Monday, April 4, 2016

A moment of prayer and silence for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr... while media remembers his color and  speeches, mainscream media seems to forget his character and that he was a Republican as well.
From the department of Oxymoronic Logic- How come Hillary is so tired of hearing Bernie lie about her, yet has plenty of energy to lie every time there's a microphone in her face?

Late Saturday afternoon, we took our granddaughter out to Flat Rock Park for her first visit. We were shocked at the state of disrepair at the children's playground area and two of the bridges that traverse the creek. On the playground, concrete footings securing the slides were exposed, and the landing area at the coming off at the end of the slides was way to much of a drop for children who use it., And the bridges.. one was pretty much collapsed, and the other has had so much earth eroded away that it is a hazard to try to get on/off it on the east side. Why has Council been building "new" facilities and trails when it doesn't even keep its existing ones safe to use?

Apple has some 'splaining to do to its loyal seems the FBI and a 3rd party company know more about the Apple OS than Apple does.

California just passed a $15.00 minimum wage..Let me ask.. do you feel (not even going to try to get you to "think" about this) that a part or full time entry level job. in a fast food or front line counter job at movie theater was a $30,000.00 per year career starter job?  Oh, and knowing that bored teen using an icon (versus math oriented) cash register is making $15.00 bucks a hour, .. doesn't it just revile you to think about  seeing a "tip jar" staring at you?

I'm getting tired of cashiers and grocery stores/Big Box department stores being forced/expected to panhandle for their employers. You know.. "wanna give a dollar" to some usually worthwhile organization. Hey Publix, Walmart. et al... I'm glad you're wanting to be "involved, but.. I donate directly,, why do you feel you should get credit for donating money your customers have given?  I do have one exception, though, during football store occasionally rings a cowbell when donations are made.. I'm a Mississippi State guy.. I have had my own personal cowbell for 51 years now.. On occasion, and probably to the chagrin of other customers, will "feed" the checkout person several dollars in succession to keep her/him ringing that bell and this finish off with a "Hail State".

How can Hillary claim her husband and her had balanced budgets? The only budget the Clintons were totally responsible for wad the 1994.on which was over 10% out of balance. Then the voters put Newt charge of the House, and Newt kept the budget balanced. Now, if Hillary wants take credit for anything she and Bill did, she should take credit for the housing and mortgage businesses going under water, and them destroyed our military preparedness which left us vulnerable to 9-11-01.

You know, why is Wisconsin being made an epiphany state for Trump? Wisconsin hasn't voted for a Republican since Reagan,

I do hope Cruz wakes up.. He thinks the RNC will favor him if he can get enough delegates to keep Trump from winning the nomination on the first ballot at the convention..hasn't Cruz been listening to the RNC spinmeisters saying a brokered convention will allow for a "fresh face" to be nominated...not one who will leave the convention with "egg on his face"?

Speaking of what is a "fresh face" in the Republican Party..all I can visualize is he RNC deeming McCain, Romney, McConnell, Boehner, or .. drum roll please.. Lindsey Graham as ""fresh faces". Puh-leeze! Trump is the only "fresh face" in the Republican Party since Reagan.

You know, the only poll that really matters to me is the donations poll... Hillary has the most corporate donations and Trump has the least.. Vote for Trump!

From the "in your face, Tim Cook and Apple" department - Online headline: "FBI offers to help agencies with locked phones" -- hat a simple act of patriotic concern could have circumvented.

HuffPOOPOO headline: "Syria Says Mass Grave Found In Palmyra After Recapture From ISIS" -- hmmm.. yeah,, can any one.. that includes Hillary, too,  come up with a reason ZERO-bamageddon will not call ISIS "Islamic Terrorists"?

Normally I'd hint at it being something "rumored", but in this case.. an inside government source has revealed to one of my sources that Mayor TomLYINGson's "tax thaw" initiative will be at best "revenue neutral".. What that means is that until she can orchestrate a court case or get 5 Councilors to vote with her to change even the ongoing grandfathered freeze that she's "allowing" in her ballot initiative, that all the new home buyers will have even more taxes increases in the future than even she figures, or wants even the real estate community to know. Now to existing homeowners.. what this also means is your home value is going to be decreased when you want to sell it as new "unfrozen" home buyers will want to start our with as low a tax base assessment as possible. and the only way to get that is to offer/pay less. Vote "NO"... resoundingly! Oh, and vote "NO" for the legislators that supported Mayor TomLYINGson on this..  especially when someone opposes "John PEZ-soldout", and Richard Smith (I'm still working on a "new" moniker for Smith, but I write a family oriented blog and what I've dreamed of first isn't rated PG). Oh, and only vote "FOR" for Bruce Huff on Council.

Two Republican Senators who early voiced sipport for hearings on ZERO-bamageddon's latest Supreme Court nominee have now recanted.. You know.. the RNC/GOP leadership's best protection is to support Trump because he will attract that more voters who will support Republican Senators so that the Democrats do not regain control in November. Democrats regaining control of the Senate would be even worse than Hillary gaining the White House. Voter backlash at the RNC/GOP leadership's actions toward Trump would cause a lot of the existing 24 Republican Senatorial seats to be in jeopardy.

L-E headline: "Analysis: Funding snub part of political game * Rep. Richard Smith alleges that Columbus region lost almost $10 million in state funding because of Republican Sen. Josh McKoon " -- You know.. what's becoming apparent is that the petty politics of the RNC/GOP leadership at the National Level towards Trump has seeped into the local GOP arena.. We need true Republican candidates to run against Smith and John PEZ-soldout as there's no urgency for the Democrats to oppose either one. If you had plans to donate to Smith or PEZ-soldout. give extra to McKoon instead.

L-E headline: "Three Columbus residents hurled from SUV in fatal crash on Interstate 85 * Authorities said SUV overturned several times on wet highway All three victims were thrown from the SUV Four others taken to Egleston Hospital for treatment" -- I am praying for the survivors and the families of all involved... but what a horror story..  adults not even making sure the child was securely strapped in.

LIV's L-E "soundoff": "A presidential candidate's wife posing nude for a magazine. Oh well, Donald isn't your typical candidate. No rules apply to him. Just ask him." -- Hmmm.. wonder if the ogler looked up completely nude pictures of France's immediate past president's wife,  but what really gets me is the concern about Trump, yet no concern that Hillary has always thought herself being ABOVE the LAWS of our country.

LIV's L-E "soundoff": "Because Gov. Deal and Republicans insist on arming Georgia criminals, Peachtree Mall is no longer safe. We’ll do our shopping on Amazon." -- Good grief.. what has allowing responsible citizens to be legally prepared if they meet an illegally armed felon on the street or in a Mall? The problem here is liberals who believe they can change criminals by placating them. Placating them doesn't work with thugs or ISIS..

A well informed L-E "soundoff": "   There’s no difference between Democrats, leeches, ticks or fleas. They’re all parasites." -- Very perceptive, but the writer did leave one important species off this list.. RINOs.. especially since several of them have recently come out of the closet.. Smith and PEZ-soldout, and several Councilors.  Keep Huff, and throw the rest out.

From the L-E's "Today in HIstory" feature: " In 1948, President Harry S. Truman signed the Marshall Plan, designed to help European allies rebuild after World War II and resist communism." -- Good grief.. a Democrat who wasn't a socialist/communist.. Hey Harry.. about today's Democrats.... "give hell, Harry!"

L-E story worth reading.... .. A fine young MAN all can learn from.. and applaud his parents as well.

Another special story in the L-E... what's happened there.. a new weekend editor ?

Online headline/story: "A senior adviser to the GOP front-runner told MSNBC Trump has a scheme to eliminate more than $19 trillion of national debt in eight years as president. *  As president, Donald Trump would sell off $16 trillion worth of U.S. government assets in order to fulfill his pledge to eliminate the national debt in eight years, senior adviser with the campaign Barry Bennett said.  * "The United States government owns more real estate than anybody else, more land than anybody else, more energy than anybody else," Bennett told Chris Jansing Sunday on MSNBC. "We can get rid of government buildings we're not using, we can extract the energy from government lands, we can do all kinds of things to extract value from the assets that we hold. *  Glenn Kessler, who writes the Post's Fact Checker column, deemed the plan "nonsensical" and gave it "Four Pinocchios."  *  "We regret we have only Four Pinocchios to give for this whopper," Kessler said. "Trump is insulting the intelligence of Americans for making such a claim in the first place. * when pressed on whether the United States could sell off $16 trillion worth of assets, Bennett responded affirmatively on Sunday. * "Oh, my goodness," he said. "Do you know how much land we have? You know how much oil is off shore? And in government lands? Easily."  -- "we  regret we have only Four Pinocchios to give for this whopper"?  Good grief, Kessler has been giving Pinocchios since the first Bill Clinton campaign and he's been able to keep a cap on the number of Pinocchios he could give to Slick Willie, Algore, Kerry, ZERO-bamageddon, and Hillary.. but without regret? I think Trump could accomplish this.. and I'd only put 1 restriction on him.. that any land sales be restricted to American citizens/corporations to perpetuity.

You know.. the American public really doesn't care if Trump was not successful, but it sure is for him to make an effort at doing something  since career politicians just wring than hands in apathy as they try not to deal with it.

Online headline/story: "Hillary Clinton gave us a preview of how she'll take on Donald Trump * Hillary Clinton is vowing to stay out of the mud with Donald Trump. * "I'm not going to be responding to him. I have pretty thick skin," she told Business Insider during a Thursday interview at Purchase College in New York * "I've been in the arena a long time," she continued, "and that means that I am not going to get down with him and go insult for insult." -- "I'm not going to be responding to him"?  What's new about that.. that's been her defense in every scandal. every investigation she been called on, and mainscream media has pretty much protected her.. Unfortunately.. for her.. her standard "I can't remember" response  won't work this year.

Probable online "headLIE":Hillary Clinton says she hasn't been contacted by the FBI" -- Hmmm.. other than Huma Abedin, is that anyone who believes this is not another lie?

Got an e-mail from Hillary wanting me to "stand with her"..excuse me..but I don't have muck boots tall enough to stand near her, much less by her.

L-E headline: "McKoon says he will consider his tone but not ‘sell out’ values *  McKoon says his stand on religious liberty legislation is personal, not political" -- This is the Republican Party attitude I can live with .. and we need.. we don't need the kind Republican input as recently demonstrated by Richard Smoth and JOhn PEZ-soldout.
LIV's L-E "soundoff": " If Rome, Ga., can have the Rome Braves, why can’t Columbus get and keep minor-league baseball?" -- "why can't Columbus keep minor league baseball"?  Well.. three good reasons.. 1 - Golden Park was altered to softball for one event, instead of using that $7+ MILLION to buils a new baseball/outdoor mi=usic venue in the 90's., 2 - MInor league baseball is a business and people have to pay for it.. even Bernie vcan't give away "free" seats. and 3 - Columbus has such good high school, college..and even Little League baseball programs that baseball fans will not flock to see "A" League level professional baseball when the Braves are just 100 miles away.
L-E story: " The Muscogee County School Board is scheduled to meet Monday when they should come to a resolution for the 2016-2017 school calendar * The work session will begin at 5 p.m. in the Muscogee County Public Education Center on Macon Road. * The school district surveyed 3,000 employees about the calendar." -- "surveyed 3,000 employees"? Hmmmm, why not survey the other half as well, but why not ask the parents about whether they like the schedules that seem to benefit administrative employees more so than families.

You know,, the MCSD needs to hire some construction professionals from the Phenix City system.. they are building a S.T.E.M Center for $1.5 MILLION dollars while the MCSD can only get 2 2400 square foot wrestling buildings built for $1.5 MILLION.

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