Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Online headline: "Obama: JPMorgan Disaster Shows 'Why Wall Street Reform Is So Important' -- Possibly... definitely needs to be looked at, BUT not until you look at reforming Congressional spending, Freddie Mac & Fannie Mae, the US Postal Service, IRS, every federal welfare program, and the college loan program. --- From the 'suspicions confirmed' department : Saw this ad online, "(Become a) Social Worker - Apply Here - Social Worker Schools, Make A Difference As A Social Worker". After my burst of disbelief such existed, I clicked on the icon, and just as suspect, the web site wasn't working. --- WRBL News3 online headline: "Grand Jury declines to indict House of Restoration's Executive Director" -- Remember when Grand Juries were made up of the most honored of a community? Guess this is not the case anymore. --- L-E story on above WRBL story: "The grand jury’s refusal to hand down charges “was not totally unexpected,” said Phenix City Police Chief Ray Smith. He likened the case to a suspect being caught “with their hand in the cookie jar” who then puts the cookie back after arousing suspicion. * “There’s no doubt he took money out of that account without authorization, he just put it back after we asked him about it,” Smith said. “The grand jury, in this particular case, decided not to prosecute, and certainly we respect that. We’re not going to question that.” -- Well, in my book, the Police Chief certainly raises the question of whether the same practices go on within the police department, and this sorta takes him off the hook. Hopefully, United Way does not respect this decision. --- With a 'heads up' from a fellow BCer: "Florida officials have discovered that 180,000 registered voters may be non-citizens. * A CBS4/Miami Herald analysis of information supplied by Miami-Dade shows a large number of the potential non-citizens voters cast ballots in the past — including the 2000 election, when the presidency was decided by just over 500 votes * Florida’s Division of Elections is checking the citizenship of voters by comparing drivers license records, which show whether a licensed driver is also a U.S. citizen. * Non-citizens are able to become registered voters in Florida because if a non-citizen checks the box on the voter registration form that says they are a citizen they are registered to vote, because the form is signed under oath. * Florida’s investigation is only looking at legal immigrants, not illegal aliens," -- Let's hope that since we rejected the DIM&DUMBERats of GA from getting the "motor-voter" law which would have done the same thing in GA, that this is not the case with licence applicants being able to register at the Driver's Licence Bureau. --- From a fellow BCer:
Reality is the root of comedy. --- Online headline: "GOP-Backed Group Hopes To Take Key Voters From Obama" -- Yeah especially voters holding the 'key' to the White House. --- In typical government form, the Pentagon has proposed a study to study why studies aren't finished or effective? Are you exploding yet? --- Online headline: "Team Obama Unleashes Harsh Attack On Romney" -- This qualifies as 'news'? This headline can run unchanged until November 7th, 2012 --- With the California security being dragged into a death spiral by excessive spending versus reduced tax revenues, why didn't George Clooney hold a fund raiser for Californians rather than potUS Arpege? --- Taco Bell wants me to order a "Cheesy Gordito Crunch". Personally, asking me to order something 'cheesy' is not very appetizing. --- The Edwards' case - I really don't care to comment on such crap, but now (I guess as 'hearsay') people are claiming a million dollar donation from a now deceased contributor, was a "gift", not a donation. Excuse me, but if it was a 'gift', show me the dead man's IRS forms that declared this, and shows $500K +/- in taxes the man paid. --- You know, when potUS Arpege gets a standing ovation from a college graduation class, that college has just sent out a whole new group of people into the real world with out job skills or the knowledge to create their own. --- One question for the MCSD board: Why weren't the new classrooms at Northside planned to be used during the 2012-13 school year? Could it be that this was a project to fix the BRAC influx that didn't happen, and the board just didn't stop the construction? Perhaps a lawsuit is a better route to take versus completing the project? --- L-E story: "WASHINGTON — The Obama administration adopts a landmark national strategy to fight Alzheimer’s on Tuesday, setting the clock ticking toward a deadline of 2025 to finally find effective ways to treat, or at least stall, the mind-destroying disease. " -- This ranks right up there with the City Council's drive to eliminate homelessness in 10 years. Sounds good on paper, but who's going to remember to hold the past generation responsible when it doesn't happen? --- From the 'doused hopes' department: After about 4 weeks of ONLY 8 pages in Tuesday s Foreclosure Section, it's back up to 11 today.....

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