done [a uniform] in full peach. I think we will be the first one." -- Whoa! Seems like Dan Simon must not have seen the uniforms of "the Rockford Peaches" in "A League of Their Own".

Online headline: “Feds propose rule requiring redesign of trucks, SUVs after 57% increase in pedestrian deaths Source: New York Post” -- You know, trucks and SUVs have common sense laws to obey, and will get ticketed when they are in violation of them. Vehicle drivers have common sense laws to obey, and will get ticketed when they violate them. Pedestrians also have common sense laws to obey, but seldomly... rarely get ticketed for violating them... Throw in early morning and night time pedestrians who violate common sense laws of jay-walking and walking on the right side of the roads, and wearing dark clothing (without reflective wear), talking on their cellphones, wearing noise-canceling earbuds,  and ignoring the common sense FACT that cars and trucks, regardless of size, are bigger and harder than people, and cars and trucks are going to hurt/kill pedestrians that ignore common sense  laws.

Online headline: “Disney World Under Secret Service Orders: Park to Close Temporarily” -- October the 7th a "coincidence" or is this a HamASS Anniversary Party? Wonder if Palestinian Protesters get discounts?

Online story: “U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Tuesday called for Israeli security forces to make "fundamental changes" to their operations in the West Bank after the killing of American-Turkish activist Ayensur Ezgi Eygi. * "No one -- no one -- should be shot and killed for attending a protest," he said. "No one should have to put their life at risk just for freely expressing their views." – Hmmm… and why doesn’t Blinken feel  the death of American hostages taken from a concert are as… actually MORE.. important! Does Blinken feel it was OK for American citizens to be killed or taken hostage at a music concert?

Online headline: ” Columbus GA  Airport gets $24M to rebuild a runway. How will construction impact flights?” – Hmm.. I thought there was a major runway project last year or the year before…

• Online headline: “More than 210,000 transgender voters could have problems casting ballots in this year’s election” --Wait a minute! The states do not have restrictive laws against transgender people about voting... States have laws that about identifying vote casters as the person who registered to vote, and it's up to the individual voter to show proof that they are the person who legally registered.
Online headline: “CNN’s Erin Burnett Stunned By Kamala Harris’s 2019 Positions — Including on Taxpayer-Funded Gender Transitions for Migrants: ‘She Supported That?!’ – Wow! It’s taken CNN nearly 5 years to read what Kama-LIAR has always been for!

Online headline: “Jeffries slams House GOP’s government funding plan: ‘Unserious and unacceptable” -- How can a Congressperson be against an additional emphasis of registering to vote  when it's already a Constitutional requirement every Congressperson is sworn to protect!


Here's Kama_LIAR's plan for "Not Going Back"

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