Saturday, January 15, 2011

Was Jared Loughner deranged? Of course he was! That doesn't matter; he knew what he was doing when he purchased more ammunition that morning and he knew he was pulling the trigger. Nothing else matters. Give him a speedy even... by a jury of the members of Giffords' and other victims' families, and have the trial moved to either New Hampshire or Washington, and have the hangman on call with a gallows built outside the court room.
From the "suspicions confirmed" department - Online headline: "Obama to Ease Cuba Travel Restrictions'" -- Hmmm, it's closer that Hawaii for vacations, it already has HELL-thScare, and potUS Imam-a could finally smoke Cuban cigars legally; of course he wants to open up Cuba!
From a fellow BCer: This may change between now and April, but as of now, potUS and FLOTUS Imam-a will not be invited to William and Kate's (the Royals) wedding. And this was before potUS Imam-a said France was a better friend/ally than England. Hey, we're not going to invite them to any of our girls' weddings either.
Not that I care either way, but don't you imagine that the new "Zodiac" signs are a scam? Especially the new one...."Ophiuchus". Has anyone in the L-E even looked closely at the phonetics? O - phiuch - us ..... we've been had...literally.
In order to curtail government spending, some Congresspersons are advocating that the Social Security retirement age be raised before SS benefits can be claimed. Why don't these same Congressperson pass a law that says no matter when a government employee retires from a government job, he/she cannot start drawing checks until he/she reaches the age that Social Security kicks in? Better yet, if a person retires from one government job, make taking another government job be contingent on delaying any benefits earned from the previous job held at bay until final retirement, and if a government retiree goes to work in a private industry, reduce any government pension/benefits dollar-for-dollar with his/her new salary until reaching the Social Security retirement age.
L-E "soundoff": Paying $5 a gallon for gas by 2012 means we will pay for the BP losses and expenses. Big Oil has more friends on Capital Hill than we do." -- Not exactly ... $5.00 gasoline has more friends in Washington than we do, but another election in 2012 like the 2010 one will reverse this situation.
L-E headline/story: "Administration ends high-tech border fence * Napolitano’s decision “ends a long-troubled program that spent far too much of the taxpayers’ money for the results it delivered,” said Lieberman, I-Conn. " -- Hmmm, then if this is to be used as a precedent to evaluate government programs, them how about shutting all government programs, except our military, down. Congress and the White House would be a great places to start!

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