Saturday, January 1, 2011

Saw what must be the ugliest car on the road for the first time on Thursday evening. It was an Acura ZDX and appeared to be a cross between a Pontiac Aztek and ........ words fail me. Can you think "Edsel" of the 21st Century?
While I haven't seen it, but after reading the reviews after listening to a young woman express her newness-to-adulthood-shock at the graphic scenes, Black Swan probably should be in contention for the best movie, but not for an Oscar. Black Swan would top the top of the list of best movies seen by Larry Flynt.
I stand by my opinion of "True Grit". The script was either written by Yoda, or the actors were reading it live from 'cue cards'. Addendum just in: Bill O'Reilly agrees..see his column in today's L-E.
Thursday evening, we took down our Christmas Tree, and I put it in the bed of "Bubba the Truck". During the night someone actually stole it out of my truck. I had planned to let the City pick it up, 'chip it', and sell it to Meade so the City could benefit from the revenue. Wonder if the CPD has a category I can report this crime?
Mother Teresa Obamalinson hasn't been sworn in yet, but she's already tipping us off to the "transparency" style of potUS Imam-a. She's 'saving us" $50K in her office by reducing the staff to 3 (new additions), yet those from Wetherington's staff were moved to other departments. Let's see Wetherington had a staff of 4 (one of which ran for Council and won so her old salary would have evaporated anyway), so the remaining three and their salaries/benefits are just reassigned to other budgets, and Obamalinson added three new salaries/benefits slots to the City Payroll. Looks like the City has a net gain of two new personnel drawing 2 additional salary/benefits packages. Where's the savings? Then she is going to move the inauguration ceremony inside where only 100 or so people will be admitted (would love to see the original list of possibilities to see who she struck off to get to 100), and the rest of us can watch it on the government TV channel. Yeah, right...I'm sure the local watering holes will have every TV tuned to this.
L-E story: "CHICAGO — A spokeswoman for Democratic Congressman Danny Davis says he is withdrawing his candidacy from the Chicago’s mayor race. * That leaves former U.S. Sen. Carol Moseley Braun, also a Democrat, as the one prominent black candidate in the campaign. * Braun and Davis had been under pressure from African American leaders in the city to decide on a consensus candidate to unify the black vote. * Some black leaders believed it is necessary for a unity black candidate to compete against former White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel and others in the race to replace retiring Mayor Richard Daley." -- What's the difference in this and Arlen Specter's DUMB&DUMBERat Primary opponent being offered a political job to drop out? Absolutely nothing! Both Davis and Braun should be charged with election fraud, and the "Chicago African American leaders" should be charged with political bribery.
L-E headline/story: "Chevy Volt, Nissan Leaf post small December sales * GM sold between 250 and 350 Chevy Volts this month and Nissan’s sales totaled less than 10 Leaf sedans in the past two weeks." -- "small December sales"? How about infinitesimal? Guess potUS Imam-a is glad gas is predicted to reach $5.00 per gallon before the 2012 election; his environmental whacko friends will believe "he cares" because $5.00 gas makes them look like buying those hybrid/electric vehicles will make them more special than those who don't; at least to themselves.
Bowl results are making some participants end up with overall 'losing seasons'. Just one more good reason why any 6-6 team does not need to be invited to play in a bowl game.
January 1st used to be the football junkies reward for the ending of the college football season..."used to be". Today, there are 6 bowls games involving 12 teams, and 5 of these teams have 7-5 records. Of course, when there are 35 Bowl Games scheduled and 70 teams invited, the Top 10 are overwhelmed by the 60 mediocre ones and also-rans.
Once again GA's Public Service Commission rewards GA Power with a rate increase based on higher expenses and lower usage by consumers. The rub is that a lot of the increase in expenses are GA Power Co advertising for consumers to use less power, and when the do so, revenues drop and GA Power whines to the PSC rather than taking the opportunity to pare down its internal expenses. Every PSC member should be audited for donations and how many utility lobbyist lunches/gifts they have received.

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