Friday, May 11, 2012

Online story: "Adam Mayes, the Mississippi fugitive accused of kidnapping and double-homicide, died Thursday night from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. The two young girls he abducted are alive and safe, " -- Wonder if we'll see lawsuits filed against the police for not stopping his suicide because Mayes suicide has denied taxpayer jobs to too many lawyers to keep Mayes alive through the death sentence appeals process? In the meantime, we can pray thanks that the 2 girls are safe. --- Online headline: "Joe Biden Reportedly Apologized To Obama Over Gay Marriage Comments " -- Hmmm, itWAS another Biden 'gay-ffe', and of course Biden apologized. If there is one thing Biden has learned under potUS Arpege is how to apologize. --- potUS Arpege now says that his position on gay marriages is his personal opinion, not his presidential one. Excuse me Mr President, when you are speaking in public, whether on the campaign trail, from the Oval Office, from the floor of Congress, or doing an official interview for a media outlet, you ARE the president, and everything thing you say has presidential impact. If you want to speak on a subject personally, then don't get on the bully pulpit to do so! --- A federal judge, Michael Urbanski (a potUS Arpege appointee), has suggested that two sides on a 10 Commandments seek compromise... such as removing the first, second, third, and fourth Commandments before posting it in schools, etc. I've got another suggestion... how about removing Urbanski from office. --- Why is the argument about the Ten Commandments focus on Christianity? God gave the Ten Commandments to Moses to give to the Jews. Moses lived and died nearly 1,300 years before God gave us Jesus. Why doesn't the Jewish Defense League or the Anti-Defamation League vigorously oppose the governments's attack on the Ten Commandments? --- Online headline: "Justice Department Sues 'America's Toughest Sheriff'" -- On what charge... doing the Justice Department's job or embarrassing Holder and potUS Arpege? --- Latest from "If you're proud of our president, this is a great time to make a donation to the campaign" -- If being proud of potUS Arpege is a requirement for donating to him, his funds should dry up pretty quick. --- Obamalinson backer's L-E "soundoff": "I have no problem with once-a-week trash pickup; for months I have been putting my trash out on Thursdays, the day recycle is picked up." -- You say that now, but when your 1 day becomes a 'holiday', or you either go on vacation or 'miss' putting your garbage out that one day, and you have to keep your garbage for two weeks, will you be saying the same? --- Another liberal's L-E "soundoff": " To save money, congressional Republicans are either going to double student loan rates or slash women’s health care. They won’t vote to cut tax breaks for Big Oil or raise taxes on the wealthy, though. " -- Anytime you see/hear someone blame only the Republicans, you can bet that the whiner is an on-the-takeDIM&DUMBERat concerned only with his/her situation. --- Incorrect L-E "soundoff": "No president is perfect. At least no one sold the USA to China other than Obama." -- How quickly this person has forgotten how Clinton sold the missile technology to China that enables them to send rockets to space... or across the Pacific. --- From the "and how much did this bit of unnecessary research cost us" department - L-E headline/story: "CDC: Young adults ignore skin-cancer warnings * While about 6 percent of adults of all ages said they had done indoor tanning in the previous year, the rates were much, much higher among young white women: about 32 percent among those ages 18 to 21. " -- In addition, no wonder college girls are complaining about their college loans... they are paying for pre-Spring Break tans, plus paying the 10% racist tax potUS Arpege imposed on indoor tanning! --- I read in the L-E that Mayor Obamalinson is building a new storage building at her home... anticipating that she will get the once-a-week garbage pick up she wants so she's preparing a building to store garbage between pick ups? --- Glad to see Golden Park getting some action. Wow, 10's of fans will get to crowd into our 'historic' offering. --- L-E story: "WASHINGTON — Drowning in red ink, the U.S. Postal Service on Thursday reported a quarterly loss of $3.2 billion and blamed Congress for blocking the agency’s cost-cutting efforts to offset declining mail volume and mounting costs for future retiree health benefits." -- Wasn't it reported just yesterday that the DIM&DUMBERat controlled Senate had passed a $34 Billion dollar bail-out bill blocking the Postmaster General from taking steps to close unnecessary offices, and cut unnecessary employees? Of course, if the Post Office could just sell and extra 28,000,000,000 $ .45 cent Forever Stamps, it could make it until the end of the year on its own. ---

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