Thursday, January 20, 2011

Online story: "A Justice Department policy dating to former Attorney General Janet Reno (remember Waco, and the Clintons?) removed a reporting requirement in the 1990s that would have made it harder for the Tucson shooting defendant to buy a gun, the Washington Post reported Wednesday." -- Told ya the libs shoulda kept their distance from blaming Rush, Glenn, Sean, and Sarah...
From online story: "The Society of Professional Journalists is retiring the Helen Thomas Lifetime Achievement Award, saying controversy over her remarks on Israel has overtaken the reason behind the honor. * The move comes eight months after Thomas, 90, the former longtime White House correspondent, made remarks condemned as anti-Semitic and lost her job with Hearst Newspapers." -- Must be an unintended result of HELL-thSCare; liberal journalists have created their own 'death panel' though you would think it would have been reserved for conservative talk show hosts.
After viewing the video of the new CSU spa facility, I understand why CSU claims loudly that they asked the students what they wanted. Coed dorms are tough enough on parents' concerns for their children leaving home for the first time, but I don't think parents would have voted for CSU to build such a spa facility with a mixed sauna or hot tub; especially since it's costing the parents an extra $125.00 per semester, and especially since their children could be sharing saunas and the hot tub with faculty members... makes the mascot seem sort know, there may be a bunch of faculty 'cougars' prowling.
Online headline: "200 Dead Cows in Wisconsin: 3 Facts About Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis" -- Whoa! Hope these suckers weren't flying like the birds in Arkansas!
L-E headline: "Prosecutor receives pay cut after DUI arrest" -- For his sake, hope the DA makes rehab and AA mandatory for the ADA.
L-E story: "Eastman Kodak Co. has begun a project that will give the Columbus plant the ability to manufacture advanced digital printing plates. * “We’ve consolidated production of offset digital plates for the Americas market in Columbus, so it serves all of North, South and Central America,” he (Chris Veronda, spokesman for Rochester, N.Y.-based Kodak) said Wednesday." -- This is huge! Thanks Mike and Co at the Chamber.

Arte Johnson is 82 today... he no longer needs make up to portray his "little old man" personna.


Jared Loughner is not going to be on trial; he's undeniably guilty. Our court system, and the lawyers involved will be the ones on trial. America wants justice to be swift and just...again.. and not only in this incident!


L-E headline: "2010 ENDS AS 2ND WORST YEAR FOR HOME STARTS * Unemployment high, people buy fewer single-family homes" -- How's that working for your "Hope & CHange" friends who though Imam-a was "the one". Oh, he's the 'one', all right, but he's beginning to smell a lot like "#2".


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