Friday, July 19, 2013

Online headline: "IRS Scandal Investigator 'Very Concerned' His Report Missed Progressive Targeting " -- Yeah... wink, wink.


HuffPost headline: "Aurora Shooting Suspect, Remains An Enigma One Year After Movie Theater Massacre" -- What is boils down to is that liberals are still trying to blame guns rather than the wacko who pulled the trigger.

Bomber Brother 2's arrest -
Now if only the gun had gone off by itself....

liberals would have an gun issue to harp about, and taxpayers would have saved a lot of money and anguish over trying & incarcerating this (_*_).


Online story: "Medical marijuana has been legal in Oregon since 1998, but patients had to grow the pot themselves or find a grower to do it for them. The Oregon Legislature recently legalized dispensaries where growers can sell marijuana that isn't directly provided to patients. * Gov. John Kitzhaber is expected to sign the law that also calls for pot sold in dispensaries to be tested for pesticides, mold and mildew. Rules have not yet been worked out on how that testing will be done." -- "Rules have not yet been worked out "? Heh, heh, heh.Onve the 'rules' HAVE been worked out, and HAVE been initiated, legal pot will soar in costs, and the street dealers will still be the better priced, easier access score, and all 'rules' will be for naught. Liberals liberals can't even get 'pot' right.


Jerry Sandusky's adopted son, Matt, is changing his name. Too bad he cannot change his scars.


Online story: "Plans for a Holocaust memorial at the Ohio Statehouse have stirred a debate over the separation of church and state that may lead to a lawsuit because a focal point of renowned architect Daniel Libeskind's design is the Star of David. * "Since the Star of David is a religious symbol and a secular government is not supposed to be promoting religion, especially when there are other perfectly secular alternatives, we're objecting to that religious symbol," said Dan Barker, co-president of the Freedom From Religion Foundation, based in Madison, Wis" -- Arrggghhhh! Where do these nuts like Barker come from? Perhaps the memorial could feature a 'mosque' to offset the 'Star of David'. Perhaps the US Supreme Court should kick Barker's butt out as having 'no standing" to file a law suit.


Online headline: "Bruce Springsteen Dedicates a Song to Trayvon Martin " -- Springsteen is the perfect DUMBERat 'foil'. Didn't think he could read music; knew he couldn't read HELL-thScare, and now it's obvious he can't read facts. Here's something he can read... my lips, and they are saying "No New Sales"!


There was a black Illinois Congressman on Hannity's show claiming he would have voted for Zimmerman's guilt based purely on racial profiling. It didn't matter what the witnesses said; it doesn't matter what the FBI investigation said; it's just because he thinks there's "too much profiling going on". His name is Bobby Rush. Will someone ask him if he thinks the teenage boys in Brunswick who shot the 13 month old baby in the face was profiling the baby and his mother?


Detroit...belly up! We knew it went morally bankrupt decades ago, and now Detroit has completed the perfecta.. financial bankruptcy. How does a city get $14 - $20 BILLION in debt? Who would do business on credit with Detroit?  What businesses can do business in Detroit?


I think I'm confused... Eric Holder & Al Sharpton want to eat their cake and have it to. They are denouncing ' stand your ground' by 'standing their ground' on racism.


From a fellow BCer:



And another:



There's a racist rally scheduled at 2:00 PM on Saturday. No one there will have had any interest in justice being served so avoid downtown Columbus then. Any politicians who show up should get your attention for pandering, and being 'hoodi-winked'.


The latest from www.barackobama/organizingfor "When the Supreme Court struck down a critical part of the Voting Rights Act last month, it effectively gutted one of our civil rights landmarks." -- The Supreme Court did gut one of our civil rights's landmarks, but this is not it. Our civil rights were gutted when 'photo ID' was blocked.


Is there any wonder why the definition for 'full time' employees for ObamaCare is set at 30 hours? Judas 00-bama had long admired the French business plans and 30 hours is about all the French will work per week. 

Judas 00-bama praises his insurance programs that limit insurance payroll & expenses to 20% of the premiums they collect.Hey, Judas 00-bama, how about seeing to it that all government program salaries & expenses be limited to the same 20% you're demanding of private businesses.


It was comical to hear Judas 00-bama talking about getting a budget in place. The House has sent budgets to the Senate but the Senate DUMBERats won't even bring up to a vote.


You know, if ObamaCare was already bringing healthcare costs down, and rebates checks were abound, why would Judas 00-bama want to delay implementation of any phase?


So Bill Clinton won somebody's. "Father of the Year". Wonder which kid this is for?


The perv Mayor of San Diego says it's not harassment when he gropes women (or men) in a demonstrative way. He's somewhat right; it's actually "sexual battery".


Media is projecting that taxpayers may be on the hook for millions of dollars in lawsuits because of the mayor of San Diego's groping men & women. BS! Either the mayor himself should be sued, but if that's not enough, then sue every body who voted him in!


Good grief! Congress is playing nanny-nanny-poo-poo with Judas 00-bama over ObamaCare mandates, and neither is justified at overriding an existing law.


From a fellow BCer:

Purportedly how Al Sharpton sees the Zimmerman jury



Our neighbor, Phenix "Sin" City, AL has just added photo-camera fund raisers at selected intersections. Let's hope it also adds a proper amount of yellow-light time to the traffic light sequencing. Right now, it's just another reason not to venture over there.


Very low-info voter;s L-E "soundoff": "The scandal of the John B. Amos Cancer Center is just another reason we need a single-payer health care system like Canada’s. " -- Arrggghhhh!!!!! How do people like this get registered to vote? It's obvious he couldn't pass the registration search to purchase a gun. Hey, buddy, it's a GOVERNMENT PROGRAM Columbus Regional has been (allegedly) scamming!


L-E story: "he Columbus Branch of NAACP will hold an information forum from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. July 30, at the Columbus Public Library, 3000 Macon Road, on the law concerning criminal records that changed effective July 1, and how you can possibly get your arrest records expunged. * The forum will provide information on how expunged (restricted) arrest records will not be visible to employers, housing providers or licensing agencies that are reviewing your official Georgia criminal history, and how to start the process to get your criminal records expunged." -- "get your criminal records expunged"?  How about a forum on teaching them NOT to commit a crime and they will not have to worry about what employers might find!


L-E story: "LONDON — He was buried in an unmarked grave, but finally Richard III is to get a tomb fit for a king. *  British officials say   they will spend 1 million pounds ($1.5 million) interring the 15th-century ruler, whose skeleton was found earlier this year beneath a parking lot in the central England city of Leicester." -- Hmmm, glad he's not getting re-buried here.. someone would also register him to vote.


L-E story: "Sixty-two percent of students in Muscogee County public schools qualify for free and reduced lunch," -- WRONG!!!! Since the MCSD has stated that all children can eat free at schools this summer, and since there is no proof of income necessary to qualify for free/reduced meals at schools, then technically, 100% are 'qualified' for the free and reduced lunch program!


Hmmm, a 'suspicious' package drew immediate response from Columbus' law enforcement. Now, if we can get that response when we call 911 because someone is walking through our neighborhood looking "suspicious".


I'm real curious as to why a publicly held (stock) monopoly like the Southern Company (GA Power, AL Power are 2 of its subsidiaries) can get a Public Service Commission to cover its losses made by internal executive decisions. Talk about union political power.


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