Monday, May 14, 2012

From a fellow BCer:
--- L-E headline: "DROUGHT RAISES WORRIES OF RETURN TO SUMMER OF 2007 No winter, spring rains recharged Chattahoochee; Flint at historic low " -- What does this mean... if we can't advertise 'whitewater', we can still advertise our beaches and wading pool? --- L-E headline/story: "‘DRAINAGE TECHNICIAN’ ROLLS A GUTTER BALL * Drainage into Weracoba Creek eroding resident’s yard * Because his (Steve Gibbon's) property is the lowest on the street, water flows into the drain from both directions. In a heavy rain, it pours into the creek with such force it's causing the bank to erode. * The real problem, the technician said, is that Gibbon's house lacks gutters." -- Gutters will solve the man's problem? Who on Council is this 'brilliant' drainage technician related to? --- L-E headline: "Muscogee County School Board: Principal nominees, executive search firms to be discussed at tonight's meeting" -- What I'd like to know is if there is a Research Firm that can provide candidates for MCSD Board membership elections? Read more here: --- Why is the Columbus Water Works, a public utility who's rates are based on expenses, allowed to make donations to ventures as sponsorship of the Muscogee Education Excellence Foundation? What possible reason can be concocted to justify charging Columbus water users higher fees for non-water-related expenses? A private company's involvement is one thing, but a monopoly is another. It's no different that a politician accepting awards for giving out public funded grants to projects. Wasn't Judge Pullen crucified for giving unclaimed court awarded funds to colleges then attending dinners where he was recognized for his generosity?

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