Monday, January 10, 2011

All right , guys and gals, today is we strive for "unity in the community". No matter how you generally feel, shed your traditional allegiances, and become 'blue and orange' for rest of the day. This is a Southern thing; an SEC thing. I better not hear of anyone cheering for that Left Coast team. We can go back to our normal feelings about Auburn or lose.
Online headline/story: "Microsoft's Avatar Kinect: How Close Will Encounters Get? * With the new "Avatar Kinect," Microsoft says it will be able to use its camera to scan in a user's body and then put it in a virtual room with other people's avatars that will be able to talk, gesture and even raise their eyebrows, just like the real people controlling them. * For now, it seems like Microsoft will be doing its best to keep Avatar Kinect clean, but it remains unclear how effectively the company will be able to stem the tide of lechery that could come along with its powerful new piece of hardware. " -- What do they mean when they say, "it seems like Microsoft will be doing its best "? Microsoft has always "tried" to do its best, but MS still crashes all too often. How can anyone expect different results?
From yesterday's L-E: "Police: Hostage negotiators keep man from jumping" -- Let's get serious...if the man (and his name should be plastered all over because he needs all the prayers we can offer) was really going to jump, he'd have simply gone to the edge and jumped. Why did he wait for a crowd to congregate. Hope the City has a bill in the mail today for all the extra cost of having a dozen PD/FD units pulled away from protecting other citizens.
Online headline: "Why the Tucson Massacre Has Rattled U.S. Judges" -- Simple..they have been thinking about the criminals they've reversed convictions on based on technicalities versus the bulk of the evidence.
On page A3 of the L-E is a picture depicting a young boy using a drill-driven sander/paint remover while helping his parents help a widow of an AF veteran. Great motive and inspiration for us all, but while the picture was not done by a L-E photographer, shame on the L-E for publishing such when the child was not wearing any protective eye goggles.
L-E headline: "ARIZONA SHOOTING * Accused gunman faces federal charges" -- "faces federal charges"? Dang, he ought to be facing the death penalty today! And if a lawyer tries to tell a jury it wasn't his fault, or there were mitigating circumstances, or it was self-defense, then the lawyer should be executed, too!
I cannot believe the L-E found the story behind this headline, "Male model in custody in slaying, castration * Celebrity journalist from Portugal found dead in hotel" was fit to print for Columbus, GA. Shame on the L-E for considering this newsworthy for its audience.
Kathleen Parker expresses mixed emotions about editing the thoughts and words of Mark Twain. The American Library Association id active in 'cleaning' up the books on the shelves, but will fight to the end to keep porn access available for any age on the library internet connections because it doesn't believe in censorship... yeah, right.
The L-E, today, is 20 pages, but it you calculate that the L-E is only 6 columns wide now, it is the equivalence of 15 pages in the previously used 8 column format.

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