Wednesday, September 4, 2024


Online headline: “NY Governors Kathy Hochul, Andrew Cuomo Respond After Ex-Aide Charged Over China Links” – Hmmm… Hochul and Cuomo  are just PO'd that their partner got caught with her hand in the Fortune Cookie Jar.



You know, you would think that Palestinian protesters concerned with some 40,000 deaths in Gaza would be protesting for HamASS to send the hostages back to Israel and then leave for Iran.



Online headline: Female darts stars threatened with bans by governing body if they refuse to play transgender opponents” -- Hmmm....You know, would men in drag choose to play as women if the competition was just open to all and there was no advantage ? 



Online headline/story: “Thousands of Christians ‘deliberately targeted’ and killed in Nigeria by terrorists * Christians “are deliberately targeted,” as well as “Christian communities * Christians are reportedly becoming “an endangered species” there * “Last year alone, in Nigeria there were more people that were killed because of their Christian faith than all other places in the globe combined,” Ryan Brown, the CEO Of Open Doors US * attacks on Christians are said to have been carried out by Islamist terror groups Boko Haram and the Islamic State of West Africa Province, and predominantly Muslim Fulani militants, who originally were herdsmen. * “When the Fulani gunmen came to attack, they could be heard shouting ‘Allahu Akbar (Allah is the greatest), we will destroy all Christians,'” one interviewee claimed in the report.” --  Where is CNN? Where are AOC and her “Squad”? Where is KALAMITY  Harris… and Tim Walz, Chuck Schumer, Hakeem Jeffries, and Queen PeLOUSY for that matter



Online headline: “CNN polls across six battlegrounds find Georgia and Pennsylvania are key toss-ups” -- You know, a "poll" of "likely voters in CNN’s view" does not consider the newly inspired Silent Majority voters who "are mad as hell and aren't going to take it anymore"! 


Online headline: “Congressional Democrats demand Trump provide evidence he didn't take a $10 million bribe from Egypt” -- Typical DNC/MSM "scam".. exactly how does a person have evidence of a crime to prove he didn't commit one? You know, under our Constitution, it's up to the "Democrat plaintiffs" to provide "the evidence" of a crime being committed, not the "defendants". 



Online headline: “Mississippi-Braves being (sic) final home series” --  Hmmm... wonder what Pearl, MS is going to do with an abandoned AA-level minor league baseball stadium now that Diamond Baseball Holdings has packed up, and is leaving Pearl after the 20 year lease is over.. This is the same situation Columbus, GA will face in 20 years, too.. Imagine, getting only $250K-$300K in annual "rent" (about $6 Million MAX in "rent" over 20 years) while Columbus, GA taxpayers put out $3.5-plus Million every year for 20 years (upwards of $70 Million) in Bond Debt Service and still have $50 Million in debt to deal with at the end when DBH can walk away)? 



I think I heard a rumor that Columbus, GA  Mayor Skippy the Poo's "100 Acre Scam" (formerly Golden Park) has movie people talking about a sequel to "Field of Dreams", and they are debating for one of two title choices.... "Field of Schemes" or "Filled with Scams". You know, if I was a bank, I'd hate my name be associated with either.



Online headline: “Opinion: Biden must abandon his ‘half-assed’ Ukraine policy, before it’s too late” -- Now I'm really curious... how has Burisma survived during this war?



Online headline: “ Harris and Biden campaign together” -- You know, about the only thing I can see that would motivate Resident Biden to join KALAMITY Harris back on the campaign trail is that all the promises made to him for dropping off the ballot  were based on Harris winning and being able to pardon him and his entire family... 



Online headline: “Chicago White Sox hit new low as horror collision overshadows nightmare 0-12 run” --Maybe a more appropriate new name would be " the Pox".. sorry Frank "Big Hurt" Thomas, your home town of Columbus, GA mourns for you..



Online headline: “Italian transgender runner fails to reach 400m final at Paralympics” -- Well, to begin with, "she-it" should have FAILED GETTING TO THE STARTING LINE!



Online headline: “Teen charged in Columbus pedestrian death” -- Add another homicide to the growing  2024 Columbus GA total.. gotta be a minimum of 34 homicides.. and 3 other “differently classified deaths”.



Online “headLIE”: “ Biden-Harris unrealized gains tax would not impact most Americans” --What BS! It's the super successful who drive  job creation and growth, and by stripping them of cash by taxing unrealized capital gains directly hinders their ability to continue to do so.



We do need a federal law that makes it illegal for early ballots and mail in ballots illegal to send out before the last state has cut off voter registration. Even better is one that says all states mail-in or early ballots cannot be distributed earlier than 30 days prior to an election.



Online headline: “Kamala Harris Pledges to Build Border Wall as President After Opposing it For Nearly a Decade” -- And how many feet of Wall did she erect.. or even vote “FOR” erecting …  during the last 7 years 8 months she’s been in Washington?



Online headline: “Character assassination.’ Black community leaders condemn treatment of Columbus GA officials” --  Hmmm...under the circumstances, some "community leaders" should maybe back off of defending people BEFORE the facts are aired… it gives the impression it’s all about skin color vs character!



Online headline: “Columbus GA minor league baseball team to announce new name at free event.” – Hmmm.. Bet the team will not be named the Columbus Braves! For that matter, "Braves" won't be a part of the name at all... They wouldn’t get any concession sales on “Braves” hats, jerseys, or t-shirts because everyone in the area already has one..


Hmm.. how about “Columbus Gamblers” and all foul balls that get turned  in get a lottery ticket, or free pass to the eventual Casino next door?


Or, how about the “Columbus River Bankers”.. a play on Synovus…


Or, how about the “Columbus Crocs”  and season ticket buyers get a free pair of foam sandals… or to remind us of the “bill of sales” we got for them removing “Golden Park” from Columbus’ ongoing history.



Online headline: “Joe Scarborough: Trump Is So Unlikeable That His Only Chance of Winning Is to Make Americans ‘Hate Kamala Harris” --  Hmmm… Trump doesn't NEED to make Americans "hate her"... that's the one thing she does well by herself..

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