Saturday, July 23, 2011

Online story: "President Obama, speaking at a press conference at the White House, told reporters that Boehner would not return his phone calls. "I've been left at the altar now a couple of times," Obama said. * "It is hard to understand why Speaker Boehner would walk away from this kind of deal," Obama said. "Can they say yes to anything?" -- Yes, Emperor O'Bozo, Speaker Boehner has said, "Yes, American taxpayers, I am listening." The real question is can Emperor O'Bozo make the same statement?
Oxymoronic online headline": "17 Pics of Nancy Pelosi's Style"
Poser: If 47% of Americans do not pay income taxes, why are they included in the number of Americans categorized as 'taxpayers'? If 100% of Americans who pay income taxes are the only taxpayers, then if you don't pay income taxes, you are not "American".
With 300+ million people in the census, and let's say 47% (141,000,000) pay some income tax, then there are 159,000,000 or so who aren't paying income tax. If all who don't pay any income tax were to be assessed $200.00 a year ($3.85 a week), there would be an additional $31,800,000,000.00 collected annually and everyone would feel they are actually a part of the American dream, and we'd have a lesser budget problem.
Looking at the catastrophic AYP collapse from last year's report, no wonder twice as many more students applied to CHS' magnet program than were spots available.
One way to really evaluate the CRCT problem is to reassign all students not in magnet programs to their true neighborhood schools, and fine parents who do not meet with their children's teacher(s) at least twice a year, then rotate entire teaching staffs to different schools every two years or so. The teacher rotation would be an excellent way to evaluate each teacher's performance.
When all is said and done about the catastrophic AYP scores, the MCSD can proudly point at the new Education Building and say, "We built this.".
Why are the media claiming Speaker Boehner walked out on Emperor O'Bozo? What does the media expect...for Boehner to listen to O'Bozo or O'Bozo to listen to the message from the American voters?

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