Tuesday, August 2, 2011

While it was a very emotional moment to see Rep. Giffords of Arizona cast her first vote since she was shot, we do have to wonder whether there wass any sort of testing done to check on her mental capacity to make a voting decision. AH! What am I thinking! There is no test for any Congressperson's mental capacity to make a valid decision. Just look at where the decisions of Pelosi, Rangel, Franken, Frank, Dodd the late Ted Kennedy et al DUMB&DUMBERats and DUMB&DUMBERat voters have taken us.
Harry Reid was actually bragging that the current 'deal' on the table yesterday was there only because of him. If he had been apologizing for it instead, I might be able to forgive any Republican for voting "yes" on it. Stay on them for a balanced budget amendment.
How can 'they' claim there are no tax increases calculated in this 'deal'. The tax cuts passed during Bush43's administration are set to expire again in 2012, and you know the CBO has those increases calculated into the revenue stream in the future.
Bet you missed it yesterday... yesterday was the start of Ramadan. I didn't give a ramadamn!
Liberals are screaming that potUS O'Blather has morphed into Jimmy Carter. I know Jimmy Carter, and potUS O'Blather is no Jimmy Carter.. maybe Billy Carter, seeing as he was a 'wizzz-kid', too, but Cuzzin Jimmy did finally 'get it', and I don't see that in potUS O'Blather's future.
England is discussing more public rehab centers, named for Amy Winehouse, suggesting more of such centers may help others avoid the same results. Yoo-hoo! A little more personal responsibility would be even better in avoiding that result.
Online story: "WASHINGTON(Reuters) - The Obama administration Monday sued to block enforcement of Alabama's new immigration law, widely considered to be the toughest measure in the United States to try to crack down on illegal immigrants." -- Alabama's legal immigrants and naturalized citizens should take great anger at ppotUS O'Blather's strategy to undermine their status and lawfulness.
Speaking of all the attempts to undermine states for wanting to protect their legal populations, I firmly believe this a political ploy to divert media attention away from potUS O'Blather's knowledge of the gunning running program initiated by Eric Holder.
Speaking of ordering "community service" as part of a sentencing, what 'community services' did Tony Adams perform, and how do we citizens even know he has done this? Maybe the judge should order that a schedule of 'community service' duties be published before and after the assignment so 'the community' can verify the sentence is carried out satisfactorily and completely.
From L-E story: "“The purpose of Ramadan, according to the Koran, is to do ‘taqwa’ -- to obey Allah and what he commands,” said Dawud Salahuddin Bin Pearson, the imam or spiritual leader of Masjid Bin Mas’ud in south Columbus. * “We abstain from water, other drink and food; this trains us. We seek to deny the necessities of life. How can we deny sin if we can’t deny food and water?” -- One question: Why does Allah command Muslims ignore the 6th Commandment?
From L-E story: "The proposal to increase the authority of the mayor in firing top city executives was similarly spirited. Currently the mayor must go to council and get at least six votes to fire a city manager, city attorney, police or fire chief. * The proposal that came out of a subcommittee Monday would allow the mayor to fire an executive without council approval, but a vote of six councilors could override the move. * After being proposed by subcommittee chairman Madden Hatcher, the concept was challenged by Mary Sue Polleys, who claimed it would “create an arbitrary spoils system” that would allow a new mayor to simply clean house and start over. * “How is the current system broken?” she asked." -- One has only to look at the school system Polley's left behind to understand why she doesn't know how to comprehend when something is broken. The Mayor should be given the ability to 'clean house'! If political change is the reason the voters want one candidate over another, the public is usually dissatisfied with the way the city is being operated at the front line, and the new Mayor should be able to initiate corrective measures.
From the "how stupid can one person be" department - L-E headline/story: "Insurers must cover birth control with no copays * WASHINGTON — Health insurance plans must cover birth control as preventive care for women, with no copays, the Obama administration said Monday" -- All 'no copay' means is that all healthcare policies will add in the cost to every insurance premium of every insured person/family whether the person/persons insured are even capable of having children (yoo hoo, Seniors, homosexuals, and single men in general, take note).
L-E's "Quotable": “The two most common elements in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity.” Harlan Ellison American author (1934- ) -- Cannot speak of the former, but we get a dose of the latter every time a DUMB&DUMBERat speaks or votes. If may bring conversation as to such stupidity may be in more supply than hydrogen.
Letter writer Brewbaker demonstrated his own myopic and self-serving image of the school system. His challenge to L-E's Kieta smells of ambush and lack of school policies. By the time Kieta could sign in at each school (assuming he could get permission to do so), the school day would be over.

Kieta's points were well confirmed by the response by Brewbaker.

Maybe someone from the MCSD (in a similar situation as Doc Hamilton and his redress of a CSU graduate's response) would/should respond accordingly.


Question: All these BRAC numbers that have been bandied about over the past 3 or 4 years... are they figured into the recent census report or are they mostly in addition to the 2010 census number?

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