Thursday, February 9, 2012

Online headline/story: "AP, via US Air Force * Air Force Removes 'God' From Logo * Dozens of members of Congress are upset that the Air Force has removed the Latin word for "God" from the logo of an Air Force acquisitions office. * According to the lawmakers, all members of the bipartisan prayer caucus, the RCO ( Rapid Capabilities Office) patch logo previously included the motto "Opus Dei Cum Pecunia Alienum Efficemus" (Doing God's Work with Other People's Money), an inside joke among RCO members. Caucus members say it was changed to "Miraculi Cum Pecunia Alienum Efficemus" (Doing Miracles with Other People's Money). * Jason Torpy, president of the Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers, said the word "God" had no place in the logo because not all members of the military are religious. * The letter argues that "courts consistently have upheld the constitutionality of our national motto, 'In God We Trust,' despite the obvious mention of God." * "Obviously the Constitution doesn't treat God like a dirty word," said Luke Goodrich, deputy general counsel of the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty. "Religion is a part of this history." -- Well, for my money, OUR money, I think every pilot who doesn't want God as their "co-pilot" should be grounded immediately; it's like driving a car with no insurance!
The Texas DIM&DUMBERat Party is questioning the security costs from Gov Perry's political campaign. The Texas D&D's might gain some credibility if they first questioned the State funded security for college football coaches.
Online headline: "House Votes To Give Obama Power Of Line-Item Veto" -- It won't get to the floor of the DIM&DUMBERat Senate, but it sure would aggravate potUS O'Blather. On the other hand, a good administrator would jump for joy with the idea.
Online headline: "Michael Vick Tops List of America's Most Disliked Athletes" -- Obviously players from the NBA were banned from competition.
From L-E story: "Crews Wednesday morning were working below the Eagle & Phenix dam on a metal structure that will regulate the river’s flow" -- Combined with temporary walls, concrete filled bags and "mattresses", concrete channels, and moving/adding boulders, nothing sounds like the original proposal of basically restoring the riverbed to it natural condition.
L-E headline: "Suspects sought for using counterfeit money" -- The sad thing is counterfeit money is probably worth as much as the money the US Mint is distributing.
Online headline: "GOP Is Looking To Deny Child Tax Break For Undocumented Immigrants" -- It would be nice if the DIM&DUMBERats joined in.

L-E headline: "Most Columbus legislators against Georgia charter school amendment " -- After reading about how the MCSD can't run a spelling bee without controversy and political correctness, why would any politician be against Charter Schools having autonomy?
L-E story: "CHICAGO — A reputed mob boss known for his wide girth and reputation for violence was sentenced to 25 years in prison Wednesday in a federal court in Chicago. " -- Sounds more like a reunion with the corrupt politicians of Chicago; maybe Rahm Emanuel and potUS O'Blather will be future roomies...
L-E headline: "Study finds MDs not always honest with patients " -- Since most enjoy fishing and golfing, what did you really expect?
Passed on by a fellow BCer:
The Quote of the Decade: "The fact that we are here today to debate raising America 's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the US Government cannot pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government's reckless fiscal policies. Increasing America 's debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that, "the buck stops here.' Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.
~ Senator Barack H. Obama, March 2006!

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