Monday, September 23, 2024

Online headline: “Ohio Haitian community leader argues ‘America should be an open country for everybody’” – Yeah… right! Anyone seen his paid ticket for admission into America!

Online headline: “Popular vacation destinations on alert after hazardous materials wash ashore” -- Hmmm... Needles and such washing ashore on Delaware beach....hmmm.. how close to the Biden's enclave? When was Hunter last there?

Online headline/story: “Kamala Harris plans to skip historic Al Smith dinner despite long-standing tradition * "We are disappointed that she will not be with us, as this is an evening of unity" --  Hmm ... and wasn't the 2020 Biden-Harris campaign based on bringing 'unity" to our country? Another Kama-LIAR broken promise ..and JOB FAILURE! Hmmm.. and now she’s disassociating herself with Catholics like she’s done with the Jewish Community…

Kama-LIAR, more or less, basically says to judge her by what she's done ..or not done, rather than whatever she's ever said... Hmmm .. I think America will do just that .. decide whether to vote on what she has done AND what she hasn't done... and what she has done is lie about what she hadn't done as VP or will do as President..

It's taken 41 years, but Netanyahu has had the Hezbollah terrorist who led the killing of 241 U S military personnel in Lebanon and 15 other terrorists blown away! Go ISRAEL!

Online headline: “Golloria Announces Social Break: “Black Women Deserve to Be Treated with Dignity” -- it's, "Black Women Deserve to be treated with dignity"... Hmmm... Sounds like Kama-LIAR's claim to be a unifier no longer includes all women....

Online headline: “White House Slams Kennedy For Accusing Muslim Witness at Anti-Hate Hearing of Supporting Terrorism” --  Hey, stating you're anti-Israel pretty much says you ARE pro-HamASS/Hezbollah!

Pay no... ZERO...attention to polls based on "popular vote"...what the MSM won't "mention' is that of Biden's 7,000,000 more popular votes, 5,000,000 were in California... and combined with NY, the overall  7,000,000 popular vote margin was eliminated..

Online headline: “Harris’ critics sound off after VP is endorsed by IRS-affiliated union: ‘Get ready to be taxed to death'” --  The IRS Union head’s endorsement should be a huge violation of the Hatch Act! No government employee should ... either publicly  or by internal communications...  be able to endorse one's boss!

Remember those $5.00 Li'l Caesar pizzas? They are still available... but now are $8.99... thanks for signing that Inflation Reduction Act, Kama-LIAR.. .NOT!!!

Online headline: “AOC: "We're going to have to figure out how we rein in the media" to obey us” -- "we're going to have to figure out how we rein in the media to obey us"? Good grief! Proof of the Democratic Party agenda is to eliminate government "of the people, by the people, and for the people" by eliminating  the 1st and 2nd Amendments.

Online headline: “Hillary Clinton celebrates decades of marriage to Bill after being ‘deeply hurt’: 'We just have a good time” -- Hellary writing a "memoir" is, at best, a fraudulent joke if you are looking for the truth . Truth, to her, is what she wants you to see and believe ... and will make her the victim..

Online headline: “Warnock ‘very concerned’ about Georgia elections board ruling requiring hand-counting of ballots“ --  Hmmm... and the 10 Commandments as "preached" by SINator Pastor Warnock are a bigger concern to Georgians.

Online headline: “Former CIA Director Leon Panetta Calls Israel’s Pager Explosion Operation ‘Terrorism’” -- Hey, Pancetta...I call the Islamic assault on American troops in Beirut on October 23, 1983 terrorism!  I call the Islamic assault on September 11, 2001 terrorism! I call Hamass's October 7, 2023 assault on a music concert in Israel terrorism!  I call Israel's pager and radio attacks a justified and smart and effective response! And Panetta, I call your response "petty jealousy" because you didn't think of it!

Online headline/story: “Portland Public Schools bars teachers from ‘personal or political’ classroom displays amid anti-Israel clash * “Content on classroom walls, bulletin boards or otherwise displayed in the classroom must be related to the curriculum or district sponsored pursuant to [the district’s academic freedom policy],” the rule says. “Those spaces cannot be used for an employee’s personal expression whether that is related to a political or personal issue.” * The spokesperson confirmed that the new guidance does not bar teachers from displaying pro-LGBTQ or pro-Black Lives materials in the classroom.” -- Excuse me, but since when hasn't policy about LGBTQ+ and BLM NOT BEEN POLITICAL! Especially if you are a gay or lesbian or Black and want to live a normal life?

Online headline: Secret Service Agent ‘Expected to Survive’ After Accidentally Shooting Himself During Saturday Night ‘Negligent Discharge” --  Hmmm....Was the agent's name Barney Fife, Jr?

Online headline: “White Sox lose 120th game to tie post-1900 record by the 1962 expansion New York Mets“ --  Hmmm... bet "the" White Sox fan that’s still attending is feeling a much  "Bigger Hurt" than when the "Big Hurt" was making him dream BIG! Shout out to Columbus, GA's own Frank Thomas .. who was the "Big Peach Little Leaguer", the "Big Blue Devil, and the "Big War Eagle" before moving to Chicago!

Online headline: “Oprah says that the racist older generation have to expire in order for racism to go away” – Octogenariocide!  What a racist statement by 70 year old Oprah!

Online headline: “The White House held its first cabinet meeting in 11 months. Jill Biden sat at the head of the table. Joe Biden was MIA. Why?” --  Good grief! JoKKKe Biden has been "MIA" since "Day 1"!

Online headline: “California governor signs law banning all plastic shopping bags at grocery stores” -Hmmm.... Guess Gov Newsom should put one of those paper bags over his head the next time he goes to a grocery store.. and he wants to make sure grocery store shoppers don't have a plastic bag to shove over his head!

Online headline: “Dan Mullen Clearly Disagrees With College Football Rankings After Week 4” -- I use to admire Mullen...then he left Mississippi State and overdosed on  "Gator-Aid"

Online headline: “Rashida Tlaib Slams 'Disgraceful' Cartoon Showing Her With Exploding Pager” -- Hmmm .. she must have gotten Bill Clinton to re-define "Disgraceful" because with her "disgraceful" open support of HamASS,  it was great political humor!


Online story: “Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-TX) attacked a member of the Federal Communications Commission as a “simpleminded, underqualified White man” during a Congressional hearing.” -- If she was a Republican, the Republican Party would be embarrassed with her in their party and do something about it.. but she's a Democrat, and Democrats do not care if another Democrat is racist, a misogynist, a liar, or cares about what's best for America!



From the “ I told you RFK, Jr was still a Democrat” department - Online headline: “Love Triangle Explodes: RFK Jr 'Cheated on Wife Cheryl Hines With New York Magazine Reporter Olivia Nuzzi'” -- I guess getting into women's JEANS is entrenched in Kennedy GENES...



Online headline: “Ga. attorney general rejects proposed election board changes” – Hmmmm… sure glad Rafffensperger has been stripped of his decision making powers..Rafffensperger OK'd the continued use of the Dominion voting machines even after admitting they are STILL hackable!



Online headline: “Key Hezbollah leader, commanders killed in strike on Lebanon, Israel says” – Yes! What’s even sweeter is the main leader was the Islamic terrorist that led the bombing in Beirut, Lebanon that killed 241 US Military men in 1983! In your face “AOC.. you, too, Tlaib! Go ISRAEL!



Watched a replay of  part of the Kama-LIAR  interview by Oprah Winfrey and noted that there was one woman on stage who commanded authority and respect... but it was Oprah, not Kama-LIAR.



Online headline: “Arrest made in shooting death of Kendrick (Columbus, GA) High student” -- This is not all about gun violence .. it's about gangs and drug problems!



Online headline: “ VP Kamala Harris in Atlanta to talk about reproductive rights “ -- Reproductive rights? Hmmm... according to her plans or God's plans?



Kama-LIAR insists that government shouldn't tell women what to do with their bodies.. to that point, I actually agree, but that's not the main issue... Kama-LIAR also feels God shouldn't be telling women what to do either. She'd just as anti-10 Commandments as she is anti-Constitution!



Online headline: “Chicago teachers say they were told to give migrant students passing grades” -- Good grief! Every school administrative official, the superintendent, and school board member in Shicago should be arrested, fired, depensioned, and decertified as an education qualified worker!



Online headline: “Jill Biden: ‘We have to have a peaceful transfer of power’ in January” -- Peaceful transfer? You think Jill wants to voluntarily and peacefully vacate the White House to Kama-LIAR?



Online headline: Fact Check: Harris Posted Tweet Thanking Diddy for Hosting Town Hall? * Source: Snopes * The post was real. It was tweeted by Harris' X account on April 10, 2020, about one month into the COVID-19 pandemic.” -- Kama-LIAR's a buddy with Diddy.. sorta puts a huge hole in her concern for women's rights ..



Online headline: “‘Beyond reasonable doubt’ Covid pandemic originated at Wuhan market stall “ -- And now China owns Smithfield Hams, the largest meat product distributor in the world, China could create the world's largest "wet meat  market" ever!



Online headline: “Truth be Told: Why voting by non-U.S. citizens is not a 'serious problem'” -- "Not a problem"? In a federal election, IT'S A CRIME fpr a non-citizen to cast a vote in a federal election! That definitely sounds like a problem to me!



Online story: “Friends of former Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) asked the judge overseeing his federal corruption case to weigh his decades of public service when deciding his sentence next month. * In letters to U.S. District Judge Sidney Stein, Menendez’s friends — many of whom said they’ve known the former senator for decades — pointed to his advocacy work and personal friendships as reason the judge should issue Menendez a more lenient penalty. * Robb Watters, founder of the lobbying firm Madison Group, said he met Menendez in 1998 while working on the medium range missile transfer for Israel that year, kicking off “one of the truest friendships” he has encountered in the nation’s capital. The pair have dined together every three weeks for 26 years, he said.” --

A lobbyist has “dined” with himfor 26 years! Good grief! It sounds like the judge should examine Menedez’s “friends” as well!



Online headline: “Local Teamsters groups announce Harris endorsements after national union declines to do so “ -- The Teamsters' have some 538 "local unions" representing 1,300,000 members... yet this story says 24 such "loca nols" represent 1,000,000 members ( over 41,000 members  each).. hmm.. guess that means the other 514 "locals" represent 300,000 which would mean the 514 other "locals" average less than 600 members each. Something sounds "iffy" with the number that those 24 of 538 "locals" represent.



Online headline: “Social media erupts after president throws to Jill Biden to speak at Cabinet meeting: 'All yours, kid' “ --  Hmmm...President Bill Clinton tried to give us "Hellarycare" and now Resident JoKKKe Biden is trying to give us "Jillarycare"... SMH!



Online headline: “Biden defends economic legacy despite inflation surge during his term “ --  Good grief! His bragged about job numbers took an 800,000 "hit" last month as figures were audited! Imagine how a true audit of his economic figure would reveal!



Online headline: “White House rolls out ‘The Record’ to highlight Biden agenda online “ -- Hmm .. "Record Debt", "Record Spending", "Record Gaffes", "Record Stumbles", “Record Lies”, "Record Inflation".. good grief, and I'm just getting warmed up.



You know, there was a time that a 10% tip was considered  fine for most services.. now between local & state sales taxes and SPLOSTS, we are paying 9% in "tips" for City and State services.... and who feels we in Columbus, GA are getting "fine" service? 



Wow! Heaven help us! Four people killed, 7 others wounded in a “hit” on a single target that happened in Birmingham, AL over the weekend!



Online headline/story: “‘He was supposed to be safe’: 15-year-old shot and killed getting off Columbus, GA  school bus * “There’s something extra wrong about this,” Columbus Mayor Skip Henderson said. “This kid was getting off the school bus where he was supposed to be safe.” – Yes.. Mayor Skippy…15 year olds should feel safe going to and coming from school… but this wasn’t a school issue… it was a Police Issue…. And now it’s an ENHANCED POLICE ISSUE!



Online headline: “Ukrainian president to visit Pennsylvania ammunition factory to thank workers” – You know.. this sounds like a similar “quid pro Joe” deal Biden made with the former Ukrainian President back in 2016 to get him to fire the Ukraine Prosecutor looking into Hunter Biden and Burisma, only this time it’s to make Zelenskyy look like he wants Kama-LIAR to win or he won’t get the weapons he needs…



Online headline: “Hillary Clinton called out for suggesting Americans should be arrested over disinformation: 'Quite chilling” – Americans arrested for "disinformation"? Good grief! Hellary should be serving a life sentence.. without a chance at a parole.. for her "Steele Dossier"!!! And don’t get me started on the “disinformation” she spread about who to blame for Bill’s “bimbo eruptions”!



Online headline: “Coroner on scene of Columbus police presence” –Hmmm… Coroner on scene means "a dead body" is there .. now we gotta be pushing 40!



Online headline: “Back to the Cold War: Russia uses Mexico as a hub for spying on the U.S.” – Sand so dies China, and every other Despot’s country! Sanctuary Cities are better than Open Diplomatic Immunity for spies!


As I’ve often said in the past, I am pro-life, and don't think abortions are a government issue...decisions should be between women/couples and God, and that our God is forgiving.  I also believe government should support healthcare safety for women. I made such a comment on a poorly reported story involving an abortion gone bad, and a woman ALL CAPPED me it was none of my business  because I don't have an uterus.. Hmm..I thought.... I'll bet this woman supports transexual women even though none of them have uteri.... What a hypocrite!



Online headline: “Walz roasted after declaring 'we can't afford four more years of this' at rally” -- this puts a damper on using "four more years' as a chant response at Kama-LIAR rally appearances...  Well, IT SHOULD! Hmmm… actually I hope the “Yellow-Dog” Democrat voter base does keep chanting this.. and Independents and Moderate Democrats figure it out!
Here's a question Kama-LIAR needs to be asked: "If you become President by election or by Biden leaving office by any way, will you pardon him and his family from their crimes and sentences..... and you cannot start your answer by saying you grew up in a middle-class neighborhood where everyone was proud of their lawns."  -- Hmmm ... bet her "weird salad" response would be a doozy!
Online headline: “Ohio Haitian community leader argues ‘America should be an open country for everybody’” – Yeah… right! Anyone seen his paid ticket for admission into America!

Online headline: “Popular vacation destinations on alert after hazardous materials wash ashore” -- Hmmm... Needles and such washing ashore on Delaware beach....hmmm.. how close to the Biden's enclave? When was Hunter last there?

Online headline/story: “Kamala Harris plans to skip historic Al Smith dinner despite long-standing tradition * "We are disappointed that she will not be with us, as this is an evening of unity" --  Hmm ... and wasn't the 2020 Biden-Harris campaign based on bringing 'unity" to our country? Another Kama-LIAR broken promise ..and JOB FAILURE! Hmmm.. and now she’s disassociating herself with Catholics like she’s done with the Jewish Community…

Kama-LIAR, more or less, basically says to judge her by what she's done ..or not done, rather than whatever she's ever said... Hmmm .. I think America will do just that .. decide whether to vote on what she has done AND what she hasn't done... and what she has done is lie about what she hadn't done as VP or will do as President..

It's taken 41 years, but Netanyahu has had the Hezbollah terrorist who led the killing of 241 U S military personnel in Lebanon and 15 other terrorists blown away! Go ISRAEL!

Online headline: “Golloria Announces Social Break: “Black Women Deserve to Be Treated with Dignity” -- it's, "Black Women Deserve to be treated with dignity"... Hmmm... Sounds like Kama-LIAR's claim to be a unifier no longer includes all women....

Online headline: “White House Slams Kennedy For Accusing Muslim Witness at Anti-Hate Hearing of Supporting Terrorism” --  Hey, stating you're anti-Israel pretty much says you ARE pro-HamASS/Hezbollah!

Pay no... ZERO...attention to polls based on "popular vote"...what the MSM won't "mention' is that of Biden's 7,000,000 more popular votes, 5,000,000 were in California... and combined with NY, the overall  7,000,000 popular vote margin was eliminated..

Online headline: “Harris’ critics sound off after VP is endorsed by IRS-affiliated union: ‘Get ready to be taxed to death'” --  The IRS Union head’s endorsement should be a huge violation of the Hatch Act! No government employee should ... either publicly  or by internal communications...  be able to endorse one's boss!

Remember those $5.00 Li'l Caesar pizzas? They are still available... but now are $8.99... thanks for signing that Inflation Reduction Act, Kama-LIAR.. .NOT!!!

Online headline: “AOC: "We're going to have to figure out how we rein in the media" to obey us” -- "we're going to have to figure out how we rein in the media to obey us"? Good grief! Proof of the Democratic Party agenda is to eliminate government "of the people, by the people, and for the people" by eliminating  the 1st and 2nd Amendments.

Online headline: “Hillary Clinton celebrates decades of marriage to Bill after being ‘deeply hurt’: 'We just have a good time” -- Hellary writing a "memoir" is, at best, a fraudulent joke if you are looking for the truth . Truth, to her, is what she wants you to see and believe ... and will make her the victim..


Online headline: “Warnock ‘very concerned’ about Georgia elections board ruling requiring hand-counting of ballots“ --  Hmmm... and the 10 Commandments as "preached" by SINator Pastor Warnock are a bigger concern to Georgians.

Online headline: “Former CIA Director Leon Panetta Calls Israel’s Pager Explosion Operation ‘Terrorism’” -- Hey, Pancetta...I call the Islamic assault on American troops in Beirut on October 23, 1983 terrorism!  I call the Islamic assault on September 11, 2001 terrorism! I call Hamass's October 7, 2023 assault on a music concert in Israel terrorism!  I call Israel's pager and radio attacks a justified and smart and effective response! And Panetta, I call your response "petty jealousy" because you didn't think of it!

Online headline/story: “Portland Public Schools bars teachers from ‘personal or political’ classroom displays amid anti-Israel clash * “Content on classroom walls, bulletin boards or otherwise displayed in the classroom must be related to the curriculum or district sponsored pursuant to [the district’s academic freedom policy],” the rule says. “Those spaces cannot be used for an employee’s personal expression whether that is related to a political or personal issue.” * The spokesperson confirmed that the new guidance does not bar teachers from displaying pro-LGBTQ or pro-Black Lives materials in the classroom.” -- Excuse me, but since when hasn't policy about LGBTQ+ and BLM NOT BEEN POLITICAL! Especially if you are a gay or lesbian or Black and want to live a normal life?

Online headline: Secret Service Agent ‘Expected to Survive’ After Accidentally Shooting Himself During Saturday Night ‘Negligent Discharge” --  Hmmm....Was the agent's name Barney Fife, Jr?

Online headline: “White Sox lose 120th game to tie post-1900 record by the 1962 expansion New York Mets“ --  Hmmm... bet "the" White Sox fan that’s still attending is feeling a much  "Bigger Hurt" than when the "Big Hurt" was making him dream BIG! Shout out to Columbus, GA's own Frank Thomas .. who was the "Big Peach Little Leaguer", the "Big Blue Devil, and the "Big War Eagle" before moving to Chicago!

Online headline: “Oprah says that the racist older generation have to expire in order for racism to go away” – Octogenariocide!  What a racist statement by 70 year old Oprah!

Online headline: “The White House held its first cabinet meeting in 11 months. Jill Biden sat at the head of the table. Joe Biden was MIA. Why?” --  Good grief! JoKKKe Biden has been "MIA" since "Day 1"!

Online headline: “California governor signs law banning all plastic shopping bags at grocery stores” -Hmmm.... Guess Gov Newsom should put one of those paper bags over his head the next time he goes to a grocery store.. and he wants to make sure grocery store shoppers don't have a plastic bag to shove over his head!

Online headline: “Dan Mullen Clearly Disagrees With College Football Rankings After Week 4” -- I use to admire Mullen...then he left Mississippi State and overdosed on  "Gator-Aid"

Ah! Kama-LIAR Harris has finally spelled out her campaign policies!

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