Friday, August 30, 2024


Online headline/story: “Kamala Harris glitches during her speech in Georgia, says Trump called for the termination of 'the Supreme land of our nation the US Constitution.' * The incident comes as Democrats hoped the gaffes were behind them now that Biden is out of the race. * "He even called for the termination of the United States Supreme c... The, the, the Supreme land of our nation, the United States Constitution.” --  Huh? "The Supreme Land of our nation, the United States Constitution Constitution"? What did she say? Can she not read a Teleprompter?  Talk about "word salad" , we're going to have to rename KALAMITY Harris' oral faux pas "weird salad".

Online headline/story: “Walz addresses controversy over saying he served ‘in war’ * Vice President Kamala Harris and Gov. Tim Walz sit down with CNN’s Dana Bash. Walz said his “record speaks for itself” when asked about clarifications his campaign has made regarding his time serving in the Army National Guard.” -- Hmmm... so Walz says his (military) record "speaks for itself"... you know, he's right... and what it says is not very complimentary... about his military service nor his truthfulness.

Online story: “You can be successful coming from any school, but the Black people who succeed from predominantly white institutions tend to say they achieved despite their Blackness. People from Howard say they achieved because of their Blackness”, wrote Eric Easter, Howard graduate, CEO BlackBox Digital Studios.  -- Wow! D.r Martin Luther King, Jr must be rolling over in his grave feeling his life went for nothing among “Black people”..! In addition, what a racist slur by Easter … capitalizing “Black” but not “white”.

Online headline: “Kamala Harris' Georgia School Speech Sparks MAGA Mockery: 'Cringe' * Seriously.. KALAMITY chose to address teens (without their parents) versus adults to campaign? I guess she knew no student would have a clue to ask a pertinent question about any pertinent policy she supports. Hmmm… But why is she campaigning outside Atlanta? Polls must indicate that she won’t get as many votes in Fulton County as JoKKKe Biden got in 2020…

Online headline: “Historic District resident reacts (negatively) to parking deck planned for trade center in Columbus, GA” – Hmmm… Let's review the Columbus GA’s history with that property. A number of years ago, another hotel already had a deal to buy that parking lot from Columbus,  but the Pezolds raised such a ruckus that the "deal" was rescinded... seems that the Marriott didn't have enough parking area of its own.. and liked NOT HAVING TO BUY AND BUILD PARKING SPACE ON ITS OWN DOLLAR! "If" ( there’s a fat chance of it not) Columbus GA Council goes through with this like it did with the Mayor Skippy the Poo's 100 Acre Scam at formerly Golden Park, Columbus GA taxpayers are in for at least another $10 Million in accumulated construction debt (and probably much more).

You know, when (we KNOW it's not about "if") tax dollars (government grants are just recycled taxes by another name) are used on a facility like this, there needs to be a ban on privately owned hotels from charging it's customers "overnight parking fees" to use it.

Online headline: “In Georgia's Fulton County, voters wary of rights backslide” -- Hmmm...a Socialist opinion piece of "AFP" (Agence France-Presse)  which chose not to see the crap (literally) in the Seine during the Olympics, now doesn't seem to see the crap in the US Democratic Party agenda.

From the "suspicions confirmed" department.... Online headline: “California prioritizes illegal immigrants over its own citizens” --  Hmmm.. every registered voter in California needs to reregister with at least three generations proof of US citizenship!  This ... and when Trump restarts the Border Security Wall again in January, then the Wall goes up the Eastern and Northern California Borders as well..

For the record: I did not see the CNN “debacle” first hand… yet… so I will wait until I do before “parsing” it.. This media source likes first hand, after-the-event info before commenting…

Online story: ““The most important and most significant aspect of my policy perspective and decisions is my values have not changed,” Harris said” – Hmmm… Just another LIE! The only thing that KALAMITY Harris that doesn’t change is she chooses, at every given moment, which side of her mouth to talk from…

From the “Fred Sandford, “Elizabeth! It’s the BIG ONE! I’m coming to see you!” department - Online headline/story: “NBC's Chuck Todd knocks Kamala Harris' 'mistake' of avoiding press: 'Any fumble' will be 'overly scrutinized' * Harris dodging sitdowns is 'playing into her perceived weakness,' Todd says *  I really think it only sort of reinforces this negative stereotype that she had coming into this race, which is, you know, she hand-wrings too much, she's a little- takes too long. There's a fine line between being deliberative and being paralyzed by a decision, and the way they've handled this media stuff- you know, I get it. It is not as important as we think it is. But the way they've handled it, I think, is a bit- it's been a mistake," Todd continued.” – It’s not often (OK I’m searching for something I agreed with him on previously!) I agree with any NBC “journalist”, but Chuck Todd has this RIGHT! Of course, he’s not going to push any further  than this…American journalism is, indeed, in a sad… very sad.. state.

Hmmm… what was that “lockdown” at Columbus GA High School? I haven’t see an update since midafternoon yesterday, but the gist was it was some kind of “social media” something-or-other issue. Is this NOT the ultimate reason to ban student cellphones on any part of the campus… including cars in the parking lots!

If not for purely PARTISAN political reasons, why would a National cemetery staff even  try to separate a former US President and the family of a US soldier killed in action?

Online headline: “The U.S. State Department “accidentally” gave $239 MILLION to the Taliban following the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal. This news comes shortly after the Pentagon admitted to an accounting error that resulted in an extra $6.2 BILLION being provided for Ukraine military aid. “ – Hmmm… didn’t KALAMITY Harris say she was “the last person in the room” concerning the Afghanistan fiasco?

Thanks to all who contributed to the Anne Elizabeth Shepherd Home for Girls! Like last year, the Fundraiser “proved” Columbus, GA is a “BULLDOG TOWN”….. only this year, the “Number One Fan” was a Mississippi State BULLDOG… Thank all you Breakfast Club readers for your support… Oh… for the record.. those “other” Dawgs slipped in at second place…

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