Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I know where Casey Anthony is! She's out looking for the killer of OJ's ex-wife while OJ is contained.
Online headline: "Standard & Poor's Slams Google For Motorola Deal " -- Now, this will get China's attention!
Online headline:"Obama Adviser: President Isn't Obsessed With Keeping Job" -- I reckon the pace potUS O'Blather has been going, he could easily destroy our country and declare, "Mission Accomplished" before the end of this term.
From Hyatt's L-E column: "Wrote Lukas: “I think the subject of race in America -- including the often messy intersection of race and baseball -- is almost always more complicated than it appears on the surface, and it makes a habit of upending our assumptions. I also think race in America is an organic, evolving thing, and that our impressions of its past are almost always distorted by how we experience it in the present" -- "our impressions of its past are almost always distorted by how we experience it in the present". Oh could it be so simple, but as long as media and DIM&DUMBERats can rub the salt of the past into present and future wounds for their own benefit, the media and DIM&DUMBERats will do so.
potUS O'Blather claims his bus tour is a listening trip, but he is the one talking and chastising his audiences for not listening to him.
Have any of the American voters who voice their desire to have government take care of all their needs ever been to a socialist or communist country to actually see the living conditions of 'Joe Average'?
Did you see the convenience store video clip showing one person holding up a cashier. The perp reached into the till, but came up empty, so the cashier actually moved the till to the counter so the perp could access it easier. Looked like a lot of collusion going on.
potUS O'Blather says he'll release his jobs plan after Labor Day... yeah, right, as soon as he can find time to write one. Let's face it, if he had any clue, he'd want to push it today, right now so there'd more time to get it cranked up.
Online story: "Seven months after it fired 800 employees, Evergreen Solar is filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy relief. The company, which has received tens of millions of dollars in grants and incentives from the state of Massachusetts, will also face calls to return at least some of that money. * Along the way, it has received $58 million in subsidies and tax breaks from Massachusetts" over the past 3 years -- So much for government backing 'green manufacturing' with tax dollars.
Massachusetts also is losing another 900 jobs because Boston Scientic is closing its manufacturing facility and moving such jobs to China BECAUSE of HELL-thScare.
The potUS O'Blather road trip with its stream of black buses and SUVs moving across the midwestern states must resemble a biblical type swarm of locusts sucking the life out of everything in its path.
Looks like there will be another presidential World Apology tour in the Spring of 2013, only this time it will be a new president going back to the countries on the first tour, and asking for forgiveness of potUS O'Blather's term of office.
potUS O'Blather says he can't be responsible for the economic effects of the Japanese earthquake because it was an act of God. Now he admits God exists? Have you seen him ever say a catastrophe was a random act of Allah? And what about his atheist friends, how does he explain the earthquake to them. Nice try, potUS O'Blather, but this pig, with or without lipstick, ain't gonna fly either.
Phenix City looks like it is pulling up its "welcome mat". Raising the sales tax to almost 9%, adding 2% more to its 'lodging tax', and adding 1.5% to rental property, all in a matter of weeks doesn't bode well for Phenix City's allure of low cost housing and property tax.
You know government is out of control when different aspects (such as city and school systems) start bickering about how big a slice of the pie the other is getting.
Think about this: The MCSD has a bigger budget that the Columbus Consolidated Government, and the MCSD's revenues are ALL tax revenues.
L-E headline: "Panetta: Bigger defense cuts would ‘weaken’ U.S. " -- Then lets make the cuts in government programming cuts...simple enough. After all, as weak as the World perceives potUS O'Blather, we're gonna need a strong military.
You know, if potUS O'Blather was really sincere about doing a listening bus tour, he'd have planned it to go along the US-Mexican border.

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