Monday, September 9, 2024


I’m tired… I'm really tired of OUR LIBERAL  MEDIA and Democratic Party politicians saying Israel is "under pressure to make an agreement" for a peace pact with HamASS. What BS! The liberals’ "pressure" on Israel/Netanyahu is not about making an agreement with HamASS, it's about getting Netanyahu to cave  in to genocidal maniacs.

Wow! What a good... much needed... Idea! Trump wants an external audit committee to parse all the federal government spending! We in Columbus GA have seen how an external audit are more indepth than  internal audits... of course Trump will get the results out to the public.. vs what we get in Columbus GA...

Online headline: “A transgender Palestinian organizer spoke outside the HRC event: "The human beings being killed in Gaza now are not human enough for the Human Rights Campaign.""Queer is not a synonym for LGBT" --
Hmmm... This guy needs to go to HamASS and get their blessing for PRIDE DAY Parade in Rafah!

Online “headLIE”/story: “Kamala Harris Is the Best Choice to Represent Women * Kamala Harris is generating unprecedented excitement among women for many reasons. She clearly understands the issues that matter and just as clearly advocates for solutions that are within reach.” – Then I guess Kama-LIAR is telling women that they don’t need to be concerned with financial and economic issues.. let the men handle those…  We cannot ..will not .. promote Kama-LIAR Harris as a role model for our daughter's or granddaughter! We expect truth to be honored in our household.

Online headline: “Hochul signs law requiring silent alarms at large retailers in NY” – Hmmm.. So Gov Hochul feels "Silent Alarms" will help  to "boost" safety for frontline retail workers.... Hmmm... it would be SAFER for frontline retail workers.. AND CUSTOMERS as well… if Hochul stopped be SILENT about her part in granting  "sanctuary" status to illegal alien criminals roaming the streets!

Online headline: “What happened to Columbus GA’s Flat Rock Park? $8M sales tax could bring overdue revival” – Let’s look at the broader picture.. It’s obvious… RATHER OBVIOUS.. that Columbus GA’s City Manager has little of no concern for outdoor public accessible water facilities families can enjoy.. Flat Rock Park is treated equally as poor as our outdoor public swimming facilities…

Online “The Hill” opinion headline: “Opinion: To tackle crime, spend less on prisons and more on people” -- Wow! Now it seems that the DOJ has joined the House Democrats and the current White House occupants to make it a CONCERTED EFFORT to “DEFUND THE POLICE”!

Online headline: “Homicide investigation underway on Holly Avenue in Columbus, GA” – Hmm … this is at least the 35th..  possibly 38th.. for 2024…depending on classifications of  all homicides are counted.

What is this? I'm talking about why first JoKKKe Biden, and now Kama-LIAR have sought out "hiding" to prepare to debate Donald Trump? It sounds like they haven't kept up with their daily homework, and now have to "cram" the night before 'the test' that decides whether they "graduate".

Dick Cheney.. Bush 43's VP is now the Left's "Golden Child" since he's "endorsed" Kama-LIAR. this the same "Dick Cheney.. the same Dick Cheney hat CNN and the DNC  despised for being "Big Oil", a warmonger, and GUN user? The same Dick Cheney who ran Haliburton? The same Dick Cheney the LEFT eviscerated because he went duck hunting with Justice Scalia, and then shot another man while quail hunting?  If I were Dick Cheney, and know I am being "used" to hurt Trump, I believe, no matter that I say I endorse Kama-LIAR, I would still vote for Trump.. because, if Kama-LIAR wins,  CNN and the DNC won't "need me" nor “want me” anymore…. and I’ll lose my liberal media income source…

You know, Dick Cheney won't change anybody's vote.. He's just become an aggravating "focal point" for MSM & the DNC to parade across the campaign trail.

Kama-LIAR "VISITED" a "spice shop" in Pittsburgh that advertises its "hatred" for Republican customers and said that it's time to embrace "unity".. Hmmm .. and for the past 4 years, I can't think of anything she's tried to unify .. well, other than illegal alien South American gang members being shipped to the same cities. And whatta an image to seek out as a politician and an American...NOT!  HMMM... Guess that when Kama-LIAR talks about "UNITY", she's only talking out of the left side of  her mouth.

Online headline: “‘Hillbilly Elegy’ director: ‘There’s no version of me voting for Donald Trump’” -- Hmmm... Officially, we remember him as Democrat Opie.... Hmmm… and his friends call him "Dopie".

From the “Alec Baldwin meets Hunter Biden meets Al Sharlatan” department – Online headline/story: “Jussie Smollett asserts innocence while promoting new film * In an interview with the Washington Blade that took place before the screening, he continued to assert his innocence and responded to concerns within the LGBTQ+ community that his case has discouraged real victims from reporting hate crimes. – Good grief! Smollett HIRED two brothers to stage a fake “ASSault” on him ,  then Smollet falsely reported it as a ‘White-on-Black crime” like Al Sharlatan did his infamous 1987 Tawana Brawley farce blaming 4 Whit men…and now Smollet wants to revisit the crime ala Hunter Biden’s “the world KNOWS I’M guilty but I’m gonna make a “guilty but really I’m innocent plea”…

Have you noticed how MSM and the DNC have coordinated to keep  NJ’s Democrat  US Democrat US Senator Bob Menedez’s name and crimes out of the news  cycles?

Online headline: “Maryland Gov Wes Moore says he was ‘attacked’ over Bronze star claim” -- As he should have been ... for “Stolen Valor”! Hmmm…  this seems to be a pattern with male Democrats who run for Blue State Governorships and VP…

Online headline: “DNC flies Trump banners at battleground state college football games” – Hmmm… Michigan vs Texas.. How’d that work out for Michigan?

Former President George W. Bush has no plans to endorse in the election” – Hmmm.. Bush 43 forgot his vision for a great America when he was actively serving, and hasn't gotten it back!

Online story: “Lifelong Democrat and famed attorney Alan Dershowitz left the party this week, citing what he said were openly anti-Semitic elements at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago last month. * During a conversation with radio host Zev Brenner on the YouTube-streamed program Talkline , Dershowitz said he had been considering leaving the party and his breaking point came when he was heard hear pro-Hamas and “anti-Jewish” rhetoric outside of the United Center. * Dershowitz said some of the anti-Jewish hatred came from inside the convention from Democratic lawmakers. * “They had more anti-Jewish, anti-Zionist people who were speaking, starting with AOC – a miserable, anti-zionist bigot,” he said. “Then of course they had Liz Warren who is one of the most anti-Jewish people in the Senate.” --
Wow! Remember when GA Governor/Senator Zell Miller left the Democratic Party 20 years ago? … Well , as Miller put it, “It is the national party that has changed, he insists, by veering left and abandoning its once-loyal conservative southern constituency"…. And now Alan Dershowitz confirms this…

Online headline/story: “Batter Up: Synovus Park revives Columbus pro baseball * “We’re going to try to capture the hearts and minds of Braves Nation all over the country and turn Columbus into a baseball tourist town,” said Jeff Eiseman, with Diamond Baseball Holding” --  "turn Columbus GA into a baseball tourist town"? Good grief! Did Diamond Baseball Holdings do that for Pearl/Jackson, MS? --  Nah! DBH  just sold Mayor Skippy a "ball" of goods!

Diamond Baseball Holdings is coming to Columbus GA because they were disappointed in the level of attendance in the team they bought 2 years ago. Funny thing is that Even with real good AA ball, no Columbus team drew near as many fans as Pearl, MS did... And on top of things, with Bidenflation and job losses have MLB stadiums attendance suffering.

On another note, maybe with DBH being rain shy to the point it moved it's "naming" celebration to an inside facility, so, maybe we are getting a domed roof at formerly known as GOLDEN PARK.

Online headline: “Watch as Class AA Braves baseball team in Columbus reveals name” -- Hmmm.... So much beer, so little cheer!

Online headline: “Columbus GA Clingstones: Team name revealed for AA Braves affiliate” --Clingstones?  How disappointing ... but.. then again, the whole process has been one, so I guess it is sorta appropriate..

Online headline: “Atlanta Braves’ Double-A baseball team moving to Columbus gets new name” --  Looks like they plagiarized the "Rockford Peaches" uniforms, too.

Online headline: “Atlanta Braves’ Double-A baseball team moving to Columbus gets new name” -- CLINGSTONES? They gotta be kidding! Clingstones? Where's Kama-liar when we actually  NEED a good cackle!

You know, we still don’t know the deal Diamond Baseball Holdings has with Synovus for naming rights.. and I’m sure a “luxury box.. or two”.. Of course what WE DO KNOW is Columbus, GA  taxpayers have been “shafted”  by what DBH pays in annual rent.

Also, “Golden Park” did not get a mention (at least not a reported one) at the announcement.. Wonder if Coca Cola will be the vendor  at “formerly Golden Park” since Coca Cola is a major Atlanta Braves Sponsor.. and happened to be created here in Columbus… or will Coca Cola be banned like former Ft Benning because Dr Pemberton was a Confederate officer?

Hmmm.. with the Montgomery Biscuits destined to be a rival of the Columbus GA Peaches and having a similar downtown riverfront location as the Columbus GA Peaches, wonder if any of our Councilors or Mayor or Media sources bothered to check to see how much industry has actually flocked to Montgomery....

One of our very observant BCers noticed this about “Bud Light’s Special College Can Collection.. the 5th..… 5 out of 26 …. are for Texas Colleges! … Sounds like another vote buying attempt in Texas.. You know.. Budweiser still hasn’t apologized for trying to make a “she-it” the Face-of-Bud-Light…

Online headline: “Nine Chicago-area Mayors ask Biden to pardon Jesse Jackson Jr.” – Not ”The Reverend Jackson”… his son the corrupted and convicted politician”. I can live with it though…as long as it comes with a "not eligible to run for a political  job anywhere clause” and a ban on being hired for any level of government job and banned from doing any business with a government entity nor being allowed to be an agent or lobbyist, or working for any business/irm doing business with any government.

From the “All hat, no cattle” department – Online headline/story: “Biden unveils largest rural energy spend since 1936, but experts have concerns * President Joe Biden unveiled plans to provide more than $7.3 billion in financing to rural electric cooperatives across 23 states.” --  FAKE NEWS! What are states gonna do with $317,000.00? The $317,000 MAY  cover start up supplies and a year’s salary, but it’s just meant to divert real news..

Online headline: “Harris team worried she’ll be ‘handcuffed’ by debate rules set by Biden” -- "worried about being handcuffed by rules"? Well, I want a leader in the White House who can handle things regardless of what the rules are… and hwo doesn’t need “cheat sheets” to know how to handle questions…

Online headline: “De Niro, Lorraine Bracco, Pelosi to join ‘Paisans for Kamala’ call” -- It's sad...maybe even pathetic.. that guests are more well known than a major candidate for president of the US!

Wow! I think I heard the joke of the election season.. it's been implied that JoKKKe Biden has been giving Kama-liar debate advice! I think I cackled louder than Kamal-liar has ever done so.

Online headline: “University Of Alabama’s Black Student Union And Queer Student Center Shut Down Following Anti-DEI Legislation” -- Black Student Union? Queer Student Union? Silly me, I was led to thinking that DEI was about creating unity, not one way streets.

Hunter "says" he wanted to plead "guilty but innocent" so he wouldn't further embarrass his family.. Hmmm…as it is, it'll take at least 30 years and two generations for America to forget the crimes, images, and disgust Americans currently feel for Hunter and his family... We're barely past Gary Hart/Hartpence, John Edwards, Bill Clinton, Eliot Spitzer...even Donald Trump... when he was a DEMOCRAT!

Looks like the KC Chiefs owners are in a pickle.. keeping Patrick and Brittany Mahomes happy and the Chiefs winning, or having Taylor Swift "in the separated House" and selling Kelce jerseys.

Online headline: “Kamala Harris campaign makes stop in Macon, her advocates focus on abortion rights” -- Two things are quite  apparent.. the amount of time Kama-liar is spending in GA, and how  Stacey Abrams is avoiding being active in GA. What we don’t know is whether it’s Stacey or Kama-LIAR who’s avoiding the other.

Online headline: “Biden plans to keep target of 125,000 refugees next year” -- the number of crimes and killings by illegal aliens, the Biden-Harris Administration wants to sneak even more in next year... maybe we need a more compact name for about "The HIDEN Administration"... it seems it's what they have and want to continue. One other thing.. these are NOT the illegal aliens crossing the Southern Border… these are “Latin Americans” that are flown in and by-pass any Border documentation!

Online headline: “Individuals from 16 different countries celebrated after becoming United States Citizens in Columbus Thursday” – What a special day! Congratulations and WELCOME.. especially for honoring yours and my country’s laws!

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