Sunday, February 5, 2012

Just in case you've been out of touch, the SuperBowl is tonight. I'm still pulling for the Packers. Hey, at least I'm not pulling for the San Francisco Giants like VPOTUS Biden.
potUS O'Blather has it backwards. He tells us what he wants to do and we revolt; he tells the Taliban what he wants to do, and the Taliban rejoice.
From the "John Lovitz (yeah, that's the ticket) collection of excuses" department: "In a phone interview on Friday, defense attorney Rob Poydasheff said Sonya Eddings diverted funds that haven’t yet been found, and portrayed Michael Eddings, his client, as an unwitting victim who entrusted the firm’s finances to his wife. * “He did have preventive measures to try to prevent fraud, but she circumvented them,” Poydasheff said. “He is doing everything he can to rectify the situation. He wants to make everybody whole. * “There’s still a lot of mystery surrounding exactly what she did, how she did it and above all why she did it,” he added. " -- I'm sure the jury will buy this excuse, but if it has any semblance of truth, did he trust his wife to run the household accounts as well? If he did, hope she cleaned him out yesterday after this interview.
Just when I began to believe there was a limit to the stupidity of liberals, another one spouted off in the L-E "soundoff": "The arms race and defense spending caused the economic collapse of the Soviet Union. If there were no cost-cutting Democrats, America would have suffered a similar fate. " -- This had to be submitted by Judy F. Brouillette or a protege of hers.
Michael Eddings and Tim Chitwood must think today is "Bash Your Wife Day". Wouldn't wanna be Michael or Tim the rest of the day.
30 years ago, I had no idea that I would be paying in excess of $5,000.00 (over $6K when you add in vehicles) annually in property taxes in addition to the LOSTs and periodic SPLOSTs that plague our economic recovery. Mayor Obamalinson is not interested in making property taxes more equitable, she's only calculating how much windfall tax revenue would become available for her and Council to spend if everyone paid top tax on top assessments. If Mayor Obamalinson were concerned about the growth and prosperity of the community, she would come up with a plan that would include reductions for the more recent home purchasers as well as the increases to older purchases. She should offer a plan that recalculates the existing home property tax receipts by the new assessments to all home properties which should raise older homes taxes and lower newer homes taxes. Once equity is demonstrated, she might get a few folks to agree with her.
L-E's "Quotable": “No one can earn a million dollars honestly.” William Jennings Bryan American attorney and orator (1860-1925) " -- Obvious a genetic disease of liberal lawyers, and another reason 99% of lawyers give the other 1% such a bad reputation.
Football lines/odds are not necessarily predictions but bet levelers. I still think something is not right when a 13-3 team is favored by only 3 points over a 9-7 team.
Why are retired NFLers griping about head injuries from the past? Did anyone hold a gun to them to make them sign lucrative contracts? Did anyone of them think professional level football would be less contact than college level? Of course, the FL could possibly help stem some of the contact injuries by eliminating the use of helmets and pads. Wait a minute, isn't that how they play rugby and Aussie Rule football?
What are the 'educators' in Valdosta thinking! No, make that 'feeling' since obviously the 'educators' have not thought through the consequences of telling students they can retake tests until they pass. If this were done when I was in school, the students would have figured out that if we just signed our names to a blank sheet of paper (or intentionally missed the questions), we'd never have to do homework the rest of the time we were in school.
Tell you what...the taxpayers in Valdosta should revolt and force the school system to put every child who fails a test a second time into one large classroom (auditorium/gym) and make the Superintendent teach that class on condition that his job will be terminated if any of those students fail to 'pass' the CRCT.
How, no, why would any government loan to Solyndra be rewritten after the fact to make the government a secondary recipient of any recovered revenues? Stinks to high heaven!
GM/Chevy. which sold only about 600 "Chevy VOLT" vehicles in January, is spending $3,500,000.00 on a Super Bowl ad for the "VOLT". That's over $5,800.00 per January "VOLT" it sold. They would probably sell a lot more just by reducing the cost of a "VOLT" by $5,000.00 and make more profit to pay us back with.

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