Friday, September 29, 2017

From the "if there had been a "The Military Apprentice" TV show, this would have been the first contestant Trump would have told, "You're FIRED" department" department - Online headline/story: "General who oversaw Hurricane Katrina response slams Trump on Puerto Rico * “It’s kind of like Katrina: We got it. We got it. Oh, s--t, send in the cavalry,” retired Lt. Gen. Russel Honore told Bloomberg of the response to Hurricane Maria. “This is a hit on White House decision making.” * Honore came to national attention 12 years ago when President George W. Bush tapped him to fix the bungled response to Katrina in New Orleans. * He said the federal government needs to send more military support to the island of nearly 3.5 million people. * The model you want is what was done in Florida” after Hurricane Irma in early September, Honore told Bloomberg. He pointed to the thousands of National Guard troops that were mobilized throughout the state ahead of the storm. * The Louisiana native said if given the command, he’d move 50,000 troops to Puerto Rico, where he said the devastation was worse than what New Orleans dealt with after Katrina. * “They need to scale up,” Honore said. “(In) Katrina, I had 20,000 federal troops. Not federal workers, federal troops. * “I had 20 ships and over 240 helicopters,” he continued about Katrina. “And Puerto Rico is bigger than Katrina.” -- Good grief.. America is fortunate this logistics idiot IS retired! Comparing Louisiana's issues with Puerto Rico is at best stupid.. Louisiana had logistical support of America's power companies to repair the electrical grid, and is part of our mainland, and accessible by highways. Puerto Rico is an island,, an island in the middle of the hurricane season. If Trump had sent 50,000 men and 700 plus helicopters (we're talking the logistical idiots "scale") in ahead of Maria, this retired general would have slammed Trump for that decision also. Hey, General, where would those 50,000 men and 700 helicopters weathered out Maria if they HAS be sent in ahead?


Online headline: "Petition to remove Ray Lewis statue gets 50,000 signatures after he knelt for the national anthem" -- You know, this could have been avoided altogether if NO statue of Ray Lewis was erected AT ALL. The statue h=of him was about as well thought out as St Louis honoring a dead drug dealer.


From the "better qualifications need to be implemented for becoming a Congressperson" department - Online story: "Democratic Texas Congressman Al Green is calling on black Americans to turn down White House invitations until President Donald Trump apologizes for calling NFL players who take a knee during the national anthem a "sons of bitches." -- Tell you what I'd do if I were Trump.. I'd issue a statement to all NFL players who have disrespected our National Flag and Anthem, and their supporters, that the only apologizing necessary would be to the family of Pat Tillman, and every active and veteran military personnel's families by the NFL executive/owners and the participating "sob" players. Oh, and Texas need to apologize for Al Green!


Through the grapevine of BCers. I have learned of a new.. most descriptive word for Democrat voters in Baltimore.. Balti-morons.. so much that was perplexing is now crystal clear..


It was an emotional moment when Rep Steve Scalise appeared in the House for the first time since he was shot ny a liberal assassin. Unfortunately, the enthusiasm was lesser on the left side of the House.


From the "she must be making this up on the run" department - HuffPOOPOO headline/story: "Michelle Obama faces backlash after saying female Trump voters went 'against their own voice' * She said if you're a female and voted for Trump you lost your voice" -- Michelle Obama is an oxymoron in her own world...does anyone remember her chastising women who voted for her husband in 2008 instead of Hellary?


Online headline/story: "Zealandia: Sunken 8th Continent Reveals Its Buried Secrets * A nine-week voyage took scientists from around the world to drill and explore the seafloor off New Zealand and Australia. They found evidence of land-based fossils, revealing that the ancient landmass wasn't always buried beneath the waves. * "Zealandia, a sunken continent long lost beneath the oceans, is giving up its 60 million-year-old secrets through scientific ocean drilling," Jamie Allan, program director in the U.S. National Science Foundation's Division of Ocean Sciences" -- Hmmm.. so much for rising waters being the direct result of burning fossil fuels...


You know, Hellary made the mistake feeling that garnering a huge majority of the "popular" vote in California and New York would be tantamount to winning the White House..after all , the two states alone have over 30% of the number of Electoral College vote it takes to get elected. Fortunately, our Founding Fathers foresaw the possibility of politicians catering to big population states with taxpayer paid government programs to buy those votes. How does catering to.people's weaknesses make her a good model for our daughters?


What is Sen. Rand Paul's objection to Graham-Cassidy? His inflexibility for any plan other than his own has no support from either party nor the voters.


You know, the most infuriating response during a conversation about different viewpoints is one liberals consistently respond with...."we'll just have to agree to disagree".. Such response basically means the utterer has nothing to support his/her position, and/or just is not willing/able to listen/engage to intelligent discussion.


The L-E posted the MCSD story about increased graduation rates... yet doesn't mention the pitiful number of seniors who took the SAT and ACT college tests which exposes the poor quality of education most received..


L-E story: " An Atlanta committee will vote this afternoon on the future of a measure that would allow the city to move forward with reducing penalties for possession of marijuana. * The measure would reduce the penalty for possession of less than 1 oz. of marijuana to a $75 fine and no jail time." -- Good grief...making minor amounts a wrist slap will encourage every drug dealing gang to put tweens out on street corners selling just under an ounce of marijuana.


Stupor_LIV's L-E "soundoff": "When are the Columbus police going to stop chasing fleeing cars? The harm caused by chasing these fools outweighs any good. Catch them when they leave cover." -- Well, I'll tell you what.. when the CPD can station retired military snipers on every street corner with orders to "take out" any cars driven by criminals, I still want the CPD to chase them down.. I just hope the CPD spends more time on the firing range improving their pistol skills so we don't have to pay medical costs for wounded criminals.


L-E headline/story: "MUSCOGEE COUNTY * Alleged voter fraud moves to AG; prosecution possible * On Sept. 20, Muscogee County Director of Elections and Registration Nancy Boren testified at a State Election Board hearing, describing the impact of more than 20,000 voter registration applications submitted by canvassers working for the New Georgia Project in 2014 and 2016 * “Applications we received from these canvassers were extremely difficult to process, missing critical information, (containing) duplicate registrations submitted within days of each other, often five or more with different last four of Social Security number, driver’s license number and dates of birth by one day or more in one year; same handwriting on hundreds of forms … ” Boren told election officials. “A review of 3,112 pending voters for Muscogee County reflect the results of the difficulties with these forms.” * Of 208 voter applications investigated by state election officials, 52 were from Muscogee County, according to someone in the Secretary of State’s Office who didn’t want to be identified. * The New Georgia Project was founded in 2014 by an organization called Third Sector Development, led by Democratic House Minority Leader Stacey Abrams, who is running for governor. It was touted as an attempt to register residents underrepresented on the voter rolls" -- While it's "nice" that the State Board of Elections is "looking into" this, from my own past personal experiences with the State Board of Elections, said board is basically a "kangaroo court" with zilch powers to correct the situation. Sadly, the Democratic Party will do nothing either to kick Abrams out of its primary.. and we can only pray that the local Board of Elections continues to be diligent in uncovering intentional as well as accidental voting FRAUD attempts..


From the "better qualifications need to be implemented for becoming a Congressperson" department - Online story: "Democratic Texas Congressman Al Green is calling on black Americans to turn down White House invitations until President Donald Trump apologizes for calling NFL players who take a knee during the national anthem a "sons of bitches." -- Tell you what I'd do if I were Trump.. I'd issue a statement to all NFL players who have disrespected our National Flag and Anthem, and their supporters, that the only apologizing necessary would be to the family of Pat Tillman, and every active and veteran military personnel's families by the NFL executive/owners and the participating "sob" players. Oh, and Texas need to apologize for Al Green!


Online headline: "Petition to remove Ray Lewis statue gets 50,000 signatures after he knelt for the national anthem" -- You know, this could have been avoided altogether if NO statue of Ray Lewis was erected AT ALL. The statue of him was about as well thought out as St Louis honoring a dead drug dealer.

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