Tuesday, September 10, 2024

We need term limits for US House and Senate members! Yes, NEED term limits.... because current laws allow for out of state donations to interfere with another state's citizens right to elect Congresspersons to represent the people of their state or district.
Online “headLIE”: “Work that White people can do to create a just world” --  You know, it's impossible to teach tolerance and equality when your real purpose is to earn an advantage for yourself.
Online "headLIE": " NFL Fans Remind World That Colin Kaepernick ‘Was Right’ After Dolphins’ Tyreek Hill Incident With Police " -- WRONG!  Kaeperprick was ostracized because he was WRONG.. not right..
Online headline: “Mark Cuban defends Harris, says people who don't want a presidential candidate 'capable of hugging' should 'seek psychological help'” -- But we don't need a politician's "hug" when it's given in order to get close enough to us to pull our wallets out of our pockets!
You know.. if it weren’t pathetic, it could be funny that “blessed” liberals are more liberal AFTER they make enough money that being generous doesn’t affect how they live, so they support politicians  who’s policies now  would now  prevent them from becoming financially independent…
Online headline: “Juveniles arrested following traffic stop in Columbus, GA,  multiple firearms found” -- Hmmm ..and during my teen years, I can count on one hand how many times my friends and I rode around town with our guns....and I'd 5 fingers left.
SERIOUSLY!  Does anyone believe that KC Chief's Tight End Travis Kelce will vote for Kama-LIAR Harris?.. Or that it matters?
Online “headLIE”: “ Harris embraces Supreme Court term limits that could retire Thomas by 2025” – Of course it’s a “headLIE”… Kama-LIAR said it! But…you know, the current 9 Justices would be exempt from changes. First, it's a change that would have to come in the form of a Constitutional Amendment, so it would take YEARS to come into being, but most.. if not all.. changes in such LAWS generally have a "grandfather clause" that doesn't affect current situations. This is just more Kama-LIAR "weird salad" political SPEAK.
"General" Walz said Kama-LIAR Harris "believes equal justice under the law, and that means, proper, complicated, equal justice under the law. It is not to be debated. It's not to be debated." -- Huh? Kama-LIAR's speechwriters must be writing Walz's Tele prompter speeches, too! If "equal justice" IS NOT TO BE DEBATED, then Democrats believe government officials in power, not American citizens, get to decide what "equal justice" IS!  It sounds like Dems want  to serve us more "salads" than before....she will give us "weird salads", and he will give us "Walz-DORF salads".
Greg Gutfeld summed up Democrats as succinctly as I’ve seen it done when he said, “Integrity is considered a liability” to finish an opinion monologue on why the Democrat voter base is “so loyal”…think about it, “Integrity is considered a liability.”
Online headline: “Chicago was just named the second best city in the U.S.” – Obviously a poll by Democrats.. because, “Integrity is considered a liability.”
Online headline: “Residents blast Chicago council members over migrant spending”… yet Republican can’t exist in Shicago…because, “Integrity is considered a liability.”
Online “headLIE”: “Biden Administration Claimed Crime Rate Is at 50-Year Low. Is It?” -- If reports indicate crime "is down", it's only because crimes aren’t being reported as in the past.. seems the Democrats change the rules about what’s a crime… Example: Shopping Lifting in California is NOT a crime if under $950.00; carrying 1 ounce or less of marijuana is NOT a crime… etc..
Now Queen PeLOUSY feels Hellary is right.. Republicans are “deplorable”.. she feels “'30%' of Republicans are racist, sexist, homophobic: They'd 'never' vote Democrat” – I think the real problem is “100% of Democrat voters feel “Integrity is considered a liability.”
Online headline/story: "Team Harris had 'planned' on unmuted mics, left 'scrambling to rewrite' debate strategy * Four of her own campaign officials now reportedly claim that she will be "handcuffed" by the rules set by her predecessor." -- "handcuffed by rules"? She ought to be handcuffed for breaking her sworn oath to protect American citizens from all threats..foreign and domestic!
Good grief! Mayor Pete Buttigieg is out blasting Republicans for publishing the Afghanistan pull-out  fiasco the day before the debate and calls it "political". Whatta dolt! It was a debacle! It was catastrophic! It was painful! And American citizens and voters should never forget how Biden-Harris handled it! And all Democrats should be held accountable!
Online “headLIE”: “Yellen says U.S. economy remains solid, on path to 'soft landing' with no meaningful layoffs” – Huh? No "meaningful layoffs"?  Doesn't she know how to read?  And every layoff is MEANINGFUL to a family getting laid off!
Online headline: “Get clingy: New Braves affiliate unveils peach-themed name, logos” --  Who's the Clingies' conditioning coach, Sponge Bob?
You know.. Synovus may want to change the stadium name back to “Golden Park” now that the name of the team has been announced.. Who wants to be known as “The Bank of the Pits”?
A Columbus, GA doctor was killed in a car wreck Saturday when his car was struck head-on  by a vehicle going the wrong way on an Interstate Highway ramp.. The other drive was an illegal alien under substance influence.. He should be deported… in pieces…

Online headline: “Harris finally adds policy page to campaign website, devotes several sections to Trump” -- Stating a policy is one thing.. stating how the policy will work is another  And you know, it must be confusing for "the wealthy and corporations" to hear Kama-LIAR  say she wants them to pay "their fair share" in taxes.. First, they know she's lying, and secondly, they'd like to get the TAX CUT she says they deserve so they PAY NO MORE THAN THEIR FAIR SHARE! 

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