Monday, July 18, 2011

All of a sudden...doh...the media's 'burning question' is , Where's Casey? Just as with Waldo, or Algore, who gives a ____?
We do need single term limits for Congress and the President. Perhaps 4 years for the House, 8 years for the Senate, and 6 for the President is the answer. Balanced budgets and sensible spending would be easier to attain if politicians were not constantly campaigning for re-election.
I know overseas video/audio transmissions will improve in the future, but after watching the British Open this week in 'surround sound'. and hearing the sound of golfer striking the ball before before I actually saw the club strike it was rather distractinb.
It wasn't that long ago the westernmost lane of 2nd Avenue was repaved as you approach the downtown area, but that section looks and feels like it hasn't been improved in decades. Who ever did that work should be publicly embarrassed and cough up a refund to the taxpayers. I'd even forgotten the original road bed was brick, but now we can see it again.
L-E story: "Peachtree Mall will host Shop Til You Rock on Saturday, a music inspired mall tour that empowers teens to look and feel like rock stars. " -- On purpose? I guess it's OK for them to 'look and feel like rock stars' as long as they don't 'act' like rock stars.
From the 'not so fast with distortion' department - A liberal "soundoff": "Bush raised the debt limit seven times. The House-passed line budget requires raising the debt ceilings by trillions. Not one world of protest from Tea Partiers or congressional Republicans. " Aside from the normal liberal claims with figures pulled out of thin air, President Bush had to rebuild our military strength and weapon preparedness after 8 years of neglect from potus Clinton.
If Emperor O'Bozo wants certain people to pay more taxes, why not only raise the taxes on his friends who agree with him, plan to vote for him again? Why doesn't he just turn in their campaign donations as a gift to IRS?
What's this folly of the L-E wanting to bring a better weather forecast to the newspaper? It's probably just an 80% chance (or higher) that the L-E is paying the local guy less than it paid the other service.
Have you noticed the 'weather alerts' reminding you that if you can hear thunder, you're in range to get struck by lightning? Hmmm, well, if you're struck by lightning, you didn't hear the thunder.
You know, there's one Tsar I think Emperor O'Bozo should appoint... a Tsar to oversee White House expenses. It ain't gonna happen.
If all the people who want the debt ceiling raised would just donate money to the White House that they'd like to see being spent on whatever the Emperor O'Bozo wants, then the debt ceiling could actually be lowered. Oh, they're the ones that are expecting other people's money to be spent on them....
L-E's "Late laughs": "THIS WEEK was Spain’s annual running of the bulls. Or as bulls are reporting it, “This week was Spain’s annual chasing of the idiots.” — Jimmy Fallon" -- Hmm, why not get a local opinion on which aspect is the best. Let's ask John Wells; he's been there, done that, got the red bandana... ooops, I just gave away the answer.
Commentary from a fellow BCer: "..the President already has been given the tax increase he says is a precondition for spending cuts. These tax increases are embedded in Obamacare and will take effect next year to the tune of around 450 to 500 billion, depending on how you calculate it. The GOP needs to do a better job of making this argument--the Pres wants increased "revenue" in exchange for cuts. Now that he has what he says he wants, let's talk about specific cuts. You can make this point better than I, but you see where I am headed." -- Your point is well made; couldn't have said this better.
L-E story: "CUMBERLAND ISLAND — Federal officials will soon begin motorized tours of Cumberland Island, a seaside destination whose roads have been mostly off-limits to the general public because of a legal fight over how to conserve the land." -- "motorized"; as in gasoline powered? You'd think that the government would only allow it's "Chevy Volt" operate there.

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