Wednesday, July 27, 2011

From another BCer, to explain how DUMB&DUMBERats 'think':

From Hyatt column in L-E: "William Anthony Brooks is eligible for parole. To keep him in prison, write the State * Board of Pardons and Parole, 2 MLK Jr. Drive, Atlanta, GA 30334. Reference Case No. EF-137251" -- I still remember when already obnoxious Steve Beverly, a WTVM 'reporter', insanely tried to imply that Brooks possibly had a hidden relationship with Jeannine Galloway based on some scar tissue on Brooks' shoulder being the initials "JG". WTVM dumped him shortly afterward.
Obviously, at least one of the vehicles in the Marshal's Office needs some basic maintenance. Around 5:00 PM yesterday, I was passed by said vehicle, and as he continued on, I observed him switching lanes multiple times without indicating a lane change. I tried to get closer so I could get his car number, but the distance between us widened further as we headed north to the JR Allen Bypass. As I'm sure the Marshal's Office doesn't tolerate its staff casually breaking traffic laws, I had to figure that his turn signals must be malfunctioning, and his speedometer needs to be recalibrated.
I'm beginning to believe no one at Krystal has any math degree. Single Krystal Burgers (w/o cheese) are $ .69, but Krystal advertises (and will charge you) you can buy '4 for $2.79. If you want 4, order them separately and save.
Oregon is considering paying for obesity oriented surgeries as a possible cost saver for long term medical care. What a liberal legislators dream! Can't you imagine Oregon DUMB&DUMBERats running for re-election campaigning on 'cutting the fat' out of the budget?
Have you seen the TV ad where 3 seniors redress Congressmen for considering cutting $100 million from Medicare/Medicaid? It's obviously a DUMB&DUMBERat ploy aimed at the Republican bill, but you have to ask yourself, Where were these seniors when potUS O'Blather's "HELL-thScare" bill was being rammed through the DUMB&DUMBERat Congress with $500 million in cuts for Medicare/Medicaid?
Pathological.... it was thrown out as a condition of POTUS Clinton, and now it's being suggested for potUS O'Blather, but I disagree. Pathological means it's a disease or condition, and that may have been true of Clinton, but it's not with O'Blather. No, O'Blather's lying is intentional, it's part of his agenda, not just a way to cover up or excuse a past indiscretion.
The scariest realization with the debt ceiling 'crisis' is that it seems neither the DUMB&DUMBERats nor the liberal media has a clue about debt service. Whether the debt ceiling is raised now or not at all, the US government takes in over $200 BILLION monthly in revenues, and T-bills (the 'debt service' tool) get a priority status for payment. What is going on is no different from a bank suspending your credit card when you go over a set limit. The bank doesn't say you are in default as long as you make the minimum payments, the bank just says you're going to have to pay your debt balance down a bit before it will let you add more debt on it. The bank doesn't want you to go under; just get control of your debt. That's Boehner's story, and I hope he's sticking to it.
The Ryan bill/budget...potUS O'Blather said, "NO!"; the McConnell bill..potUS O'Blather said, "NO!"; the Boehner bill, O'Blather says, "NO!". Once again, the DUMB&DUMBERats show they are the "party of "No!" and the Republicans are the "party of know"!
Random thought triggered by a joke sent by a fellow BCer: After potUS O'Blather leaves office, he can start his own one-man version of "The Wizard of Oz". He can actually make budget cuts because he can play the brainless Scarecrow, the cowardly Lion, and the heartless Tin Man roles all by himself.
From L-E story: "One current project is the placing of a new roof on Britt David Magnet Academy. The project, with a cost of around $522,000, has a projected completion date of Nov. 25. Work that began in June is on schedule. * The old roof doesn’t leak so that is not a concern. * The new roof at Britt David will be much different from the current one. The school had a built-up style roof which, while not completely flat, appears that way, There is asphalt and gravel. The new roof is a retro-fit metal roof. It is a standing-seam roof which will have a much steeper slope. Passers-by will notice peaks." -- Putting a secondary roof over the existing roof doesn't bode well for the future if the original roof is not removed in the process. A secondary roof will act like a greenhouse for any moisture, whether it be water or roofing chemicals breaking down as the area becomes sealed in where evaporation and circulation become non-existent.
One thing for sure, Council must insist that the Civic Center come up with set plans/rates for using the Civic Center. All one time use requests should be the same for every vendor, and if a vendor wants a discount to schedule multiple events over a period of time, there should be a set plan so all vendors are treated the same. In addition, Council should ban the practice of 'freebee' tickets being requested by or offered to the Civic Center.
L-E headline/story: "Report: Drug plan saves costs * CHICAGO — A new study suggests that Medicare’s 5-year old prescription drug plan is keeping seniors out of hospitals and nursing homes, saving the federal program an estimated $12 billion a year in those costs." -- Don't get your hopes up; the report is out of Chicago, and when have you ever been able to trust anything, anyone, 'out of Chicago'?
When people excuse educational catastrophes based on economic disparity, it does no good for anyone. Education is available for everyone who takes advantage of any opportunity to help themselves. One has to look no further, no deeper, than the well-established, well-documented stories of Abraham Lincoln studying, educating himself, by the light of a fire in his family's log cabin.
L-E story: "ATLANTA — The University System of Georgia and its 35 colleges had about 20 lobbyists at the state Capitol during the legislative session this year, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported. * The newspaper said the system’s lobbyists were paid about $2.5 million last year. " -- This is an absolute disgrace, and criminal misuse of public funds. Any UGA official affiliated with this situation should be fired, and criminally charged for his/her involvement. A situation that has lobbyist paid from public funds soliciting favorable decisions from officials paid with public funds to benefit any organization funded by public funds is intolerable!

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