Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Online headline: "Obama's uncle has driver's license, Social Security number" -- Hmm, obviously he had an illegal SSN which allowed him to apply for and receive an illegal driver's license, but the story stopped short of other illegal possibilities available once the SSN & Driver's license were attained. Has he illegally registered to vote or voted illegally? Being 67, has he illegally applied for and received Social Security checks and Medicare/Medicaid? Oh, and did he illegally contribute to his nephew's campaign? One other question, too, is how did he get into America to begin with...Hawaiian birth certificate? That may explain how he got a SSN to begin with.
Online headline: "Gunshots Fired At Texas Congressman's Office" -- BB's are "gunshots"? While it is wrong to shoot out windows of Republicans, too, did it matter to the media that the office belonged to an endangered DIM&DUMBERat Congressman, and "gunshots" sounded more right-wing extremist sensationalism than BB's?
Online headline: "ATF Chief Resigns Over Controversial 'Fast And Furious' Gun Trafficking Program" -- Looks like more 'burning the bridge be hind them' for potUS O'Blather and Holder.
Richard Hyatt says there are still questions unanswered about why some schools perform better that others. What questions? It's no secret that responsibility and accountability placed on the student gets results, and parental involvement. It's the attitude that a student can't learn because he/she is a 'victim' of environment or circumstance that creates the divide in achievement.
L-E headline: "Venerable Muscogee Manor plans move to $35 million facililty" -- ooops, my bad. Thought for a minute we would get some useful use out of the new education building.
From the L-E story on "Leadership": "When people are treated with respect and dignity and appreciation, they rally to the leader,” Blanchard said. “They just run to the leader for inspiration and hope. They place a lot of trust in the leader because he or she has earned their trust.” * Such an approach creates an environment in which employees of a company feel a freedom to express thoughts openly and experiment with new things, he said. The energy explodes instead of being suppressed. * “It’s the opposite of that manager who just throws a bucket of cold water in anybody’s face that comes up with an idea that particular leader didn’t have himself or herself,” he said." -- It's obvious that potUS O'Blather would have benefited greatly to have 'just' been in the audience here rather than vacationing on public time and tax dollars.
We've long known the White House and Congress are full of 'cracks' and now the Washington Monument is full of cracks. Guess this 3-of-a-kind will become known in poker circles as 'a debt-man's hand'.

Have you ever noticed that potUS O'Blather and liberals in general refer to all but white Americans as hyphen-Americans? Wonder if O'Blather refers to South Africans of Dutch descent as White-Africans and all others as Africans? Also, do were refer to an African-American who has moved to South Africa as an African-American-African? Just demonstrating absurdity by being such.
Online quote site: "When solving problems, dig at the roots instead of just hacking at the leaves." - Anthony J. D'Angelo" -- Someone ought to send this to potUS O'Blather so he'll know what is or isn't a 'shovel ready job'.
California is considering to ban Styrofoam food packages because they are not bio-degradable. They are recyclable, but that doesn't seem to matter to liberals. Now if liberals want to ban something because its's not bio-degradable, they should make an effort to ban silicon... but of course, that would bankrupt the whole state in a week's time as plastic surgeons and computer chip makers would have to shut down their businesses and move to saner states.
Heard a poll question yesterday: What works better - Reaganomics or Obamanomics? That's gotta be a trick question; every one already knows Obamanomics, like its namesake, doesn't work!
On the ongoing battle with online hotel room sales: It's getting nanny-nanny-pooh-pooh. If the Expedia genre buys a room and pays the occupancy tax on that price (this is what I assume based on what I hear), then they own it for that price. To add additional tax on resell would make the ultimate consumer being taxed on taxes. What is the difference in my buying a football/concert ticket from a venue, then realizing closer to the event, there are other people who will pay me more if I'd sell my ticket to them instead of using it? Do I collect additional taxes and venue fees and pay those to the original vendor? Would you? More importantly, it that a reasonable demand on such a transaction? There are certainly many websites that offer scalping services.
Algeria has given Gaddafi's family asylum 'for humanitarian reasons'; hmmm I wonder how much those 'humanitarian reasons' cost in gold?
L-E headline: "Texas drought could threaten endangered species " -- Don't tell the EPA or Congress! One or both will publish a new law/regulation banning any further droughts and make us pay fines if there is another one!

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