Tuesday, September 17, 2024


While the second active attempt at assassinating Donald Trump  involving a gun  just occurred, there was another situation this past Friday when Trump was speaking outdoors at his Palos Verde, CA golf facility, I saw 4 boats pass by in the background…One of which may have been a Coast Guard craft but why did the Secret Service allow any boats to be in sight of  Trump?

A little over a year ago, non-voting Democrat Congresswoman Stacey Plackett of the U.S. Virgin Islands said in a video interview that Trump needed to be “shot”… she then “corrected herself” and said “stopped” and MSM felt that was “OK”… but what’s the difference!  Mind you, while Plackett “represents” the U.S. Virgin Islands, she’s from NY, and served as the House prosecutor in Trump’s second impeachment trial (the first non-voting House member to do so). The violence of opponent persecution is a “disease” that now consumes the Socialist-Democratic Party and truly threatens Democracy.

Online headline: “Why China rammed a Philippine ship while 60 Minutes was on board” -- China ....the "typical schoolyard bully"... and like all "schoolyard bullies", needs a "punch in the nose"!  Trump 2024!

Online headline: “Abandoned by Biden, Philippines surrenders shoal to China” -- Hmmm ...guess since California has the largest number of the 4 Million Filipinos who live in the US and the "swing states" have a minor Filipino vote, and Kama-LIAR and JoKKKe Biden feel they already have California sewn-up so they don't feel they need to defend the Philippines from their friend, Xi JinPing.

You know, if Kama-LIAR wants to stop "gouging", she oughta start with reducing non-military government employees and government giveaway programs.

Online headline: “Biden administration says number of illegal border crossings has drastically fallen as Trump seizes on immigration” --  Hmmm... lower numbers doesn't mean it's acceptable! They are still higher than when Trump was in office....

Online "headLIE": "Mayorkas making sure Trump's needs are met" -- Good grief! This is the same guy who has sworn our Southern Border has been SECURE since January 20, 2021!

The @-hole arrested for the latest assassination attempt on Donald Trump creates a lot of question to parse.. start with funding… he’s been a frequent “visitor” to Ukraine and known to recruit volunteers, he’s from NC but moved to Hawaii and seems to be able to travel at will. Ukraine military units are quickly disassociating themselves from him though one unit ASOV posted videos with him in them back in 2022.. and here appears to be a CIA connection with AZOV.. Lots of questions need to be asked… and ANSWERED!

Online headline: “Biden says Secret Service 'needs more help' after apparent 2nd Trump assassination attempt” -- Hmmm, and like most Americans, he was depending on Biden to protect him; and like the border, economic, and world security Biden has also FAILED!

One of the reports I heard about the attempted assassination in Florida was that a Secret Service agent in charge of external monitoring had just passed the site where Routh was positioned … and saw  “nothing”.. wonder if his name was Sgt Shultz? Routh was not wearing camouflage so he didn’t “blend in”.

Online headline: “The Biden administration, not America, is the failure” --  Trump is right! The further we stray from the Constitution that has made us the greatest country, the closer we come to failure!

Online headline/story: “‘We Do … Every Single Day’: Democratic Gov Corrects False Kamala Harris Debate Claim About U.S. Troops In Combat Zones * Maryland governor Wes Moore spoke with anchor Margaret Brennan on the latest Face the Nation from CBS News on Sunday, discussing the election and other topics, including last week’s presidential debate between Harris and Republican nominee Donald Trump . * Brennan played a clip from the debate in which Harris made the claim that “there is not one member of the United States military who is in active duty in a combat zone in any war zone around the world, the first time this century.” * “That’s false. That’s alienating the military families,” said Brennan of the claim that the ABC debate moderators David Muir and Linsey David did not fact-check during the event.” --
Good grief! How does a sitting Vice President and Party nominee for President not know where our brave  military men and women are stationed.. This is so embarrassing...  and unbelievable!

Why is Resident Biden still using the fake White House Oval Office "set" to pose for camera shots? I guess my calling him Resident  Biden has been “right on the Mark” a lot more than I realized. After they removed him from the race, I guess they felt removing him from the Oval Office now was fitting.

Have we got any updates on the young soldier who jumped off the Dillingham Street Bridge in Columbus, GA and died? Was alcohol involved... he was 19... we need to know...either way!

Online “headLIE”: “'Outrageous' bullying attacks on DOJ staffers are escalating, AG Merrick Garland says” -- Bullying? Garland is a whiner! My God! Just brave Americans standing up for their Constitutional rights against a tyrannical White House/DOJ/FBI gestapo operation!

Online headline: “Rashida Tlaib parts ways with anti-Israel consultant for terrorism-linked groups” – Uh-oh! Guess Michigan’s Jewish Community may be more important on Election Day than the Muslim voters…. Hey.. Michigan Jewish citizens.. don’t fall for her new tactic.. she’s a Democrat and she lies to get votes!

Online headline: “Questions over Vindman’s military records evolve into campaign finance probe for super PAC ties” --  VP Democrat candidate Walz, Maryland Democrat Moore, and now Virginia Democrat Vindman have wrongfully enhanced resumé issues with their military records, and have lied about them for political gain... this is more than just a pattern... this is deceit, this is treasonous and demoralizing to our patriotic soldiers!

Online headline: “Harris pledges to rein in degree requirements for federal jobs” -- What would be "unnecessary degrees"? Sounds to me this would INCREASE affirmative action which cheats American taxpayers!

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