Friday, September 6, 2024


Online headline: “Hunter Biden says he pleaded guilty to 'spare' his family the 'humiliation' of a trial after addiction battles” -- WHAT BS! Hunter NEEDS the trial and sentencing to be over before January 20th because he needs either his dad or Kalamity Harris to be in position to pardon/commute his crimes!  That, and he was trying to get a deal to hide the evidence from the records about the amount of money he and his family have gotten from their China connection…

Interesting... It's interesting that we see Hunter Biden walking around with Secret Service protection yet none for RFK, Jr, and realize that Hunter's gravest perils are probably his father and ex-wife.

The "position" of the White House is that Resident Biden will not pardon nor commute Hunter from his convictions... Of course, I expect no matter how November election goes, Resident Biden will step down early and KALAMITY Harris will become the 47th President, and pardons/commutation is assured..

Online headline: “Georgia school shooting: New audio of alleged shooter, father encounter with police over 2023 online threats” -- Hey, Media! Stop trying to humanize this family! Stop trying to make the killer "the victim"!

In 2016, America got “change” and “hope”, and it was good for America.. in “2020”, America got “change” that hasn’t been good for America, and now it’s 2024m and  we “hope” and PRAY we can “ change” back.

Online headline/story: Courier-Eco Columbus, GA – “The digital divide is one of the most critical obstacles that can present itself to a person in the 21st century * the digital divide, which we understand as the gap between those who have access to technology, the internet and digital literacy, and those who do not, is thus endowed with gravity and high significance, especially when considering its impact on the young people who endure it despite of the fact that they represent the future. * Unfortunately, the people who suffer from this digital divide tend to be those who lack resources and who often require social support to gain access to these essential tools. * Bearing this in mind and considering the existence of various associations dedicated to the support of individuals with limited resources, news such as that of the distribution of computers to one hundred families, a project created by the coalition of AT&T, HUMAN IT, 100 Black Men of Columbus and The Divine Nine, markedly impacts the African American youth, the community from which the computer recipients were selected.” -- I read this, and see no effort in encouraging people to do things for themselves instead of waiting for someone else to step up to the plate.. I see a proponent of DEI whom the writer appears to advocate that DEI is only a one-way street.

“The Hill” opinion piece headline: “Opinion: Who the heck is Kamala Harris?” -- You definitely know it's election time when super-liberal journalists who follow politics full time are scratching their heads after listening to a Democrat's campaign speech, and wondering who is this doppelganger claiming to be the Leftist presidential candidate Kama-liar Harris?

Those "COACH" signs inevitably being waved behind Walz when he takes the microphone... his proclaimed military rank, they are misleading as well... Walz was an assistant coach .. and like his military rank claims, it's.. well, just not the same. Claiming “Stolen Valor” is Walz’s pattern…. obviously…

Online headline: “Biden administration issues final approval for massive Md. Offshore Wind Project” – Hmmm… Offshore windmills... well, even onshore windmills... what happens when  hurricane winds propel the propellers to super speeds?

Online headline: “Kamala Harris Flip-Flops Yet Again, This Time Over Plastic Straws” -- Good grief! Everything else about her is so "plastic"... why would she ever have been against plastic straws?

Online “headLIE”: “Feds dole out money for Georgia fire grants” -- The Feds have no money!  All "Federal Grants money" comes from taxpayers pockets.. it's sent to Washington, divvied up among Representatives to use buying votes back home and maybe a quarter of that money gets sent back to taxpayers through a "grant".

Online headline: “Kamala Harris calls Georgia school shooting ‘a senseless tragedy” -- Senseless for sure, but no less senseless..nor tragic…  than Kama-liar feeling she's qualified to be our President.

Online headline: “CNN’s Chris Wallace Calls Out Dennis Quaid For Supporting Trump: ‘Reagan Would Have Been Appalled’ By Trump” -- Hmmm...and I hope Dennis Quaid calls out Chris Wallace  for following in his Dad's career.

Hmmm... if I were planning Trump's last 30 days of campaign ad strategy, I think I would show KALAMITY Harris beginning to laugh, and as the laugh grew into the skin crawling CACKLE we've come to cringe, I'd fade her image into the Wicked Witch of the Wizard of Oz.. and run it 24/7.. especially on Facebook.

Online headline/”headLIE”/whatever: “Morning Joe Crew Accuses Media of Pro-Trump Bias: ‘So Concerned With Being Objective’ They Give Trump an ‘Advantage’ * Morning Joe hosts slammed the “mainstream media” for its ongoing coverage of former President Donald Trump, accusing outlets of being “so concerned with being objective” that reporters were giving the Republican nominee an “advantage.” * The barrage of criticism came as the team covered Jim McCain, son of late Senator John McCain (R-AZ), who blasted Trump for cutting a campaign ad in Arlington National Cemetery. * The segment unraveled as co-host Mike Barnicle lashed out at Trump as a “delusional old man” whose “deranged” antics and remarks were being reported with “false equivalency” by mainstream media journalists. – Hmmm.. Joe Scarbrough says Leftist Media now has a  “Pro-Trump Bias”? Hmmm… somehow, I don’t “feel” calling Trump a “delusional old man” with “deranged antics” is as Pro-Trump Bias as calling JoKKKe Biden “an elderly man” with “a poor memory” is Pro-Biden  biased..

If you hadn’t noticed, I have two names to work with in reporting VP Harris stories: “KALAMITY” when talking about her policies, and “Kama-liar” when she’s claiming Trump policies as her own.

Online “headLIE”: “Yellen says ending Biden tax incentives would be ‘historic mistake’ for states like North Carolina” -- Wait a minute.. if Harris gets elected, the Trump tax cuts she’s trying to credit Biden with, and  that have helped every state, will end in January, and the only way to keep them is re-electing Trump.

Online “headLIE”: “Joe Biden Dropped Out Of The Presidential Race, And His Job Approval Is On The Rise” – Hmmm….Only in the MSM and Democratic Party….

Online “headLIE”: “Liz Cheney says she’s voting for Harris because of the ‘danger’ Trump poses” – Liar! ..she says she's voting for Harris because it's the only way CNN or MSNBC will pay for her to come on and bask Trump for them.

Online “headLIE”: “Opinion: The Media Still Needs Training On How To Deal With A Powerful Black Woman” -- Hmmm...maybe they just need a better example than KALAMITY Harris, Letitia James, Fani Willis, Michelle Obama or Maxine Waters to practice with... How about Winsome Earle-Sears, Condoleezza Rice, Kimberly Klacik, or Jennifer Ruth-Green?

Online headline: “Anti-Israel group funded by Soros gains influence with 60 Biden White House visits” --  Once again ..WHY....why does the American Jewish Community support the Socialist-Democratic Party?

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