Thursday, May 24, 2012

Online story: "Researchers at Fairleigh Dickinson University updated a study they had conducted in late 2011. That study only sampled respondents from New Jersey, where the university is located. This time, the researchers conducted a nationwide poll. * study has concluded that people who only watch Fox News are less informed than all other news consumers. * People who only listened to NPR or watched Sunday morning talk shows or "The Daily Show" did the best in the study." -- First, I checked, but this was not some reprint of an April Fool's Day story. Since Fox is "fair and balanced", I'm figuring the Fairleigh survey only contacted Fox fans of Juan Williams and Alan Colmes. As for "NPR" and "The Daily Show", I was instantly reminded of an old, really old, joke I heard in my youth about "The Readers Digest". If you want to keep Readers Digest fans uninformed, take it away from them; if you want to keep them misinformed, give it back. Oh, there is one other possibility.. probability... the survey was an extra credit project graded by the Fairleigh Dickinson faculty! --- From the "he's lost it" department - Online headline/story: "Colin Powell Trashes Mitt Romney's Team Of Foreign Policy Advisers * WASHINGTON -- Former Secretary of State Colin Powell on Wednesday questioned Mitt Romney's choice in foreign policy advisers, saying that some are so right-wing that the advice they give deserves "second thought." * "I don't know who all of his advisers are, but I've seen some of the names and some of them are quite far to the right. And sometimes they might be in a position to make judgments or recommendations to the candidate that should get a second thought," Powell said during an appearance on MSNBC's "Morning Joe." -- If this is "trashing", it's only in MSNBC's eyes. "Trashing" is what Powell did to potUS Arpege earlier when he refused to endorse him for re-election. If you have to think about whether you are going to continue supporting an incumbent aren't doing so. --- Online headline/story: "Patrick Fitzgerald Steps Down As U.S. Attorney In Chicago * CHICAGO — In a city and state known for tenacious corruption, U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald became known for equal tenacity in going after politicians of every stripe.* During more than a decade in Chicago, Fitzgerald put behind bars a former Republican governor and then his Democratic successor. He traveled to Washington to win convictions of a top aide to the vice president of the United States, and back home targeted an international media mogul and aides to one of the nation's most powerful mayors." -- Hmmm, as I see it, between potUS Arpege and Rahm Emanuel, Fitzgerald is not stepping down, he is escaping with his life! --- L-E story: "The most impassioned exchanges of the evening came amid the Clerk of Superior Court panel, perhaps an unlikely area for fisticuffs in a position one candidate likened to “a glorified librarian.” Challenger Lisa Jenkins, however, charged that Pierce “is not a team player,” and said she could prove it. * “I have documentation that the clerk has gone out and spent over $351,000 of taxpayers’ money that the city could have done for free,” said Jenkins, who vowed to overhaul the office if elected. " -- Before we go any further, Jenkins should come forth with her "documentation" and evidence, and let the voters see for ourselves. Otherwise, she should apologize. --- Doing the math on the $1,200,000.00 operational overrun as projected by Dr Worsley to Council to run the Natatorium. Mind you, this is just for the "overrun" expense, not the operational cost of the Natatorium. At an average of $20.00 a hour, $1,200,000.00 translates into 60,000 man hours. That's an average of over 1153 man hours a week. Again, this is in overrun projections, not the portion that fits into the budget. Why hasn't the Mayor or anyone on Council pointed this out and challenged Worsley on his projections? --- L-E's "Thought for Today": “Responsibility educates.” — Wendell Phillips, American abolitionist (1811-1884)." -- Well, well, well... In a nutshell, two words that sum up a dose of cure needed from the MCSD classroom to the MCSD board room. --- L-E headline: "Doctor who aided CIA gets 33 years * Pakistan rejects U.S. plea to release man who helped find Osama bin Laden" -- Well, there goes any further cooperation between informants and the US information network. On the bright side...DOH... the good doctor probably won't have to serve the full 33 years... his body will probably be given to his family in a matter of months. --- L-E story: "PHOENIX — Arizona’s secretary of state said Wednesday that Hawaii’s official verification of President Barack Obama’s birth records meets necessary requirements, meaning the president’s name will appear on Arizona’s ballot in the fall. * The inquiry launched recently by Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett gave official weight to a long-simmering political controversy generated by those who say that Obama was not born in the U.S. and therefore is ineligible to hold the nation’s highest office." -- Arizona asking for the birth certificate of a presidential candidate is not a 'birther' challenge; it is/was compliance with a U.S Constitutional requirement that should be the responsibility of the DIM&DUMBERat Party to provide before letting any of its party members be considered. Same goes for Republicans. Hmm, that sounds fair; no wonder the mainstream media is outraged! --- L-E headline: "Iran nuke talks snag over dueling demands " -- Hmm, RPGs at 20 paces, or scimitars at arms length? --- There's only 1 thing wrong with Senator McKoon's proposal... ir doesn't go far enough. All things consider, though, it sure is something a lot better than we've had. --- L-E headline: "Inquiry hears of wider Secret Service misbehavior * Senators remain concerned over culture in agency " -- Uh-oh! Someone has uttered the C-Word (culture); can it be long before Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are out throwing the race card? --- L-E headline: "Columbus man charged with aggravated sodomy" -- You'll have to do your own homework and read the third paragraph for yourselves. Just the matter-of-factness of the description of the act is perverse enough to have been censored in decent newspapers in the last part of the 20th Century. Change is not always good. What happened to the adage of 'all the news that's fit to print'? --- Sexual preference is a choice, not a right. Everyone keep/discuss your personal lives,whether heterosexual or homosexual, in private. 'Nuff said. --- L-E headline: "GRADUATIONS * PROPER DECORUM STRESSED FOR BIG DAY * 1,930 Muscogee County students expected to graduate over next 3 days" -- Bet the 307 Columbus High graduates have no clue to "Proper Decorum" after the dr. Crumbs incident. --- Again, what is Congress's obsession with crucifying Roger Clemens? If Congress spent half as much time on extracting evidence and truthfulness from its own members, this country would still not be as in good shape as baseball. --- L-E headlie: "HP to cut 27,000 jobs save $3.5 BillionWhy is this news? If we cut one government job in November, we'll, save trillions! --- L-E headline: "HP to cut 27,000 jobs to save up to $3.5B" Why is this news? If we cut one government job in November, we'll save trillions! --- L-E photo: This is probably a unique photo. If the Muslims win the Egyptian vote, women will probably never get to vote again in Egypt. Talk about a war on women, potUS Arpege is the instigator!

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