Friday, November 3, 2017

From "the Emperor's new pantsuits" department - Online story: "Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) said “yes,” she believes the 2016 Democratic nomination for president was rigged in favor of Hillary Clinton, and that the party faces “a real problem” in dealing with the fallout from the revelation that Clinton’s campaign secretly took over control of the Democratic National Committee in 2015." -- "Clinton’s campaign SECRETLY took over control of the Democratic National Committee"? Good grief..."SECRETLY"? -- about as "secret" as who's buried in Grant's Tomb...

From the "if mainscream media repeats a lie often enough, mainscream media followers believe it's the truth" department - Online headline/story: "Poll: 49 percent say Trump likely committed a crime related to Russian election meddling * Despite President Trump’s claims that he did not collude with Russia, a new poll has found that nearly half of Americans say it is likely he committed a crime during the campaign. * The ABC News/Washington Post survey, conducted from October 30 to November 1, asked 714 adults, “Do you think it’s likely or unlikely that Trump himself committed a crime in connection with possible Russian attempts to influence the election?” -- You know, if mainscream media conducts a poll and less than half support the outcome the pollsters want to achieve, then mainscream media has discredited itself beyond repair..

From the "African-Americans might want to rethink their embracement of the Democratic Party" department - Online headline/story: "Democratic group pulls ad targeting Virginia governor hopeful Ed Gillespie's supporters * A television ad depicting supporters of Virginia gubernatorial hopeful Ed Gillespie as Confederates who attack children of color has been pulled in the wake of the terror attack in New York City. * The Democratic group Latino Victory Fund removed the controversial ad, which showed a pickup truck driver chasing down children of color on Tuesday, Oct. 31." -- You know.. African-Americans should resent knowing the Democratic Party feels its only connection with the black community is by creating fear of others. African-Americans should demand that the Democrats show them ads demonstrating how the Democratic Party has improved their current and future lives.. Of course, we know that no such ads exist.

After seeing America thrive under Trump's leadership, don't you know Mitt Romney regrets listening  to the Republican establishment when they advised him to clam up after demolishing Obama in their first debate?

If the NYC jihadist wants something ISIS hung in his hospital room, we should accommodate him.. he should be hung in that room

Democrats are going to hang themselves by opposing the new tax cut bill..One of their "talking points" is that Social Security will be cut...excuse me, but Social Security is funded by citizens' payroll deductions, not by tax dollars.. Social Securities main problem is government controlling the receipts, investing, and distribution.
From the "in order to support liberals' disdain for Trump's tax cut plans, we'll pretend we are concerned over what the wealthy will lose" department - L-E story: "Proposed changes in the GOP tax plan could affect homeowners in more expensive neighborhoods and car buyers interested in electric vehicles." -- You know.. liberals do not want voters to understand that Trump's plan will be a boon for middle-America families, so it will pick on inequities the wealthy will be subjected in order to have something to justify it's anti-tax-relief-for-anyone-working stance.

Soapbox Moment: Yesterday, the second meeting of the 2015 SPLOST Citizens Committee was know, it's strange when a citizens' oversight discussion meeting is held, and there is a news reporter and the Superintendent in attendance..I can only assume it is to intimidate citizens' open discussion. My question is: If a L-E reporter is invited why are TV news reporters not in attendance as well? There is hardly enough info available to discuss many construction projects' costs, but the one that is is a doozy.. those 6 metal building-on-slab construction low-tech weight/wrestling buildings "cost projected" at $312.00 a square foot. With the new Amazon ultra-high-tech building announcement in Macon in the news being projected at $90.00 a square foot, there is little defense of the MCSD's $312.00 plan. If the 2,400 square foot buildings planned by the MCSD were even brought in at $90.00 a sq ft (I do believe such would be easily brought in for $60,00 or less), the costs would be like $216,000.00 rather than $750,000.00.. the only "defense" offered was that soil suitability testing has to be completed. Excuse me, but how can site testing be twice the costs of actually building the structures?

From the "let's gloss over the truth in the headlines, and bury it deep in the story" department - L-E headline/story: "MCSD improves for 4th straight year on Georgia’s school performance index * For the fourth straight year, the Muscogee County School District has improved its score to its all-time high on the index that measures public education performance and progress in the state. * MCSD’s 2017 CCRPI is 71.0, a half-point increase from its 70.5 in 2016. * Although MCSD’s score continued to increase, it also continued to lag behind the state average -- and fell behind the state’s improvement pace. The average CCRPI in Georgia increased by 1.4 points, from 73.6 points in 2016 to 75.0 in 2017. * Compared to the school districts in Georgia’s other second-tier cities, Muscogee County (Columbus) continued to outperform Bibb County (Macon), Chatham County (Savannah) and Richmond County (Augusta), but those districts also improved more on the CCRPI than MCSD." -- Good grief.. why does the L-E support the MCSD's "Good News.... bad news" policy of communicating. The public deserves better communication than this.. Stagnant progress in student achievement is not the worst element of the MCSD administration.. the lack of Columbus citizens' CONFIDENCE is much more at stake here.

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