Thursday, July 18, 2013

HuffPost headline: "Nancy Pelosi slams controversial Texas abortion law" -- We ought to slam Nancy Pelosi's mother for not having an abortion.


Online story: "NGTON — Heading off a costly increase for returning college students, a bipartisan group of senators reached a deal Wednesday that would offer students better rates on their loans this fall but perhaps assign higher rates in coming years." -- Hmmm an Adjustable Rate Mortgage scam for student loans. Just like the ARMs' brought down the housing industry, student loans will get maxxed out at low rates, then raised so payback is way beyond the graduates earning capacity to pay back.


There is more hope for moving on after the Zimmerman trial. When Holder spoke at the NAACP and tried to stir up anger about the " hold your ground" laws, the audience response was at best, tepid.
Let me get Eric Holder's thoughts on "stand your ground" right... you should run rather than face off against another... hmmm, that just makes Trayvon Martin more guilty than ever.

Online story: "U.N. ambassador nominee Samantha Power faced a largely friendly audience at her confirmation hearing on Wednesday, but had a rocky and at-times awkward exchange with Sen. Marco Rubio as he pressed her on past comments suggesting the U.S. should apologize for its "sins." * Rubio repeatedly asked Power for examples of crimes "committed or sponsored" by the United States. * Her response was that "the United States is the greatest country on earth" and she "would never apologize for America." -- Hmmm, I guess, basically, her repeated response was the new way to plead the 5th Amendment by Judas 00-bama appointees.


From above story: "Mostly, senators at the confirmation hearing on Wednesday voiced support for Power. * Chairman Bob Menendez, D-N.J., said any criticism means "you must be doing something right."  * "I don't believe that anyone can question your credentials," he said" -- " any criticism means "you must be doing something right"? What a self-serving comment by Senator Menedez! A new ethics bill could/should be addressed solely to address Menendez's ethics!


From a fellow BC:


-- Maybe if Chris Stevens had worn a hoodie....


You know, Gov Scott of Florida should sue Eric Holder on behalf of the Zimmerman trial jury. Holder has slandered their honesty and courage.


WTVM9 story: "COLUMBUS, GA (WTVM) - The Columbus City Council held a work session in their new Council Chambers today, July 16. Finances were the main focus on the agenda.  * The Home Rehab Program, which helps fix houses that are considered substandard, is in need of more funds.  * The Director of Reinvestment addressed the Council with concerns for the future of the Home Rehab Program. It is funded by HUD, which has several regulations guiding the way money is spent. Administrative costs are high.  * The Council is now trying to decide if the Home Rehab Program is still the best option for revitalizing the city. " -- "The Council is now trying to decide if the Home Rehab Program is still the best option for revitalizing the city"? Best option? It shouldn't even BE an option! Local government should not be involved in rehabbing privately owned homes, nor bailing out failed privately developed  housing projects that will never be self-sustaining.


 Online story: "Former president Jimmy Carter said the jury in the George Zimmerman trial "made the right decision" and agrees with President Obama that Americans should respect its judgment." -- Hmmm... "jury made right decision"? The jury listened to the evidence, and ruled on the applicable laws, and made the correct interpretation. Any other analysis is political in nature.


McClatchy story: "Objection is mounting to the nomination of Janet Napolitano as the next University of California president, with students and immigration activists planning to protest against her at Thursday's meeting of the governing Board of Regents in San Francisco." -- What a loser! Conservatives are glad she's going because she hasn't accomplished anything good, and illegal immigrants are against her coming because she hasn't accomplished anything good, either. Who'da thunk conservatives and illegals would have the same complaint.


I was listening to Fox as I was drifting off for a nap yesterday afternoon, and as I was, a black Congresswoman was excoriating George Zimmerman for the death of Trayvon Martin. As I went into sleep mode, all I could think of was where was her anger as hundreds of young blacks were being gunned down by other blacks on the streets of Chicago last year, and this year?


Rolling Stoned..putting Bomber Brother 2  on the cover is getting just the reaction it wanted. It wanted sell an more copies, but will fail. It will get more exposure and more critism, but the (_°_)s who decided this need to hear from us. I'm sure no one who's reading this is a subscriber, but if anyone sees a copy, how about sending me a list of the advertisers we can boycott in the future.


A female Florida Congresswoman says she's tired of seeing young blacks being captured and charged every day. Guess what lady, I'm tired of it too, and if you polled all others blacks and whites, I'll bet the overwhelming majority feel this way too. Do something positive, like getting a grass roots campaign in your community to combat the high illegitimacy birth rate and government 'slavery' programs!


Now that the Egyptian coup is complete and the Muslim Brotherhood has been ousted within the government ranks, I guess Judas 00-bama is smug about sending weapons and money to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Libya, and Syria.


The Washington Examiner writer said on Fox that the Senate voted on passing the nomination for Cordray by 14 Republicans joining 54 Democrats. WRONG! Only 12 Republicans joined 54 Democrats.. the other 2 were independents (well, in name only).


I can only guess that the goal of Judas 00-bama & Eric Holder blasting the "stand your ground" laws is too insure that since law abiding citizens in Washington & Chicago can now carry guns to defend themselves, that it will be illegal for them to kill the personal childhood friends of 00-bama & Holder who roam the streets.


Hmmm, I wonder if Eric Holder thinks the Secret Service should abandon its "stand your ground" training in protecting Judas-00-bama?


Online story: "A fifty year old man, race undisclosed, is on life support after a near fatal beating. Police have arrested two black teens. The attack occurred near the community where the Trayvon Martin self-defense shooting took place. * The victim is from Winter Springs, which is 88% white. The victim was attacked in nearby Midway, which is 94% black. Both communities are within about a six-mile radius of Sanford." -- Hmmm, and where are Sharpton, Jackson, the Black Congressional Caucus, Holder, 00-bama, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, and MSNBC?


On yesterday's Fox News's Martha McCallum interviewed a guy that reeled in and wrestled a 200 pound shark to the beach on Nantucket Island. By the time the interview was over, they had shown more sharks than Discovery Channel's "Shark Week" . I think Nantucket and Chatham Island will experience a drop in family vacationers and a surge in idiots the rest of the summer.


Without "stand your ground" laws, bullies would have a field day. What would Eric Holder have done/said if two men of any color, armed with batons, stood between him and his voting precinct?


Rev-pretends Sharpton and Jackson claim to carry on Martin Luther King's dream.... what part of not judging a man by the color of his skin do they believe in?


L-E's "Today in History" feature: "In 1969, Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., left a party on Chappaquiddick Island near Martha’s Vineyard with Mary Jo Kopechne, 28; some time later, Kennedy’s car went off a bridge into the water. (Kennedy was able to escape, but Kopechne drowned.) " -- " Kennedy was able to escape, but Kopechne drowned."? How time rewrites liberal's history. Kennedy saved himself, and Kopechne died clawing for her life inside his sunken car. The (_*_) left her, went to a friends home to sober up before reporting it the next morning.


How stupid is this... the military had to get a court of appeals ruling to continue being able to search Gitmo terrorists' crotches for contraband.. Where are the liberals' suits against TSA searching the crotches of diapered babies and grandmothers?


The L-E printed a race-baiting letter from Theresa El-Amin. Why... it is her job, her source of income to promote race-baiting. Hers is not a personal opinion, it is her mantra.


L-E story: "Twenty-eight Muscogee County schools will offer free meals to all of their students — without their parents or guardians having to fill out an application — during the 2013-14 school year as part of a national pilot program. " -- Well, as Ronald Reagan off began, here we go again.. spending without restraints, spending money that would be better used nurturing children's minds in the classroom. Why doesn't the school system grasp that the more it promotes 'nannyism', the less likely the next generation will shake the shackles of government slavery?


To the above story: Why doesn't the school system just take EBT cards for the meals. That way the kids won't eat at school and at home and become obese?


L-E story: " HOOVER, Ala. — One of Alabama’s best-funded public school systems says it’s ending school bus service to save money. * The Hoover city school board voted Monday night to eliminate bus routes for everyone but special education students beginning   in August 2014." -- Now, that's progress!  

Read more here:


I see the United Way is starting up for next year's 'drive'. Now, before it goes any further, it would be good to report the pledge shortcomings from this past year so those companies won't 'brag' about their support.


Online story: "The pro-Trayvon Martin protests sweeping the nation have become violent riots in some cities like Houston, Los Angeles, and Oakland." -- It's not just about 'hoodies", it's mainly about 'hoods'.


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