Friday, April 15, 2016

From the "wish I'd been there" department: Remember when the visiting team team's cheerleaders "perted out" to center court at the halftime of the season's biggest rivalry game.. and the students all picked up newspapers and  looked oblivious to their presence? That basically  what happened describes last night at a GOP Gala fundraiser in NYC when Cruz took the speaker's stand...It's hard to rebound when you've criticized a state's "values".

 Online story: ""In the Democratic Party debate last night, Hillary said, "Sen. Sanders did call me unqualified," Clinton quipped during her opening statement. "I've been called a lot of things in my life -- that was a first." -- Hmmm..."that was a first"? Told you she doesn't listen to the people,, that's been said for over nearly 25 years from conservatives across the country.

Online headline: "Sanders calls out Clinton for using 'racist term'" -- Told you the libs and mainscream media have been ignoring Hillary for theses nearly 25 past years. "We" have known this FOREVER!

Online headline: "Manson 'family' member recommended for parole in California" -- Good grief.. maybe we should get Trump to promise to build us a wall between California and the other 47 mainland states!

Online story: "Illinois motorists may soon be the victims of their own good behavior. Drivers in the Land of Lincoln have been improving their fuel efficiency and driving more hybrid and electric cars that lessen their reliance on gasoline. As a result, the state revenue from gasoline tax is falling. *  One prominent state senator proposes scrapping a tax on gas for state residents and replacing it by taxing drivers based on the distance they drive." -- "scrap the gasoline tax"? Good grief.. taxing  by the mile driven will make "working" more of a burden, but eliminating the gasoline tax would mean that all vacationers/or neighboring state's drivers would not be "helping" when they buy cheaper gas in Illinois. WE just cannot put revenue decisions in the hands of Democrats and survive as a country.. Hasn't the National Debt nearly doubling in the last 7 years proved this?

Online story: "A Connecticut judge on Thursday rejected a motion to dismiss a lawsuit against the maker of a gun used in a 2012 elementary school shooting that killed 20 children and 6 adults, the Hartford Courant reports. * Under the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA), gun-makers are not liable for crimes committed with their products. * Judge Barbara Bellis ruled that law wasn't enough to have the case thrown out right now at this early stage, according to the Courant." -- Good grief.. it's a disaster when a company can get sued because its product works ..and is  defect free! Our court system needs to be purged of judges such as Ms. Bellis.. her disregard for common sense encourages lawyers to waste our time and money on frivolous lawsuits.

I'm tired of Muslims being offended by our customs and's not like any Muslim in a middle-east country would change from sharia law if we didn't like it.

Online story: "Chicago has an “assault weapons” ban, a “violence tax,” burdensome laws on handgun ownership and possession–and 862 shooting victims between January 1 and April 14 of this year." -- Actually, a website that keeps up with the Chicago violence scene every day has the :total shootings" at 928, but even more revealing is that only 4 of those shootings have been by police officers doing their duty. In traditional NASA speak, "America, Chicago has a problem".
From the "egg on the faces of Democrats and Columbus L-E" department:- L-E headline/story: "REPORT: CHICAGO POLICE HAVE ‘NO REGARD' FOR MINORITY LIVES *    Police in Chicago have “no regard for the sanctity of life when it comes to people of color” and have alienated blacks and Hispanics for decades by using excessive force and honoring a code of silence, a task force declared Wednesday in a report that seeks sweeping changes to the nation’s third-largest police force. * The panel, established by Mayor Rahm Emanuel late last year in response to an outcry over police shootings, found that the department does little to weed out problem officers and routine encounters unnecessarily turn deadly" -- Good grief.. just look at the item above.. over 900 shooting in Chicago this year and only 4 involved policemen protecting nonviolent Chicagoans and themselves. Of course, "the panel" as assembled .. and directed.. by former ZERO-bama Cheif-of-Staff, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel and compoised of liberals.

Did you notice that at the Masters, you didn't see a sea of hands in the air using cellphones? It was by design.. people were warned to leave them in their cars, and metal detectors at the gates backed up this policy. Did it take anything away from the tournament? No.. and it proved that when you have a superior product people want, then they will comply with rules, even temporary discomfort, to participate. Compare this to public school policies where kids are using their cell phones in classrooms at will. No wonder students are failing.. the schools have not made their product attractive enough to get students willing to comply with disciplines needed to learn.

Online story: "A year ago, 11 former Atlanta teachers and school administrators were sentenced to prison, home confinement or jail after a historic test-cheating trial, yet many already are eligible to resume their careers." -- Good grief.. the APS will probably have some sort of "welcome back" celebrations so it can pedestalize  these "role models" to current and future system cheaters!

LIV's L-E "soundoff": " Imagine a congressman sponsoring a bill stating that if African-American lifestyles are against someone's beliefs they can refuse to serve African-Americans." -- Good grief.. not one verse in the Bible denounces the African-American lifestyle so what would be the basis?

L-E story: " Columbus Councilor Pops Barnes, a vocal (man is he vocal!) supporter of the Columbus Aquatics Center and City Manager Isaiah Hugley swapped words Tuesday morning as council was debating the proper role of a citizens advisory commission in running the facility. * Barnes obviously thought the administration wasn’t willing to seek sufficient input from private citizens on the commission of hiring the proper person or company to run the place.  *  “I think more attention needs to be brought to what they are telling us,” Barnes said. “Mr. city manager, that’s common sense. And I think that you, Dr. (James) Worsley (parks and rec director) and anyone else in this government who will not take the advice and direction of individuals involved in this are being foolish. I’m getting tired of this whole situation.” - Having had recent dealings with Dr. Worsley, I find the man quite refreshing in his ethics and concern for running the Aquatic Center efficiently.. Dr Worsley stated in the beginning that running it like the Council wanted would be an economic disaster of the City.. Tell you what Pop Barnes,, you get the citizens you feel should have input to pay sufficient fees to justify keeping the natatorium open, and maybe the rest of Columbus will listen.

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