Tuesday, July 12, 2011

From a fellow BCer...a candidate for "Bumper Sticker of the Year":
I overheard a conversation walking down Broadway yesterday where 3 people were discussing the MCSD decision to having local band/orchestra to pay for the use of a school auditorium to practice. I just listened as they whined (sorta considered the source), and thought about how lucky we are that we have the strongest (though certainly not perfect) combination of Superintendent/Board chair we've had since the first elected school board.
Online story: "ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) -- One of Casey Anthony's defense lawyers says he's worried about her safety once she's released from jail after being acquitted of murdering her 2-year-old daughter." That's probably just from her family, but she can always plead 'guilty' and turn herself in for 20-to-life safety. On the other hand, should someone extract vengeance on her, the same jury should be reconvened to judge the alleged perpetrator.
L-E "jumbled headline": "City manager to end silence on Parks & Rec scandal today " -- Hmmm...looks like this headline is dyslexic and should have read, "Silence on Parks & Rec scandal to end City Manager today".
L-E headline: "Stun gun found on JetBlue flight after arrival " -- Hmmm, someone must have carried it on board while TSA was having the 95 year-old, wheelchair bound grandmother remove her adult diaper.
L-E headline: "Obama rules out stopgap extension " Ooops, my bad. Thought the Emperor O'Bozo was stepping down.
The Emperor O'Bozo had a meeting with Boehner, Reid and Pelosi yesterday, and just like the first 2 years of his presidency, a 3-to-1 DUMB&DUMBERat majority failed to move his agenda forward.
L-E headline/story: "Georgia Power: Renewable energy must compete * But we’re really not willing to pay above that cost ("conventional sources") because we will drive up the cost for all customers if we do that" -- And why should they when GA Power can keep adding rate increases when customers use less of the current lower cost resources and make higher margins with the PSC blessings.
Setting limits on spending benefits every one in a household by reducing financial stress on the family. Why should Congress not have firm spending limits on non-military expenditures?

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