Monday, November 13, 2017

You really need to learn to love Trump! Kim Jong Oooops called Trump "old",and Trump tweeted back why would Ooooops call him "old", I'd never call Ooooops "short and fat"....(only Dems will have to have me explain this to them)

Online headline: "McCain blasts Trump: 'There's nothing 'America First'' about believing Putin" -- Good grief..and I'm kicking myself for believing America would have been better if McCain had beaten Obama..You know, if McCain had won, we might not have had another Republican president in my lifetime, and we'd be one year into Hellary's 2nd term in the White House.

From the "how toxic will the NFL allow the protest of our National Anthem to become.. how long will the NFL allow its teams to disrespect our law enforcement and military personnel, and our flag?" department - Online headline/story: "Decorated veteran turns down Broncos' invitation to honor him before Sunday's game * It feels like a big 'make or break' weekend for the struggling Denver Broncos. They play at home Sunday night against the New England Patriots. * But some veterans will not be going to the game ... in a protest over NFL players kneeling during the National Anthem. * One decorated Colorado veteran turned down an invitation from the Broncos to be honored during the team's salute to veterans at the game Sunday night." -- How contrite can the NFL be.. wanting to "kiss and make-up" on Veterans Day weekend..

From the "do they think this is April 1st rather than Veterans Day Weekend" department - Online headline: "NFL Players Association calls for Veterans Day moment of silence at Sunday games " -- Good grief... does the NFL Players' Association really feel a token gesture at this point will make a difference... or be believed by America.. America.. KEEP STRONG.. the boycott is WORKING!
I tell you what.. I'd love to see a veteran run out to midfield at every NFL stadium and light an NFL flag on fire!

Follow up - Online headline/story: "Report: Video surveillance shows UCLA players stealing from 3 stores * The source also noted that there is surveillance footage of the players shoplifting from three stores inside of a high-end shopping center next to the team’s hotel in Hangzhou, which houses Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Yves Saint Laurent and Salvatore Ferragamo stores." -- You know.. this is really sad.. pathetically sad.. that young folks having their futures served up on a silver platter feeling they are entitled to the silver platter as well.

From the "good grief" department - Online story: "TUMWATER, Wash. (KCPQ) — A local school district is apologizing for what it says was a mistake after a Confederate flag was used during a Veterans Day ceremony. * The school says students held up 14 different flags from American history. One of the kids who held up the Confederate flag was a student of color. The school says that was a mistake and wasn't supposed to happen. * In a statement to us the district went on to say, "The presence of the flag itself in this program failed to honor our commitment to ensuring a safe, respectful, and culturally sensitive school environment." -- "The presence of the flag itself in this program failed to honor our commitment to ensuring a safe, respectful, and culturally sensitive school environment."? "culturally sensitive school environment"?Good grief.. creating a "culturally sensitive school environment" is exactly what's holding students back from the realities of Real Life 101..I've had ancestors participate defending the rights of pre-Revolutionary and post-Revolutionary Americans in every war/conflict America has experienced since the early part of the 16th Century, and I honored/remembered all of them on Veterans Day. Instead of apologizing for it, this is what schools should be teaching our students... but no, schools are trying to wipe out.. sanitize .. history. Destroying history is something only communist/socialist countries try to do.. it's sad that our country has drifted so far into a socialist state before we elected Trump!

You know, wonder if Kirby Smart even realized he had Eason on the sideline to replace Fromm...

I keep hearing from CVB and CofC that the $97,000.00 came from private sources in the way of donations...not from the general tax-payer supplemented operating revenues. If so, how about publicizing the donors...I'm not sure I want to do business with them if they make that much profit that they could donate $97,000.00 for what they got as a slogan.

Saw several penalty flags thrown Saturday for illegal blocks in the back....think about that...are there actually "legal" blocks on the back?

Online headline: "Chris Wallace: Trump 'May Have a Point' About Media Bias" -- "MAY"? At least it's a start since Wallace is a confirmed Democrat

Watched the placing of the wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier on Saturday..what a pensive and reverent moment in time. You could feel..even see..the patriotic and respectful atmosphere that permeated the event.....thankfully, no libs or NFLers were there to "take a knee" during the National Anthem.

L-E "soundoff": "Some folks must be proud of their ignorance." -- Hmmm.. to paraphrase Elizabeth Barrett Browning... "let me count the ones... Democrat voters,, NFL National Anthem protesters, antifa, Sanctuary City proponents, death sentence protesters, gun control advocates, Bernie AND Hellary followers, oh.. and mainscream media!

L-E story: "A Georgia committee is recommending that state lawmakers receive $12,000 raises in 2019. * Georgia lawmakers have long complained about their base salary of $17,342, and they’ve often used it as a reason they quit to make more money" -- "they quit to make more money"? Good grief.. Public Service was designed to be a "service to the citizens" not a career.. I've never been a proponent of "absolute term limits", but this is making me rethink my position..Oh, and initiating a 5-year (or more) ban on "lobbying" positions following a legislator stepping down, retiring or being unseated would be in the state's best interest as well.

L-E headline: "MILITARY * Bergdahl ‘may have saved lives’ * BY CHUCK WILLIAMS" -- Hmmm... Why do I get the feeling Chuck is about to walk off his L-E "post" and openly join the Democratic Party?

L-E commentary headline/content: "Democrats (some of them) learn how to win elections * BY FROMA HARROP * Creators Syndicate * We hear that Democrat Ralph North-am’s decisive win in the race for Virginia governor was extra extraordinary in that he was a weak candidate. Voters, the story goes, seriously rejected Trumpian politics, an especially nasty brew that Republican Ed Gillespie had channeled in end-of-race desperation." -- Good grief! Hmmm-- Virginia.. Why are Democrats so fired up over one Democrat taking over the governor's seat from another Democrat in a state that voted for Obama and Hellary? And if there was anything mainscream media should be discussing that could be associated with "Trumping up" would be the "trumped up_ ads the Democrats used showing Gillespie in a truck running down black children.. Democrats are indeed the "D Party".. Despicable, Despotic, Demonic.

Wow.. the Top 3 teams in the FBS and other rankings fell from their pedestals Saturday! GA and Notre Dame took it on the chin, and Mississippi State deflated the seemingly invincible Crimson Tide for all but the final minute of the game..

Now, the SEC Championship Game has a renewed aspect.. Alabama is no longer the invincible team expected to square off against Auburn in the Iron Bowl next week, and it's possible we may get a repeat of the GA-Auburn game in Atlanta and GA may have a chance to redeem itself in a big way...

Why does Fox News think it portrays itself more "fair and balanced" to allow unfair and unbalanced Democratic Party spinmeisters on air to spew their agenda of vitriolic soundbytes? To me, "fair and balanced" is an intelligent exchange of views, not spieling a propagandist agenda.

I'm taking names... Names of the sitting Republican Senators who are shunning Roy Moore based on unfounded political accusations. I want Senators who have more interest in protecting the rights of individual citizens, rather than their own re-elections.

It was said yesterday that if the CBO does not collaborate the Trump budget fits into the budget cap formula, the budget will be reduced to the old figure. Then how come Congress can operate without a budget, the raise the National Debt with a spending resolution to keep the government from "shutting down"? Seems like the head of the CBO can overrule Congress and the President, and that doesn't seem Constitutional.

Online headline: "Gal Gadot won't make 'Wonder Woman' sequel unless Brett Ratner is out" -- Good grief. Hollywood can replace her with a clone or computer graphic without missing a heartbeat.

Online headline/story: "Bill Gates firm buys Arizona land for $80 million to create 'smart city' * Arizona-based Belmont Partners, one of Gates’ investment firms, purchased close to 25,000 acres of land in Tonopah, around 50 miles west of Phoenix, to create a “smart city” called Belmont * “Belmont will create a forward-thinking community with a communication and infrastructure spine that embraces cutting-edge technology, designed around high-speed digital networks, data centers, new manufacturing technologies and distribution models, autonomous vehicles and autonomous logistics hubs,” Belmont Partners said in a press release -- Hmmm.. sounds like Gates is creating a "GATED community of elitism.. hey, is this the 21st Century sequel to "Westworld"? Wonder when the City will "crash" or be "hacked"? Hmmm... doesn't sound "too smart".

Online story: "Transgender activist and former soldier Chelsea Manning targeted President Trump, saying the U.S. should stop sending its troops overseas for the sake of “nationalist fairy tales.” * "We can do better." -- Good grief.. Too bad "she-it" was this feisty while "she-it" was a man defending America.

There's a list of 13 reasons why Sears is in a death spiral... I can think of one more that may be bigger than any of the other 13... millennials are moving home and using their parents appliances.

L-E story: "The 3000 block of Smith Road gets plenty of truck traffic in Columbus, creating some concerns for residents. * You can almost see the ripples along sections of Smith and Fortson roads, but locations in other parts of Columbus are in worse condition, a city engineer said." -- "but locations in other parts of Columbus are in worse condition, a city engineer said"? You know, this is and admission that the City is well aware of the poor conditions of our streets yet spends our tax dollars on bike lanes, and green-striped crossing paths rather than fixing our streets. Alignment shops in Columbus must be doing incredible business.

From the "I'm not usually a reader of Chitwood, but this headline seems like he may have actually been listening to the pulse of Columbus rather than making something up" department - L-E Commentary Headline: "COMMENTARY * Can you come up with a better slogan than ‘We do amazing’?" -- Hmmm while he did miss guessing on the best source of the creation of this $97,000.00 (Hope Macon doesn't sue us for "near plagiarism" for the slogan the same company did for Macon) slogan.. my guess was that it was stoked out on a bar napkin after 2 downing martinis and ogling the bar mistress's attributes.

Ultra stupid LIV's L-E "soundoff": "The Second Amendment is the most abused amendment in the Constitution. That’s not what our forefathers intended." -- Good grief..without the citizenship owning guns, we'd still be under British rule, and still boarding British troops in our homes whenever they decided to drop in.

Some anonymous person just paid $396,000.00 at auction for a guitar used by Bob Dylan... you know, if I paid $396,000.00 for a used guitar, I'd want to remain anonymous, too.

L-E headline/story: "MUSCOGEE COUNTY SCHOOLS  * School board to discuss four director positions * The board will be asked to authorize proceeding with wrestling room additions at three high schools, Columbus, Jordan and Kendrick." -- Hmmm 4 new chief in an already overloaded administration level... my question is: "Why just now do we want a director of budgets, purchasing, communications, and mental health/special education, when Lewis NEEDED them on day 1 of his taking command. Oh, and about that new "wresting building .. particularly at Columbus High School...didn't the MCSD just spend $935,000.00 creating new parking spaces because of a shortage of such, and now the only place to put up a new $750,000.00 wresting building will be in the existing parking lot which will eliminate some of the existing parking spaces...

L-E headline: "Schwarzenegger calls for new climate activism" -- Hmmm.. the world would be better off if he'd eliminated his old sexual activism when he was married.

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