Friday, September 13, 2024


Yesterday, I commented on Kama-LIAR Harris's debate claim that there are no US soldiers in combat zones. I was correct in pointing out we have 1,000 stationed  in Syria and another 2,500 in Iraq, but failed to point out the huge amount of sailors and Naval ships deployed in the Mid-East...

Online debate oriented headline: “Goldman Sachs CEO contends Harris grossly overstated economic boost that her policies would bring” --  "Overstated"? That 's just another 50¢ word for a two-bit liar! Kama-LIAR.... if she'll lie to get  your vote, she's not ever going to tell you the truth about her results.

ABC betrayed  us… intentionally! What has happened to our news? We used to cut on the TV or open our newspapers and listen to or read the details of what has... or what is... going on, but now our National News is about shaping the news to suit a networks wants.

Online headline: “Voters give Harris the debate win, but praise Trump on policy: She got under his skin” -- Hmmm..."she got under his skin"?  Not as much as ABC's Muir and Davis did by abetting, aiding, and assisting her by allowing Kama-LIAR to dodge questions and lie without pushing back and "fact checking" her lies…

Now, what has happened to politics.... I understand differences in views; I understand there is more than one-way to get from Point A to Point B, but when the elections were over, the nation moved forward to get to a better future. That's missing now...

More debate stuff - Online headline: “You Are Way Better Off Than You Were Four Years Ago” -- I imagine that Kama-LIAR dodged that question because the only answer she could think of was, " I don't know about you, but I sure am!"

I really don't understand how any judge can rule that "it's fair" to allow a male genitalia athlete to compete as a woman. Think about it.. if a male judge allows it, he's basically saying that he thinks the best women athletes aren't worthy of being role models for this or the next generation of women to look up to, and if a woman judge allows such, then she is negating the value of women in society.

Hmmm.. the next time an activist or politician advocating for "gender affirming care", remember this, "they" may advocate for minors to be able to get "gender affirming care" without parental consent, but "gender affirming care" is actually "genitalia mutilation surgery"!

Online headline: “Barbara Walters would expect Kamala Harris to do interviews, author says: 'Part of the job of being president” --  Hmmmm.... I also imagine Baba Wawa would expect Kama-LIAR Harris to do what she does best....lie.

Online headline: “Trump says 'there will be no third debate,' claiming victory against Harris in Tuesday's showdown” -- Hmmm.... of course, he might change his mind (not about the results, but the debate with her)  if Kama-LIAR approached FOX NEWS to be the moderator..

Online headline: “'Totally unacceptable': Biden, Harris demand accountability for American killed by Israeli troops in West Bank” -- While we all sympathize with when someone unnecessarily dies, what's "innocent" about an American citizen being involved in a genocidal protesters group suffering from the consequences of her own actions?

Online headline: “Fani Willis plans to defy subpoena and skip Senate hearing Source: The Atlanta Journal-Constitution” -- Well, she will need to be held immediately accountable for failure to appear, just as she would do to a witness who she subpoenaed who didn't appear in her court.
Online headline: “More than a year after closing, popular Columbus tourist attraction is on track to reopen” – Hmmm… where'd the money go from the houses they sold and moved to the Columbus, GA Historic District? Will the houses be moved back to “Westville” so Historic Downtown will regain some of its dignity?

Online headline: “Garland to vow DOJ won't be used as 'political weapon” – C-l-e-v-e-r…. but not really.. Garland made an impassioned speech by declaring political weaponization will not happen in the future…. Of course, he failed to mention what the DOJ & FBI has done in the past 8 years to Donald Trump (and others). Garland just wanted to say he wasn’t going to go after the crimes Biden committed as “an elderly man with a poor memory”. Of course, we KNOW Garland says this, but in a way he will be weaponizing the DOJ/FBI, but this time to COVER UP crimes… Of course, Garland’s new position is valid only if Kama-LIAR Harris wins…

Congrats to the MCSO and Sheriff Countryman for the major crime bust up yesterday here in Columbus, GA.. Now, if they can just be kept off the streets for more than a few weeks!

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