Saturday, July 6, 2013

Crapital ONE credit card is still running (_*_) B*ldwin commercials. I guess if you slur gays and abuse your daughter, you're forgivable, but if you described a man with a slur who held a gun to your head during a robbery, you're not. Liberals.. can't live with them, can't isolate then all in California.

Crapital ONE credit card is still running (_*_) B*ldwin commercials. I guess if you slur gays and abuse your daughter, you're forgivable, but if you described a man with a slur who held a gun to your head during a robbery, you're not. Liberals.. can't live with them, can't isolate then all in California.


Online story: "it was announced that Twinkies would be back on shelves by July 15." -- Coulda fooled me.. watching liberals in politics, I say, we have never be out of Twinkies.


Kerry's true to form... he against the war before he was for it in the past, threw his Piurple Hearts over the White House fence before he showed he didn't, and he wasn't on his boat during the Egyptian coup before he was.. Ambassador... nah, another Embarrassment for a Judas 00-bama appointed Secretary of State.


28 people were hurt in a fireworks display in California. Expect Sen Diane Feinstein to have a bill ready on Monday to prevent shooting off fireworks.


From 'the only in California" department - Online story: "SANTA CLARA, Calif. -- A Northern California roller coaster appears to have been a little too much fun. * The Gold Striker at Great America in Santa Clara had to be taken offline this week because riders were screaming too loudly. * So Great America had to cover a portion of the track in a sound-dampening tunnel. " -- Senator Feinstein probably introduced a bill to make it illegal to have too much fun at amusement parks... next riders will have suits against the operator for building the cover and causing deafness to the riders.


Judas 00-bama has asked for Russian soldiers be available here during future disasters. Huh? He wants to take away our guns but wants 15,000 Russians with fully automaticAK-47s to roam America...


Online headline: "China, Russia Hold Largest-Ever Joint Naval Drills" -- Oh, so Russia and China have a coalition to go along with Judas 00-bama's coalition with the Russian Army to be here during crises. Hmm, sounds like Judas 00-bama is invoking the "no coupe' clause to keep America from ousting him like Morsi.


McClatchy headline: "Mexican police chief killed with rifle lost in ATF gun-tracking program," -- McClatchy just can't, uh, won't, 'pull the trigger' on calling it what it is... it's the Judas 00-bama/Eric Holder "Fast & Furious" fiasco.


From the 'inmates running the asylum' department - From a BCer tip - Online story: "Duke University is hiking student fees in order to cover the cost of sex-change surgery in its insurance plan. * The addition of sexual reassignment surgery with a $50,000 cap makes Duke’s student health care plan one of the most, if not the most, transgender-inclusive plans in the country, * The announcement follows a March resolution passed by the student government that advocated for Duke to pay for sex-change operations." -- Gee, everything a parent could want... they send their princess off to college to figutively  "make a man out of her", and they literally do.


The Zimmerman trial is only happening because the mainstream media, boosted by Judas 00-bama's racial inflammatory statements, tried to make it a white George Zimmerman hate crime against a black pre-teen kid. Truth revealed that Zimmerman is Hispanic and the "kid" wasn't.


From the "bet you can't top Congressman Hank Johnson's comment" department - Online headline:  "Obama: If Living Standards Keep Rising 'The Planet Will Boil Over'' -- Never did I believe  anyone could top Congressman Hank Johnson's assertion that if we moved too many soldiers and their equipment to a small area on an island, that the island would tip over, capsize. This one was does.


When you think about it, the prosecutor may have won Zimmerman's acquital by the lack if DNA under Martin's fingernails. If Martin had been pinned on the ground, his 'defense' would have been more scratch & claw versus punching as he could not have drawn back his arm to put much force behind a fist.


Bob Beckel has regained his liberal bias. He's acted like he's been watching the Zimmerman trial closely, but on "The 5", he mentioned he's only based his thoughts on other liberal opinions.


Talk about a Keystone Kop situation.. Some evidence locked in an evidence locker caused a delay in the Zimmerman trial. They lost the key. Doesn't that mean someone has the key, and that someone may have had access to that evidence.. maybe even to tamper with it.


I hope the medical examiners in the other 49 states are more thorough than the one testifying at the Zimmerman but if not, new laws are needed now. I've never heard a professional being questioned about autopsy protocol who answered 'that's not my job'.


Maybe the defense should ask the autopsy examiner the same question we are asked at the airport... "Did you pack your "evidence" yourself and has anyone else had access to it?"


We learned today that THC (marijuana) was evident in Trayvon Martin, and that the state did not provide this info to the defense, and the judge suppressed that info to the jury. The autopsy examiner should have been tested for THC, too.


The autopsy examiner.... His only interest should be to collect and desiminate information to the state and defense teams so they can present their opinions of the evidence and its relativity to the jury. The autopsy examiner in this case seems to think he's paid by the prosecutor rather than by the citizens of the state.


It's quite evident that the judge in the Zimmerman case has forgotten she's suppose to be the referee to insure the prosecutor and the jury remembers the the defendent is presumed innocent until the prosecutor convinces the jury otherwise.


The motion of a directed verdict of acquittal were denied. We got cheated on the choice of a judge for the trial. It should have been a man.. that way we could have held out hope he had some cojones to end the trial now.


To get around the law prohibiting the US from giving financial aid to a country taken over by a coup, Judas 00-bama has decided the Egypt environment is  suffering from "climate change".


From another BCer:



From the new GA laws that went into effect July 1, 2013: "Juveniles who get into trouble without committing violent acts will now be supervised at home rather than being shipped off to a state facility to spend time behind bars." -- Hmmm... makes sense.....NOT!  Isn't home where they were supervised before getting in trouble?


Another new GA law: "Eligibility for a hope grant at technical colleges is lowered from a 3.0 grade point average to 2.0." -- Hmmm, so now those who graduate from high school ill-prepared for work/life/college can continue on the government teat to be taught what they should already know as a graduate of high school.


I see some new rapids were opened up in Whitewater this weekend... no, not those... the ones created by the steps of the flooded Riverwalk.


Can't believe it... a second "only in California" item in one BC edition - L-E story: "Passengers flying out of San Francisco International Airport recently might have caught a glimpse of something bizarre: goats munching away at overgrown weeds. * goats were chomping on brush as part of the airport’s unique — and environmentally friendly — approach to fire prevention. Brush in a remote corner of the airport property needs to be cleared each spring to protect nearby homes from potential fires. But machines or humans can’t be used because two endangered species live there. " -- And I guess we must assume that if illegal aliens are hiding in the brush, California would have to send in Deputy Dawg to arrest them?


L-E story: "President Barack Obama’s hardest sell in his renewed push to close the U.S. detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, may be members of his own party — moderate Senate Democrats facing tough re-election bids next year in the strongly Republican South. " -- Hmmm, it's amazing what even DUMBERats will do to get re-elected (it's called 'the right thing') when voters are aware and there's real alternative candidates to choose from.


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