Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Online story: "MSNBC's Chris Hayes sparked controversy and debate on Sunday when he said that he felt "uncomfortable" calling soldiers killed in action "heroes" because the term can be used to justify potentially unjust wars. He later apologized for the statement. " -- The story also provided me with the perfect response: a "twitterer" wrote: " One Twitter user said that he was "uncomfortable with calling you (Hayes) an American." --- What is it with liberals? They don't seem to understand the difference between Veterans' Day and Memorial Day; even potUS Arpege. On Veterans' Day, we salute, we thank, we honor all our military men and women, past and present. On Memorial Day, we take a few minutes out of our day to remember those brave soldiers who died in order for America to become and remain free. Even a Memorial Day backyard cook-out is a tribute to them. To feel any different is unpatriotic... period. --- Online story: "WASHINGTON — The White House said President Barack Obama misspoke on Tuesday when he referred to a "Polish death camp" while honoring a Polish war hero. * The president's remark had drawn immediate complaints from Poles who said Obama should have called it a "German death camp in Nazi-occupied Poland," to distinguish the perpetrators from the location. Polish Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski called it a matter of "ignorance and incompetence." -- Thank goodness potUS Arpege handled this himself and didn't send VEEP Biden-Biden to represent him; Biden-Biden could have started WW III. --- Online story: "Romney spent Tuesday evening at a Las Vegas fundraiser with Trump, who had toyed with the idea of running for president. Romney says he believes Obama was born in America but has yet to condemn Trump's repeated insinuations to the contrary. * "If Mitt Romney lacks the backbone to stand up to a charlatan like Donald Trump because he's so concerned about lining his campaign's pockets, what does that say about the kind of president he would be?" Obama's deputy campaign manager, Stephanie Cutter, said in a statement." -- "If Mitt Romney lacks the backbone to stand up to a charlatan like Donald Trump"? Huh? I do believe it was potUS Arpege who kowtowed to Trump's demand. --- Online headline: "Cory Booker Communications Director Resigns" -- Yeah right... she either had to say that or end up next to James Hoffa in the New Jersey Meadowlands. --- Online story: "WASHINGTON, May 29 (Reuters) - The head of the U.S. National Weather Service has retired unexpectedly after an internal investigation found that agency employees improperly shifted millions of dollars in budget resources to weather service offices around the country." -- "Retired"? Sounds more like his heat wave was confronted by a cold-front and lightning knocked him off his throne. --- Online headline: "'Don't Fale Me': Student Writes Hilarious Note On Assignment " -- Any further arguments for eliminating remedial students to college? This reminded me of a day back in the 70's when I stopped by our stores personnel department to review recent employment applications. One struck me as a sign of the future. A recent high school graduate wrote in the "Previous Jobs" area of the application, "Non, I just don graduated." I felt my job was pretty safe in the future. --- L-E headline: "Councilman Sumbry says wife’s nap to blame for blue light mishap" -- Hmmm, I guess it doesn't matter which side of the river you live on, DIM&DUMBERats seem anxious to blame their wives for their ills. Along with Sumbry, we have Michael Eddings... Even worse than the "war on women" most DIM&DUMBERats partake in is the "war on wives". --- United Way just announced its results: $6,600,000.00 pledged; $6,006,000.00 actually collected; $5,021,101.00 distributed to agencies; $984,899.00 retained for United Way salaries/expenses. Looks like a couple of things need to be done. First, pledgers not completing such should have their United Way signs/window decals revoked, and United Way needs to curtail its almost 20% of revenues collected from being retained for in-house use. --- Succinct L-E "soundoff": "Democrats are all for tolerance until you disagree with them. Then they go on a personal attack: against God, His Bible, His church, His people, my marriage and family — all things they are ignorant about. " -- Well said! Write more often! --- Another obvious lib's L-E "soundoff": "Why does Columbus treat graduation like church? Graduation is supposed to be a joyous time!" -- Well, when high school graduates pick up their diplomas but have no skills to enter college or the work place, whay are we supposed to be joyous about? Being graduated is suppose to mean you have been prepared well enough to 'graduate' to the next step in life...being more independent. --- I've got it! With all the recent court decisions overturning criminal verdicts based om "ineffective counsel", require all court appointed attorneys and public defenders to buy insurance, and post a 'performance bond'. That way, if an appeal is overturned, the insurance company would pay for the taxpayers' cost of a retrial, and the lawyer woiuld pay more for his/her insurance (or be denied insurance coverage which would keep him out of court cases). --- Paraphrasing a phrase of support from most of our pasts, "Right On, Thomas Orr, Write On!" ---

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