Monday, September 2, 2024


Did you see… realize that the Southern Company, a conglomeration of southeastern utility monopolies, was a MAJOR (big bucks) sponsor of the PGA’s “FedEx Cup” tournament at Eastlake Golf Course in Atlanta?  What the H...! Why does the GA Public Service Commission allow The Southern Company, parent of GA, AL, & MS Power (et al) Companies, raise our rates to " "hell & back" so they can sponsor a golf tournament like it’s their money!!

Online headline: “Biden seen soaking up the sun in ongoing two-week vacation: ‘Who’s running the country?” --  "Who's running the country"? What we NEED to know is,  "Who's manning the WAR ROOM!"

Six hostages were found executed in the tunnels under Rafah Friday. If that doesn’t tell you that HamASS has no desire to return the hostages as a “good intentions gesture” to get a peace talk underway, you have to be a Progressive Democrat! Shame on you if you are! Oh!b By the way, one of those 6 hostages was AN AMERICAN… and Biden was sunning on his Delaware beach…

Online headline: “Kamala Harris Faces Awkward Rafah Questions After Israeli Hostage Murders” -- KALAMITY Harris had "studied the tunnel maps" under Rafah... and found Israel's concerns laughable... Can’t you hear her cackle as we speak….

Online headline: “Rep. Schiff on hostages killed: ‘These sons of bitches who did this ought to be hunted down” -- Wow! That's what Netanyahu is doing! Now, if he could just get help from Schi**, Resident Biden, KALAMITY Harris, and the other Progressive Democrats!

Did you hear what Biden said when questioned about what happened at Arlington Cemetery? When asked, Biden said “I don’t want to answer because I may tell you what I think.” Good grief..  we KNEW what he was thinking,,, but he didn’t have it on a Teleprompter to read to the media!

Online headline: “Schiff says Trump ‘flip-flopping’ on abortion: ‘He has no values’” – Hmmm… so says the “man” who can’t define what a woman is, and has no standards other than the DOUBLE STANDARDS he lives by…

Online headline: Judge blocks Ohio ban on foreign nationals, green card holders contributing to ballot campaigns” --  Wait a minute! If it's ILLEGAL for foreign countries to donate and/or influence candidates and elections, why would an illegal alien not be covered by the same rules, laws, regulations!

Online headline: “Arlington tried preventing Trump from attending ceremony with Gold Star families, who invited Trump: Report” -- Yeah... the Democrats knew Biden nor Harris nor “General” Walz wanted to be there.

Online headline: “White House says Biden and Harris weren’t invited to Arlington Cemetery by families of service members killed during Afghanistan withdrawal” -- Good grief! If either had bothered to contact...comfort.. the families...even APOLOGIZE.. to begin with,  they would have been there on their own initiative. Guess we know WHO issued orders to the Arlington Cemetery staff!

You know, the real issue with Arlington National Cemetery is caused by the Left wanting August of 2021's screw up to "disappear" . The Left is so dependent on MSM moving on after two weeks so that voters forget screw ups before the next election comes up. The DNC, Biden, Harris, and Schumer did not want MSM's presence at Arlington because none of them wanted the public being reminded of their indifference to our soldiers...  especially Mothers and Wives seeing the grief of military families.

Great example: Online headline: “ Online headline: “Your administration killed my son” - Father of Lance Corporal Kareem M. Nikoui who was killed at Abbey Gate SLAMS Biden-Harris. This is the same father who Biden had arrested during the State of the Union.

Unbelievable! The DNC & MSM are trying to make Trump look insensitive about caring for American soldiers killed in a combat zone... hmmm... you know, one of the reasons God intervened at the assassination attempt on Trump's life was so Trump could actually be in Arlington giving much needed comfort to the families of soldiers killed by the incompetence of Biden... The DNC $ MSM knew Biden nor Harris would show their faces and bring their incompetence and indifference back into the media spotlight! Ironically, this is what has happened anyway!

One indelible fact is that KALAMITY Harris is a pathological liar!  There's no way JoKKKe Biden or the DNC would have picked Harris as Biden's 2020 running mate, nor as his 2024  mid-stream replacement if she actually meant that her new campaign policies messages were the truth.

So.. US Secret Service agents have been leaving which has caused the "shortage".. Hmmm..."defund the police" wasn't enough, so the Harris-Biden Administration "defunded the political opponents protection agents"... Interesting since they are trying to FUND 87,000 IRS agents to "defund taxpayers' bank accounts".

Well, "General" Walz previously avowed he carried dangerous weapons in a WAR zone, but during "the interview", tried to convince CNN that it was, as suggested by his wife, just a matter of "grammar"... hmmmm .... and when "General" Walz finds out no one believes that, next he'll come back and CNN 'mis-heard' him.. he'll claim he didn't say 'grammar', but was repeating what his  "Grandma" believed..

Online “headLIE”: “Tim Walz Blames Grammar, Passion For Falsely Claiming he Fought in Combat” --hmmm.. and if “bad grammar” that doesn't work, he'll start blaming his "bad grandma".

Online headline/story: “Erwin Chemerinsky on the need for a new US constitution: ‘Our democracy is at grave risk’ * Among progressive scholars of the US constitution, Erwin Chemerinsky, dean of Berkeley Law, is widely considered pre-eminent * Less than a hundred days from a presidential election which could see the return of Donald Trump , a candidate widely held to threaten cherished freedoms, Chemerinsky says: “I see an American government that is increasingly dysfunctional and that has lost the confidence of the people, in a society that is increasingly politically polarised. I worry greatly for the future of American democracy.” --  Good grief! The fact that he’s the “Dean of Berkeley Law” (versus teaching US Constitutional Law) makes him even further to the LEFT than AOC, Ihan Omar, and KALMITY Harris. For him to be considered “Pre-Eminent” in that crowd would be like stripping  the  title of “Father of Communism” from Karl Marx. Even sadder is his condemnation of what Trump KNOWS are US citizens’  “cherished freedoms”!

Online headline: “Former Commerce secretary warns Trump against being too ‘strong’ in debating Harris” --  Hmmm...Bet he'd tell LeBron not to win by the point spread, too!..Oh... but I'll bet, too, Wilbur Ross wouldn't tell tranny Lia what's-his-name not to beat real women swimmers too bad.

Online headline: “Fact Check: Yes, Photos Do Show Trump with Daughter Ivanka Sitting on His Lap” -- Democrats are sick! They feel loving fathers and daughters should be estranged, but Democrats have no problem with their presidents having sex with someone else's daughter like Clinton, or sniffing other people’s young daughters like Biden.

Online headline: “Arizona mom arrested for criticizing officials at public meeting sues for rights violation” --Wow! This is the type of "democracy" Democrats want America to become!

Online headline: “Schiff reacts to Harris interview: ‘Well, I favor banning fracking” --  You know, this is backasswards! When you are the Vice President, your opinion should be the one all voters should get to know BEFORE they vote... not one that changes depending on who you're talking to about getting a donation or their vote!

Online headline: “Biden ‘not aware’ son sought Obama administration’s help for Burisma: White House” --  "Not aware"? Yeah… Right! Or is it he just doesn't remember...and now we have to figure out whether the "lapse" is just "convenient" or "dementia based"!

Online headline: “Tim Walz’s brother donated to Trump in 2016. Now he’s ‘100% opposed’ to his sibling’s political ideology” --  Hmmm...Ooops! How did this get into the news..

Online headline: “MSNBC host rages after seeing polls showing Trump leading, calls Electoral College a ‘suicide pact’” --  More liberal WHINING... Two states have changed their Electoral College (EC) votes being cast by popular votes in each Congressional Districts... and Democrats do not want that because they wouldn't get near enough EC votes from their Districts that are packed in/around Major BLUE CITIES. A good example is California. California has 55 Electoral College votes but 11 of its Congressional Districts went for Trump.. Why this is significant is that he 11 Districts that voted for Trump (but their vote went to Biden) is that there are 37 states (plus Washington, D.C.) that have 11 or less Congressional Districts.. which means the enough voters to carry any of 37 other states had no say in the National Election…

Online headline: “Harris campaign accuses Trump of ‘flip-flopping’ on policy issues” -- KALAMITY Harris is trying to claim another of Trump's policies is actually hers! Yeah… Right!

Online headline: ‘Harris tells African church conference 'we are not going back' as its leaders voted to ban gay marriage” -- Hmmm...yet Harris's Socialist-Democrat Party wants to "go back" to enslavement...

Online headline: “Iran’s president says his country needs more than $100 billion in foreign investment” -- Only $100 Billion? ... That’s mere pocket change to Biden-Harris! Hmmm... We need to remove Biden & Harris from their President & VP jobs RIGHT NOW.. Otherwise, he might propose being the "investor" by writing  the "Insanity Promotion Act" and Harris would be the Senate's "tie breaking vote".

Online “story”: “At a trio of spots in rural Georgia, including Bartow County, the state’s largest utility is boring holes thousands of feet into the Earth’s crust. * The purpose isn’t to suck up water or to hunt for rare minerals. Instead, Georgia Power is testing to see if the rocks as much as 2 miles down might be a suitable place to store carbon dioxide produced by its oil- and gas-fired power plants, instead of allowing the heat-trapping gas to escape into the atmosphere.” --
Boy! If you believe this. I have a nuclear plant site in the Okefenokee Swamp I want to sell you! Based on our power bill rates of GA Power CO, I imagine the executives want to bury their internal memos of collusion to get their stories “in line” that they told the Public Service Commission were expenses that warranted another rate hike!

Online headline: “Deadline passes for FBI to hand over documents related to Tim Walz's alleged 'long standing' China connection” – Missing deadline concerning Democrat politics seems to be what the current BI does best! Hmmm … I’m gonna bet that the “working title” for both FBI Director Wray’s and AG Garland are the same, “How did I con you, let me count the ways!”

Why are the Democrats “allowing” Biden to expound on KALAMITY Harris always
“being in the room” and participating in the foreign policy decisions? There’s not one current foreign policy that seems to be working FOR America!

Think about this... how do we trust the nuclear launch codes to a person who praised the ability of the current president a few days before he admitted he wasn't capable to continue? Oh, and how does any one accept that this President's ENDORSEMENT of a successor as being good for our country?

Even though it's not really totally  comforting, it is about time that CNN  has started "Fact Checking" KALAMITY Harris and other Democrats.

Online headline: “Bill Maher mocks flip flops from Harris and Walz in CNN interview: ‘Just insulting my intelligence” -- Hmmm... Maher really may not have any bragging rights about the level of intelligence he felt was  “insulting” to his... especially if he still plans to vote for them..

Online headline: “Pelosi praises CA bill giving illegal migrants money to buy homes: 'American dream' 'available to more people” -- $150,000.00 each! And of course Queen PeLOUSY “is for it” because she knows California doesn’t have the money but she can vote for a bill that will have RED state taxpayers pay for it! Queen PeLOUSY just keeps on destroying America for American citizens!

Hmmm… What kinda VP  has KALAMITY Harris picked? Wonder if she’s worried he might resign if she deploys him to a potential battleground state?

Online headline: “Alabama Woman charged with beheading man  with chainsaw” – First question: “Are/were they American citizens?”

By now, I'm sure you've seen videos of the Venezuela gangs terrorizing several apartment complexes in Aurora, CA..  Democrat Gov Jared Polis poo-pooed the Aurora , CO Mayor Mike Coffman's  concerns as "local imagination"...Maybe Gov Polis is still imagining he's still got a shot at KALAMITY Harris's running mate when Walz Walkz.

Online headline: “Migrant gang taking over Colorado apartment complex ‘not an isolated occurrence,' former resident says” -- hmmm...and the Democrat Governor, Jared Polis, says "Nothing to see here…..move along!".

While the Phillies DID NOT DESERVE to win the series opener on Thursday, the Phillies definitely DESERVED to lose Friday night. They wore disgusting uniforms! It looked like they stole them from the MIAMI DOLPHINS football team! Braves losses on Saturday and Sunday were… at best… daunting..

Think about this... The DNC has basically told KALAMITY Harris she cannot win on her policies so just smile, say as little as possible, and we can get you elected... Whatta downer for women. You know.. it’s no longer a “glass ceiling” issue.. it’s a continuing “JackASS Issue”..

Online headline: “RFK Jr.: Here’s What My Family Really Says To Me About Trump” -- I'm curious.. do any of RFK,Jr's family believe today's Democratic Party is anywhere close.. similar... to the Democratic Party that elected John F. Kennedy?

Online headline: “15 Islamic State group fighters dead, at least 6 U.S. soldiers injured in raid on terror group in Iraq” --  Hmm.. and who was in the WAR ROOM? Wonder if "General" Walz would have "retired"…as VP… weeks before being deployed for this?

Online headline: “Trump once received a letter from Oprah saying they’d make a great political team”“ -- Says Taija Perrycook of SNOPES: "Ultimately, we rated this claim true because Winfrey herself also confirmed she wrote the letter"? Wow! This really must been hard for SNOPES to swallow... and actually "confirm" it. Usually, SNOPES decides what the truth is by what SNOPES wants the truth to be.

Online headline: “Harris camp hires activist reverend who claims Christianity has been 'hijacked' by White supremacy” -- "Christianity has been hijacked"? Has KALAMITY Harris found her a disciple of Reverend Jeremiah "God d*** America" Wright? Sounds to me Harris has booked the devil to sell her message. Remember this name: liberal activist the Rev. Jennifer Butler to be Harris’ new head of faith outreach! Oh.. Her name should be easy to remember.. it’s the same as Butler, PA where Divine presence thwarted the Devil!

Online headline: “California passes bill banning 6 chemicals linked to behavioral issues in kids” --Hmmm....California is banning food colorings, but not criminal illegal aliens.. Somethings .. well.. a lot of screwy things… are always going on in California..

Online headline: “Maryland Governor Wes Moore Apologizes for Falsely Claiming Bronze Star in 2006” -- Guess "stolen valor" for Democrat politicians is just as acceptable as "stolen elections"… hmmm… wonder if “general” Tim Walz and “General” Wes Moore got together to coordinate their lies?

Good grief! During the "interview" this past Thursday, I was stunned at the sustained look of awe KALAMITY Harris gazing upward into Walz's face as he dodged answering the "question" concerning his lies about being a WAR participator.. Harris looked like a Jr High school girl crushing on her male teacher.

Have you listened.. actually listened to those "Farmer's Dog" commercials?. We hear, "Looks like food, smells like food".... but we don't hear "Tastes like food ...

Well, Monday’s Weekend Updates are longer so here’s some prophetic humor to end with.  Columbus GA Council and Mayor spent $97,000.00 on this exhilarating slogan:
“We Do Amazing”.. Somehow, it’s not translating well to actual City doings as noted on the right side of Columbus, GA website page:

Nothing to see here... yet! . Hmmm... maybe we can get a refund for the slogan costs!

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