Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Why's potUS Imam-a so drawn to surrounding himself with Chicago politicians; Emanuel, Axelrod, Jarrett, Duncan and now possibly William Daley? With 2012 looming on Imam-a, can you not see him bringing deceased Richard Daley, Sr on board to head up voter registration?
If small business owners had to learn to adapt to current economic conditions of less revenue, why can we not expect local. state, and the federal government to do the same?
Dang,, I just read that the Orange Bowl was played last night, and I didn't even know that. Thanks, BCS... for nothing!
Online headline: "NFL Coach fired after 5-11 season" -- Glad the Browns weren't bailed out pre-season by potUS Imam-a; the coach would probably have gotten a raise and bonus.
Several from L-E story: "Tomlinson’s speech of 1,340 words reiterated the themes she stressed in her campaign. She promised to run a “proactive” government that attacked issues head-on rather than letting them fester until they burst. " -- Only a lawyer and L-E editor would be interested in a speech word count. The lawyers get paid by time, and the editor has to fit the words into a specific size space.
Continued: “We won’t let government just happen to us,” she said. “We will be proactive, not purely reactive. We will focus on ‘what we need now’ and less on ‘the way it’s always been done.’ Yes, that requires more effort, and yes, it necessarily means engaging a broader, more diverse constituency of citizens clamoring to be heard, but we will find we are up to the task. We will find in the short and long run that a proactive government — one that knows where it is going and one that recognizes potential issues and mitigates them before they explode on the front page of the newspaper — is a more effective and more efficient government. Always reactive government is more costly to the taxpayer, and so, it is our obligation to avoid it.” -- "Proactive Government"? Sounds like an advanced state of "nannyism".
L-E headline/story: "Rare ‘panda cow’ born in Colorado * The (Loveland) Reporter-Herald reports the male calf named Ben was born Friday morning." -- "Male Calf"? Must be some sorta 'city slicker' con job. There ain't no males cows or female roosters where I come from.
Accepting someone for who they are and his/her sexual nature is a tolerance thing; but that's not the same as being forced to approve of such.
There was a raid at 827 8th Ave Sunday night on a business illegally operating as a night club. According to the City's GIS web site, there is no building there, but at 823, there is a 4500+ sq ft building that is appraised at $32,800.00 and pays taxes of $449.22. How can any inhabitable structure be carried on the tax digest at less than $8.00 a square foot assessment?
From L-E editorial commentary: Sarcastically calling DUMB&DUMBERat GA State Senator Robert Brown (D-Macon), Minority Leader, "Gutsy" for his backing off of his insinuation of KKK motives for a DUMB&DUMBERat colleague switching to the Republican Party is not condemnation enough. It was a hateful racist remark, and Brown should be held accountable in the State Senate.

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