Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Online headline/story: "Obama Loses Votes to Prison Inmate * CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Just how unpopular is President Barack Obama in some parts of the country? Enough that a man in prison in Texas is getting 4 out of 10 votes in West Virginia's Democratic presidential primary. * The inmate, Keith Judd, is serving time at the Beaumont Federal Correctional Institution in Texas for making threats at the University of New Mexico in 1999. * Judd was able to get on the state ballot by paying a $2,500 fee and filing a form known as a notarized certification of announcement, said Jake Glance, a spokesman for the Secretary of State's office. * Attracting at least 15 percent of the vote would normally qualify a candidate for a delegate to the Democratic National Convention. But state Democratic Party Executive Director Derek Scarbro said no one has filed to be a delegate for Judd. The state party also believes that Judd has failed to file paperwork required of presidential candidates, but officials continue to research the matter, Scarbro said." -- Well, there they go again! The DIM&DUMBERats do not do due diligence on the qualifications of its candidates they present. Remember 2008. when potUS Arpege was allowed on the ballot without ever presenting a birth certificate to the D&Ds to prove his eligibility to be considered as a president? --- The media and liberal politicos scolded and chastised President Bush for his banner proclaiming "Mission Accomplished" following the removal of Saddam Hussein, but the same folks have been mighty passive about questioning potUS Arpege his proclamation that "The War on Terrorism is over". Now we have increased terrorist attacks in the Mid-East, and what was going to be another underwear bomb attack to deal with. What does potUS Arpege say now? Even better, what will the media say next? --- Online quote service:"Never trust anyone who wants what you've got. Friend or no, envy is an overwhelming emotion." - Eubie Blake -- Be sure and remember this when you're listening to a politician talk and when you enter the voting booth. --- From one of the less-than-conservative fellow BCer:s "Q. What is the difference between dr. Crumbs and most of the CHS faculty? A. Crumbs has no class." --- Have you seen Hillary's latest hairdo? It looks like she could be Martha Stewart's sister. Just another sign that she's preparing to run for president in 2016 as she doesn't think the Biden factor will be in effect after this November. --- The Senate , the DIM&DUMBERat controlled Senate, has voted to give the US Post Office a nearly $34 BILLION dolaar bailout ON CONDITION the Postmaster General does not close unnecessary post offices nor fire unnecessary (union) postal employees. Those are the two areas the Postmaster General are the ways to streamline the Postal Service and make it timely and efficient. Lets's hope the House blows the Senate bill to smithereens! --- From another fellow BCer: This is the new Chinese Aircraft carrier. It s bigger, faster, more stable, and less expensive to build and operate than anything we have (or own the drawing boards). Do not know if it is equipped with the hospital capabilities of ours, but I'm not sure... no, I'm pretty darn sure, that China is not thinking about humanitarianism during disasters.
--- Online story: "RALEIGH, N.C. — North Carolina approved a constitutional amendment Tuesday defining marriage solely as a union between a man and a woman, becoming the latest state to effectively slam the door shut on same-sex marriages." -- Hmmm, wonder if the DIM&DUMBERat National Convention will be canceled in NC and be moved to another state? Remember when the Olympics canceled playing the golf event at Augusta National just because women weren't members? --- Online headline: "Obama 'Disappointed' by State's Vote" Which one..the West Virginia or the North Carolina vote? --- Online story: "SAN FRANCISCO -- Only weeks after neighborhood complaints forced filmmaker George Lucas to abandon plans to convert a renovated Marin County ranch into a state-of-the-art film production studio, the cinematic auteur is now working with a local community group to develop the site for low-income housing." -- As bad as the Marin Countians thought about commercializing a neighborhood estate, they'll go ballistic over Section 8 housing. Don't you love it when DIM&DUMBERats turn on their own? --- Online headline: "Tom Brokaw Bashes White House Correspondent's Dinner" -- Wow! Another example of DIM&DUMBERats turning on their own... can't you feel the love and tolerance for each other? --- Online Headline/story: "Court Deals Blow to Undocumented Immigrants * DENVER — A federal appeals court says illegal immigrants don't have a right to own firearms under the U.S. Constitution." -- You mean there were people who were not attune to this? An illegal alien with a gun in this country should be considered as an Act of War, a literal invasion by troops from another country. --- L-E headline/story: "Superior Court: Raymond S. Baker, man serving multiple life sentences for murder, asks for new trial * A man serving multiple life sentences for murder argued in court Tuesday that he should have a new trial, claiming the judge who presided over his 2008 case kept interrupting his attorney and making him ineffective." -- ARRGGGHHHH!!!!! Chances are that if the judge was 'interrupting' it was BECAUSE the lawyer was violating court procedures AND the constitutional rights of the witness! The criminal should have thought about this BEFORE he did the crime. --- The Pates, Sam & Nan, are retiring from Brookstone. The Pate's were consummate teachers. Glad they weren't still in the MCSD system where their unique talents would have been stifled. --- L-E headline/story: "$220 MILLION PROJECT TO ‘PUT PHENIX CITY ON MAP * Plans for the “Brickyard,” an 87.4-acre plot across the Chattahoochee River from the Columbus Civic Center, include a marina, condominiums, two 13-story hotels, restaurants and entertainment venues that will “put Phenix City on the map,” developer Billy Graham said. * “It’s never even been a consideration, and absolutely there will be no gambling on the property,” Graham told the city’s planning commission after Councilman Jimmy Wetzel addressed the speculation. * Brannen, who has long dreamed of bringing a marina to the area, said “it’s kind of pitiful” that the project has taken a “beating behind the scenes,” referring to the gambling rumors. " -- Whatta blow to Columbus! Phenix City can do something like this because the view looking from Columbus from Phenix City is a lot more attractive than the reverse, and the tax structure makes it even a better deal. The gambling... don't think for a minute something will come in the future when they locate arrowheads on the construction site. --- We pay nearly $600,000.00 for an office in New York for XpotUS Clinton. What's he doing..subletting Charlie Rangels' offices? --- L-E headline: "Karzai says airstrikes could hurt U.S.-Afghan agreement " -- Karzai just got a 12 year contract extension on his foreign aid money, and he's already churning the waters for renegotiation. Cut him off now. --- L-E headline: "FDA favors first drug for HIV prevention " -- Now, will this 'pill' work really as good as the best prevention? No, just saying "no" to gratuitous, casual, and adulterous relationships outside of marriage still works best. --- Reports of a theft of a $2,200.00 computer from a 1300 Block area of Rigdon Road send signals of insurance fraud tingling up my leg.

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