Saturday, August 13, 2011

Online headline: "Obama Bus Tour: President Expects To Get Earful On Midwest Trip" -- Unfortunately, what potUS O'Blather needs is a couple of swift kicks further south.
We're going to miss Judge Pullen; you can tell by the smiles on defense attorneys' faces.
L-E headline: "GEORGIA REDISTRICTING * Democrats vow to oppose new maps" -- And what's new? DUMB&DUMBERats are going to oppose anything that's really 'progressive' and geared to making the future better. Oh, and since this is the first redistricting EVER drawn by a Republican majority, ask yourselves, have the D&D's ever protested any districting they offered?
potUS O'Blather rebuked the Republicans as now is not the time to play games... Now, does that include his golf and basketball games?
Sounds like potUS O'Blather's strategy for 2012 will be 'to elect' him rather than re-elect him. Sounds like he's going to claim he was out of town so often, that you can't blame him for what those Washington Insiders did while he was golfing and campaign fund raising.
If potUS O'Blather is so intent on raising more tax revenue, let him rescind the 501 (c) 3 status of so the George Soros Billionaire's Club cannot deduct their political donations from their revenue.
Just a thought, but why are local non-profits, even churches, totally exempt from property taxes? They still in need/recieve of the services of the police/fire/and road departments, plus they don't get utilities for free.
Labor saving devices are wonderful, but only if they allow you to reduce your labor force. Remember driving by a Water Works repair crew and seeing 5 or 6 people there, one working and the others leaning on their particular tool? Well Wednesday as I was leaving downtown, a CWW crew was digging up a spot at 2nd Ave/13th St with a labor saving device, and, you guessed it there were 5 others standing around watching, but because a labor saving device was digging up the pavement, they didn't need shovels, so they were standing there leaning on nothing.
Well, since Algore has reappeared as a foul-mouthed flame-throwing dragon, I got to wondering where Jesse Jackson has been hiding? We know where Al Sharpton is (guest hosting a liberal news show) and since the show has no real audience, and since Fox isn't covering his rantings, no harm is being done, but even the liberals must be sitting on Jesse Jackson to keep him out of circulation.
Now I'm getting concerned...real concerned. The recent purchase approved by Council seems to have had the really valuable portion of the property held out of the sale of the Alpine Apartment Project, LLC deal. On top of that, I asked two Councilors to provide the names of the principals of Alpine, and neither has responded. Looks more and more like some political payoff, like buying the Liberty Apartment complex in the recent past.
Medical savings won't ever happen until the patient is involved in the relationship with his/her doctor and hospital. Require all medical businesses to post single price points for their services and procedures with no discount structures. That way, patients can determine whether to pay the same price as insurance companies, and insurance companies cannot 'scare' customers with the exorbitant pre-discount prices for medical services. Oh, yeah, make it so that hospitals and doctors get paid directly from thgeir patients, and insurance companies have to reimburse the patients within a short and certain time frame.
Texas A&M in the SEC? Most Texas teams shoul;d be considered, but way!
The rise in prices of gold, silver, and other valuable metals reflects nothing but inflation which the potUS O'Blather 'spin team' denies is occurring.
L-E story: "DETROIT — Honda Motor Co. plans to build an $800 million factory in Mexico to make small cars for customers in North America, the company said Friday. " -- First, please note this is a story out of Detroit, not Japan, then add up the facts that Honda is opting to build outside of the US to protect its investments in manufacturing from HELL-thScare.
L-E story: "NEW YORK — Alec Baldwin says he’s thinking of running for mayor of New York, but not until he learns more about the job. " -- Gimme a break! Just because he played one on TV or in the movies is not OJT. besides, who will he 'learn' from...Al Franken...another joke?

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