Monday, November 20, 2017

Remember when I took exception to a mainscream media headline last week about Charles Manson..well, the (_*_) died yesterday. NOW he's in "Grave Condition".
I stand corrected.. When Hellary's book, "What Happened" appeared, I pretty much assumed it would be the least informative book of 2017 as to providing real answers. Now, I see that Dan Rather has a new book out, "What Unites Us". You know, I can only guess Rather is referring to what "unites" mainscream media and liberal politics, as I cannot see him understanding anything about "uniting" anything else.
From the "well, it's only fair" department - Online story:"President Trump loves polls that make him look good, and ignores those that don’t, Politico reported Saturday. * And his aides know only to show the ratings-obsessed President polls that portray him favorably" -- Good grief.. does mainscream media report/manufacture any polls that highlight the achievements Trump has made.. or for that matter, any polls that have included any members of my blog followers (
) or myself?
Online story: "LaVar Ball on Friday downplayed US President Donald Trump's role in helping three UCLA basketball players return home after being arrested on charges of shoplifting in China." -- Good grief.. LaVar Ball is sure full of himself.. one of the 3 shoplifters was family of his.. Does LaVar Ball think that China's President, Xi Jinping, care.. at all about 3 American basketball players careers? In fact, Xi Jinping would probably not even be aware of the arrest of three Americans caught shoplifting except for Trump's bringing it up. LaVar Ball should be thanking President Trump, too.
Have you seen the Christmas Buick commercial.. A guy is sitting down looking at a picture, and says, "I love Christmas..our whole family gets together. Then the camera pans in on the picture and it's one of the Buick line-up, and the guy says, "we're gonna need a bigger turkey".. Excuse me, but I don't believe there is a bigger turkey than the guy that repeated that line.
Wonder what ABC feels now..this Fall, we have watched 1 ABC was a football game of surprising interest..usually, we watched "Last Man Standing" every Friday, but ABC put it's political correctness first and canceled it. Somebody ought to remind ABC that NBC and CBS are not their only competition.
After back-to-back CBS announced games, I believe the SEC should enforce a gag order on CBS announcers making comments on plays-under-review.
From the "there are just too many RINOs in politics" department - Online headline/story: "GOP official in NH urges Bill Clinton’s name be dropped from state Democratic dinner * The head of the New Hampshire GOP on Friday urged the state’s Democratic Party chair to drop former President Bill Clinton’s name from a major fundraising event. * The push came as sexual misconduct allegations against Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore of Alabama and Democratic Sen. Al Franken of Minnesota have dominated media coverage -- in turn reviving debate over the longstanding allegations against the former president. * The New Hampshire Democratic Party on Friday held their annual Kennedy-Clinton Dinner, which is their main fall fundraising gala. The dinner is named after Clinton and former President John F. Kennedy." -- Good grief.. Though not as public, JFK was as big a philanderer as Clinton and Senator Ted Kennedy.. Why would the Democrats hold either name up with any esteem. Oh.. and a true conservative would just keep his mouth closed and sell t-shirts with pics of Clinton and the Kennedys, Weinstein, and Weiner, Franken with an arrow under words "I'm with the Democrats"
Online headline: "Clinton aide: 'False comparison' to equate Bill with Weinstein, Moore" -- Hmmm... he's got a point.. Weinstein and the possibly false accused Moore are not even in the same ballpark, much less LEAGUE with Bill Clinton.
LIV's L-E "soundoff": "Congratulations to Rep. Carolyn Hugley for her much deserved award for her groundbreaking leadership for women. She is a pacesetter and is and an effective and committed role model." -- Hmmm.. now, did anyone ask her how she is voting on the $12,000.00 salary increase the Legislature is trying to sneak by the GA taxpayers?
Another LIV's L-E "soundoff": " Instead of the slogan, "We do amazing," maybe we can copy one from another town. A catchy one is Luverne, Alabama's "Friendliest City in the South." -- Hmmm.. personally, paraphrasing Minnesota's slogan of "Land of 10,000 Lakes" is a better fit for a Columbus slogan... "City of 10,000 Potholes"
Online headline/story: "Disney Is Making A Prince Charming Movie, But With A Big Twist *
While Disney's live action fairy tale remakes have been earnest and sincere, this Prince Charmingmovie sounds like it could work well as a comedy similar to 2007's Enchanted, which also parodied Disney's fairy tale tropes. Perhaps the other Charming will go on a journey to escape his brother's shadow, and once he realizes that he's not cut out to woo random well-dressed Disney women, he can finally find happiness elsewhere." -- Please Mr Disney... please do not go down the path of CinderFella!
For those with a little age upon them.. This Thanksgiving Thursday 1948, the first mechanical Christmas windows were revealed at Kirvens. For those who saw3 them up until 1986, the memories are still vivid... and only a nose-pressed-against-the-window length away..
From the "obviously, no Christian here" department - LIV's L-E "soundoff": " The voting patterns of Alabamians and their affinity for the likes of Trump, Bannon and now, God forbid, the molesting Roy Moore are an insult to Christianity." -- Hmmm.. I guess "soundoffer" has never read the 10 Commandments all the way through.. my guess is that after he/she read the 1st one, he/she went no further. Hey guy/gal, number 9 says not too spread/bear false witness against thy neighbor.
L-E headline: "‘Justice League’ disappoints in US with $96M opening" Guess Wonder Woman's follow up sorta went Gal Go-flop.

Well, Columbus taxpayers just got stuck a little deeper.. the City has run it's Thanksgiving Holiday ad of services scheduled, and the City added the new "We Do Amazing" logo at the top which runs the costs up more. Maybe the slogan should be "Council Amazingly Finds another Innocuous Way to Waste Tax Dollars'

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