Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Marco Rubio... in my amateurish Godfather imitation... you're dead to just confirmed what Trump said.. you are "little" in my eyes as well.

From the "mainscream media just thwarted it's own assertions" department - Online headline/story: "The KKK is still based in 22 states in the US in 2017 * Some 42 different Klan groups were active in 22 states as of June 2017, a slight increase from early 2016, according to a report from the Anti-Defamation League, a nonpartisan civil rights advocacy group. * Nationwide, there are still an estimated 3,000 Klan members and unaffiliated people who "identify with Klan ideology," according to the ADL. Membership, though, remains spread across dozens of groups. The largest Klans reportedly don't have more than 50 to 100 active members, and most have fewer than 25." -- First , in a nation of 300,000,000.00. 3,000 people with a sickness is not an epidemic.. it's sad, sure, but it is what it is,.. You've hear the phrase, "1-in-a-million".. well, this is exactly that.. basically a pimple on a gnat's ass .. secondly.. there is absolutely NOTHING "non-partisan" about the Anti-Defamation League..  it represents one point of view, and is highly one-sided politically... In fact, it's CEO is one Jonathan Greenblatt, who served in the White House as Special Assistant to Barack Obama. And as for pure size, the ADL has over 700 people in it's nationwide GOVERNING BODY alone..

You know, if all ... ALL KKK members had voted in one state, and voted ALL voted for HELLARY, not one iota of change in the Electoral College vote would have occurred....

Today's Board of Tax Assessors' horror story.. - one of the members of the Facebook forum, "Columbus, GA Concerned Citizens Forum", shared this tidbit.. his 1,186 sq ft home (Parcel ID 017 022 044) he bought in 2006 for $40,000 now has a Fair Market Value of $176,450.00. I think I'll make him an offer of $40,000, and when he says, "NO", the City says it's worth $176,000, I think I'll go before the Board of Tax Assessors and ask them for the extra $136,000 they say it's worth because I want the house and the owner want sell it for it's REAL FMV since it was assessed in June. Fortunately, his taxes will not go up accordingly because he is PROTECTED by the FREEZE!

You know, I sometimes have a real sympathy spot for the Board of Tax Assessors.. they are appointed to serve their friends and other citizens of Columbus, but they've set up as a whipping post by Mayor Tom-LYING-son. Of course, as soon as the Board speaks up about not changing what they CAN change, I lose ALL sympathy from them.. they really should have staged a mass resignation the day the mayor's plan went into affect.

WTVM9 story: "Former Georgia House Minority Leader and candidate for governor of the state Stacey Abrams is calling for the Confederate carvings on Stone Mountain to be removed." -- Isn't this the same Democrat candidate who sent her minions to another Democrat's event with signs and chants that Democrats should only listen to black women? Yeah, the Democratic Party is the "party of inclusion".. NOT!

Unbelievable...saw a Columbus, GA debris truck emptying grass from plastic lawn bags...then throwing the empty bags on the ground. Anyone got an answer as to why this is happening?

Good grief....a DIMocrat spinmeister blamed all the Charlottesville drama on Klansmen and White Nationalists for walking around with automatic weapons.. First, there were "automatic" weapons in Charlottesville.Secondly, had not violent protesters and situation inciting mainscream media present, there would not have been confrontational drama. Even worse, the Fox "anchor" did not refute thr DIM's erroneous claim..

It's early in the campaign, but I want us to be out front on this.. Josh McKoon offers every voter in Georgia a unique opportunity..In an office that impartiality is so important, Josh scares all politicians, Dems and Republicans alike with his high standards of ethics. Josh McKoon is who..and what we need as our next Secretary of State.

L-E headline: "Trump defends comments blaming ‘many sides’ for violence" -- And Trump is absolutely on message.. He didn't run as a politician. he didn't run on a political correct platform.. he ran to get things done and get meaning conversation back on the front burner. Republicans are more responsible for our current stagnation simply because they'd rather not say anything at all rather than stand up for the truth about issues. It's been the WRONG strategy... Trump is restoring what will Make America Great Again,, America needs to focus on "what's the right thing to do", not what's politically correct to stay out of the mainsceam media magnifing glass.

Just saw text messaged pictures of my granddaughter off for her first day of kindergarten.. measured her yesterday .. and she's reached 4' tall.. she was our 8-week-early, 4.7 pound miracle 5 years ago. What a Godsend.. 

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