Wednesday, September 18, 2024


You know, I really have an issue with college students, especially out of state students, being able to register and vote using their college addresses. Out of state students aren't really citizens of the state or town  as confirmed by them paying out-of-state tuition so why should be eligible to vote, and for that matter get GA Driver's licenses?

Joke of the year headline: “Instagram rolls out teen account with privacy, parental controls as scrutiny mounts” – Heh heh heh… of course, most parents will have to have their pre-teen children set up the “privacy controls”, so what controls to parents actually get?

Online headline: “ Party lines aside, no one can deny that what Kamala Harris has already accomplished is incredible and historic” --  “No one can deny”? Good grief? It's more SCAREY than sad that liberals feel safer with a "pilot" who's never flown a plane than find a real replacement for Resident Biden..

Online headline: “Biden announces $1.3 billion in new funding for HBCUs while addressing annual conference in Philadelphia” -- Is this another one of those non-approved by Congress expenditure like the college loan refunds that the Supreme Court will nullify? This has to violate Election laws against buying votes!

Online “headLIE”: “Doug Emhoff: My wife, Kamala Harris, is the reason I reconnected with my Judaism” -- He's obviously as big a liar as Kam-LIAR...

Online “headLIE”: “Biden’s green policies will save 200,000 lives and have boosted clean energy jobs, data shows” -- 200,000 lives "saved" over the next several "decades"? Good grief! 200,000 is just a number picked out of the air by liberals.

Online headline: “Bill Gates calls for more aid to go to Africa and for debt relief for burdened countries” -- Good grief! Where would more money given corrupt governments end up? Right.. right in the pockets of the corrupt ruling officials! Hey Gates! Use your own foundation billions!

Online headline: “Billionaire Larry Ellison Drools That "Citizens Will Be on Their Best Behavior" Under Constant AI Surveillance” – Hmmm… the sequel…."1984… Big Brother on Steroids”!

Online headline: “The US could eliminate 30% of its government and it 'wouldn't be a blip' WWL-TV’s Newell Normand says – so why don't we?  --  I agree… we could cut 30% of our non-military government employees and become more efficient as duplicity, unnecessity, and inefficiency would reduce the taxes demanded from the taxpayers. What most people aren’t aware of is that 78% of the dollars spent on “government programs” are spent on staffing and program expenses, and only about 22% of the dollars actually get to real people in real need.

I’m going to repeat an item from Monday’s blog – Online headline: “Being Trans Is Harder Than Being a Woman – Here’s Why” -- "Being trans is harder than being a woman"? Could it be as simple as it's HARD TO BE SOMETHING YOU ARE NOT!'

Forget Kama-LIAR's claims about lower border crossings! She's not including the 500,000+ flown in from Haiti, Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela or the 800,000+ that use a CBP "APP" to make "reservations" to get in illegally as well.

Senator Blackburn of Tennessee who's on the Senate Judiciary Committee says Mayorkas has reported 368 KNOWN TERRORISTS have been spotted after illegally crossing our border... Wait a minute... Mayorkas is the man in charge of securing our border and securing President Trump's life... What about this is considered secure for America!

Online headline: “Hillary Clinton Calls for Prosecution of Americans Who Use ‘Russian Talking Points’ on MSNBC” --  Yes!!!!  That would shut MSNBC completely down... well, unless all the MSNBC anchors and contributors are not American citizens..

Online headline: “U.S. Military Base Bombed In Northeastern Syria; Big Aerial Assault By Iran-linked Islamic Fighters” --  Wait a minute! Kama-LIAR told us.. SWORE TO US…hat we have NO US MILITARY PERSONNEL in a war zone!

Online headline/story: “Tennessee adding talent fee to 2025 season tickets * Tennessee is generating additional revenue by adding a 10% talent fee on all season ticket invoices, athletic director Danny White announced via email to season-ticket holders on Tuesday. The revenue generated from the tax will serve as a small percentage revenue stream for the additional costs created by revenue sharing.” – And… wait for it… how much longer will it be before online ticket re-sales will add that 10% fee, too!

Online headline: “The Georgia Bulldogs Just Gained a Massive NIL Advantage” -- Good grief! With this in place, the NCAA NEEDS to put in place a 4 year maximum limit a player can play college sports...period! No "Red shirt" year, no "Pandemic year", no "special circumstance" year, and no participation after reaching their 23rd birthday! 4 years is an education, 5 & 6 years make it a CAREER!

Online headline: “ABC’s David Muir takes hit to ratings after performance as debate moderator “ --  David Muir.... Odds-on favorite as the "Mike Wallace Award" winner... hmmm... the Mike Wallace Award “winner”...whatta oxymoron!

Online headline: “Tim Walz visits Georgia soul food restaurant during visit to Macon” -- Hmmmm ...What does Minnesota know about soul food? Obviously a "photo op"....

Online headline: “Reparations stokes racial resentment — and Kamala has backed it to the hilt” -- How the hell are paying "reparations" with "tax dollars" considered "reparations"? 16 of our states were.. well.. not even states until after slavery was banned... At best, "reparations" today amount to everybody paying a fine for a crime that none of us were guilty of, and none of us were victims of...

Online headline: “Illinois Supreme Court hears Jussie Smollett appeal Source: The Center Square” --  Two "WHY" questions: 1 - Why is a judge entertaining Smollett 's "appeal"?, and 2 - Why isn't Smollett fulfilling his sentence requirements?

Kama-LIAR.... she says she will be the President of all Americans,... but based on her record as sitting Vice President, it's obvious for the past 4 years she hasn't been the VP for all Americans... Between the border chaos, and her being the deciding vote for the most inflationary bills we've seen this Century, I really can't say she's even been VP for ANY taxpaying Americans.

Watched a replay of Kama-LIAR’s interview with the NABJ… it must have been frustrating to the journalists to ask questions of her, and have her respond with the same answers .. pretty much memorized verbatim… that she gave in the “debate”.

Online headline: “In unusual move, U.S. Army sends missiles and airborne infantry to Alaska base near Russia” – “Unusual move”? The Afghanistan debacle was an “unusual move”, this is defensive preparation for WWIII if Kama-LIAR wins!

Online headline: “Mark Cuban worth $7.6 billion, says he would buy Fox News and Twitter if he could“ – Yeah… right… Mark the Cuban doesn't have enough to buy big boy toys.

Online headline: “Leaked Emails Show Evidence Of Colorado Buffaloes Trying To Source NIL Funds From Saudi Arabian Officials After Former Staffer Exposed Deion Sanders’ Program” -- Hmmm...this brings a new aspect for "greased palms"!

Online headline: “Protesters in Georgia disrupt meeting over “Cop City” project” -- Where are those two arrested Antifa protesters that were at the Cop City protest who had previously been arrested at the Jan 6 Washington event, but didn’t show up for their Washington court date? Antifa being at the Jan 6 event changes a whole lot of circumstances!

Online headline: “FBI Discover 1,000 Bottles of Lubricant, Multiple AR-15s in Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs Raid” -- I have 2 questions: How many dollars did he donate to Democrats, and what were their names?

Does Kama-LIAR even have a clue at how taxing capital gains on the holdings of private businesses.. large and small… will force most.. if not all… into bankruptcy?

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