Thursday, September 7, 2017

HuffPOOPOO headline/story: "Study: White Christians no longer comprise majority of US population * The researchers, who referenced a 2016 Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) survey involving 101,000 Americans, found that the long-time majority group now only constitutes 43 percent of the nation. * About 40 years ago, those identifying as both white and Christian accounted for roughly 80 percent of respondents. " -- First, if you visit the PRRI website, you'll see why their poll results reflect their opinion, not America's. Secondly. let the left keep on believing this.. we'll just whip them at the only polling place that counts.

God is good all the time; all the time, God is good.

From the "ultimate DACA" department - Online story: " A 13-year-old boy is recovering after he was stabbed in the back by a 12-year-old girl at the British International School of Washington, according to police. * The attack happened around 12:50 pm Tuesday, for reasons unknown as of yet to the public, but police say the girl is not facing any charges right now because of her diplomatic status. * The school principal has said that they are still waiting on word from the police to determine if that student will be expelled." -- Good grief...Chicken Little was Right!

One thing about if one of the hurriicanes hits Haiti is that the Clinton Foundation is prepared to jump in with all the money they haven't spent from the last hurricane that hit Haiti.

You know, Trump could repair our Interstate highway infrastructure at little or no costs to the taxpayers.. Sell Ken Nugent et al traffic lanes and let them paint their pictures on the road so big trucks will see Nugent saying, "I'm watching you!".. Roads could be much safer in many ways.

You know when Democrats stand up now to criticize Trump for upholding our Constitution, they should reflect on the fact they didn't hold Obama's feet to the fire for signing an unconstitutional order to implement DACA.

You know, Obama illegally signed DACA..He even knew he was"kicking the can down the road" by naming it the "DEFERRED ACTION"... Obama had no right to complain about Trump cleaning up the mess Obama created BY HIMSELF!

To Senator Johnny Isakson, R-GA...America should not be punished for Obama's dereliction of duty for abusing our Constitution!

A Dem spinmeister said that DACA children are working and improving America...Hmmm..then wouldn't their country of origin benefit more if these DACA children went home and helped their country's economy and development?

I hate it when news anchors say that Trump is sitting down with Congresspersons "from both sides of the aisle". I want Congresspersons who represent, and willing to work for, the best interests of America's future. Sorry.. that concept is not on "the left side of 'the aisle' ".

There's a Category 5 hurricane barreling down on Florida, and at a press conference held yesterday a little after 11:00 AM, not one reporter asked what precautions Trump was taking concerning his Florida Resort and golf course which are in the predicted path of Irma.

You know, with Charlie Rangel being charged with 11 counts of ethics violations by a committee equally split by both main political parties, there should be automatic penalties evoked on Rangel's membership in Congress. An ethics violation is an ethics violation, and allowing violations to be downplayed as to importance can only convict Congress of dereliction of duty to our country and its citizens.

You know, feeling Charlie Rangel is just a little 'unethical' is like equating a 'little lie" is a Clinton truth, and being 'a little pregnant' is better than being 8 months pregnant.

There are brilliant people born in every generation... some really make a difference in the world... but.. It's amazing how smart 19 year olds "feel" they are because they were educated on computers (pssst.. it was my dad's and my generations who INVENTED computers as we know them). The trouble with that thinking is that when power/batteries run out to operate computers/cell phones, most only know how to twiddle their thumbs and wait for power to return. Our generation knew how to do math mechanically, figure scientific issues with a slide-rule, or heaven forbid, go to a public or household library and look up info in a book, or know where to call/write to get vital info..we even could find our way to out-of-town concerts without GPS..

Trump went to North Dakota yesterday to discuss tax reform. That's what presidents of ALL the people do...I'm willing to bet Obama and Hellary would have to look on a map to see where North Dakota is.

The latest polls show only 8% percent of Democrat Congresspersons support Donald Trump... you know what this really means don't you... that only 8% of Democrats are listening to what the majority of voters told them what they wanted America to be..... GREAT AGAIN!

Hellary is groping again...her loss was partly " because she is a woman"..I'll give her that, but, only in the sense that real women didn't think/feel she was woman enough to represent American women, or that she just wasn't woman enough for the job.

Online headline/story: "Military vet challenges Bishop’s grip on Georgia Democratic stronghold * Bruce McPherson, 33, entered the race Wednesday to represent the sprawling southwest Georgia district with a vow to focus on economic development " -- You know, Georgia's District 2 has a decision to make..bring in new and real leadership, or continue to struggle under Democrat floundering.

From the "we're (citizens of GA) in deep doo-doo" department - Online headline/story: "Moody’s sour view of Georgia Power’s vow to keep plugging at Plant Vogtle * from Moody’s Investor Service here. Some excerpts:
“If approved by state regulators, continuation of the project will increase the utility’s business and operating risk profile because total costs are open ended and because Georgia Power’s parent company will be assuming construction risk on its balance sheet…* Moody’s wonders whether the PSC will allow Georgia Power to count on continued advance payments from customers: “While recovery of such costs from customers would be credit positive, the  . " --  "conditions to transfer all of these costs to customers may not be approved"? Good grief.. Moody's isn't as fallible as Wall Street  gives it credit.. Even if we GA citizens COULD name one PSC member who WOULD stand up against GA Power, GA Power would make sure that member did not get re-elected next time..

Online headline/story: Democrats * Former Dem IT staffer strikes deal to return from Pakistan and face charges in US * A former IT staffer for House Democrats who's been in Pakistan for months has struck a deal with federal prosecutors, agreeing to return to the U.S. and face charges. * Hina Alvi, who along with her husband Imran Awan worked for House Democrats and now faces bank fraud and conspiracy charges, had left with her children for her native Pakistan while under federal investigation. *  Both defendants reportedly worked at one time for Rep. Gregory Meeks, D-N.Y. Awan separately worked for Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., until he was arrested in July at Dulles airport in Virginia trying to board a plane to Pakistan, where his wife already was. *  Awan and other IT aides for House Democrats have been on investigators’ radar for months over concerns of possible double-billing, alleged equipment theft, and access to sensitive computer systems. Most lawmakers fired Awan in February, but Schultz had kept him on until his arrest in July. * After Awan was arrested at Dulles airport in Virginia, attorney Christopher Gowen told Fox News  that federal authorities have no evidence of misconduct by Awan relating to his IT duties." -- " Virginia, attorney Christopher Gowen told Fox News  that federal authorities have no evidence of misconduct by Awan relating to his IT duties"? Hmmm.. do you think we should tell Attorney Gowen that no oone gives a rat's (_*_) about Awan, but Awan will have a tough time explaining why he used an e-mail alias address to stay within the Congressional e-mail system.. the main "entree" of this should be bi-partisan frenzy is Washerwoman Schultz.
Liberals "good intentions"  L-E "soundoff" : "Incentives as well as penalties Along with tickets for distracted drivers, why not reward good drivers with a coupon for a cup of coffee/ice cream or a simple thank you?" -- Heh heh heh..and after the CPD gives you coupon, and you drive into the nearest drive-thru and redeem it, the CPD can get you as you leave the drive way on a distracted driving charge..Reagan was so cannot discuss logic with liberals..

Stupor LIV's L-E "soundoff": Values vacuum: A leader has focus, empathy, integrity, innovation, open-mindedness and accountability. Trump has none of these." -- Good grief.. Trump was a highly successful business leader before he was elected.. what I see this liberal wanted  to believe Hellary just had any of the traits - focus, empathy, integrity, innovation, open-mindedness and accountability - that Trump personifies..

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