Friday, July 12, 2013

Remember when the Martin-Zimmerman ordeal began? Mainstream media declared this a racial event from the git-go... a black & white racial hatred issue. Then it was revealed that Zimmerman was not "white", but of white-Hispanic mix. Then he became 'white Hispanic' though his skin is not 'white'. Hmm, using the mainstream media logic... Tiger Woods is not black, but a black-Asian... and Judas 00-bama is not black.. but a black-creepy-ass-cracker. And who can deny the "creepy" aspect?

Remember when the Martin-Zimmerman ordeal began? Mainstream media declared this a racial event from the git-go... a black & white racial hatred issue. Then it was revealed that Zimmerman was not "white", but of white-Hispanic mix. Then he became 'white Hispanic' though his skin is not 'white'. Hmm, using the mainstream media logic... Tiger Woods is not black, but a black-Asian... and Judas 00-bama is not black.. but a black-creepy-ass-cracker. And who can deny the "creepy" aspect?


Online headline/story: "Newtown Donations: Panel Suggests Breakdown Of $7.7 Million Between Families * A community foundation has been tasked with dividing up $11.4 million that was raised with the help of the United Way. The foundation previously decided to divvy up $7.7 million to the families and survivors and to have committees decide on uses for the remainder of the donations, including whether to use some of it for future mental health care and other needs." -- Hmmmmm, and now the worse tragedy begins.. divvying up the money... 'fairly'... and completely..Lives have now been arbitrarily "monetized"; lives have now been "equalized". What next... move on? I have 2 questions... how did quick did IRS approve the 501 (c) 3 (I assume) status of the community foundation, and how can the foundation contribute to individuals? Oh, and a 3rd question... how much are the "panel" and  the lawyers getting?


Online headline: "Republican Rival: Weiner Lied About Vote As He Lied About Sexting" -- Well, that just decided the race... The DUMBERat base now knows Weiner is one of them... possibly the next "Clinton".


Online headline: "Federal gov’t reports rare news" -- The truth?


Online headline: "Dead Russian Lawyer Found Guilty Of Tax Evasion" -- Well, he's lucky he's in Russia. If he was here, IRS would dig him up and try to squeeze the last drop of blood out of him.


Online story: "WASHINGTON -- The federal government on Thursday reported a rare surplus of $116.5 billion in June, the largest for a single month in five years. The gain kept the nation on track for its lowest annual deficit in five years." -- Hmmm, "sequester" works! Things have been cut back, money is being saved  (we'', 'not wasted' as fast), and the world has not come to an end. Now, how about that "balanced budget" all the states operate under?


Our government gave a grant to Stanford University to get people to understand what it is to be a cow....BS to the nth degree. See "sequester" above.


Online headline: "Federal gov’t reports rare news" -- The truth?


In 1996, an appointed committee I served on (Mayor Peter's Committee for Economy and Efficiency in Government) recommended that Council stop it's micro-managing City department spending (at that time, any expense of $5.00 or more had to be approved), and, instead, give department heads budget responsibility, and that Council, instead, hold department heads RESONSIBLE for staying within their budgets. How come Council is now working on a regulation to make department heads get approval of expenses that exceed their budget? 


Online headline: "Depp reveals expensive way he plans to help Native Americans " -- Too late! Nothing will buy back the respect he destroyed as Tonto.


Online headline: "Syria's Food Shortages Put A Damper On Ramadan " -- Huh? Why, because they might have to stand in food lines while they are 'fasting'?


Online headline: "Lawmakers want national park ... on the moon?" -- Yeah, and they are already signing up for taxpayer funded "junkets".


Online story: "The Guardian revealed more top-secret documents alleging that both Skype and Microsoft cooperated with U.S. spy agencies to give away the content of email and video chats. " -Hmmm, Microsoft & MicroSoftNBC - After all these years, may just have to go pluck an Apple.
We must pray, and pray long and often, the prosecutors in the Bomber Brother 2's case are much better than the incompetent prosecutors in the Zimmerman trial.
The Boston Bomber Brother 2 pleaded "not guilty". There were supporters of him interviewed on TV following. They were scum, but I figure the TV reporters and stations who gave them air time are even scummier.
How's that investigation going to see why racism by the  black officer was tolerated do long?

Speaking of the racism within the police department, why has Marshal Countryman gotten by without making a very public apology to Chief Boren and Columbus as a whole.


You know, if the prosecutors had real evidence and laid it out properly to the jury, the prosecutions case would have taken only a day or two, and his summation would only take a few minutes. Throwing in charges of lesser acts, the prosecution is simply trying to get some sort of taxpayer funded confirmation it has not earned.


I'm a believer in the law and justice. I do not understand why the judge allows the prosecutor to basically retry the case in summation. The evidence was already presented. and the jury needs to see there's a light to the end of the tunnel. The jury should be able to tell the prosecutor to "shut up".


Seriously, if the prosecution had a case supported by any commonsense evidence, his summation should simply be, "Ladies, we've told you and showed you what happened, and it's in your hands to tell us whether you agree or not."


If I was the defense attorney, my summation would be simply, "Do you believe the witnesses, and forensic experts reporting the fact a or do you believe the prosecutor's version? If the prosecutor even thought he had a case of second degree murder, he wouldn't be asking you to make another lesser charge.


The prosecutor turned the whole proceedings into a race case in his opening statement of closing. It was bad enough that the prosecuting team had nothing to back its charges, but to throw race back in it now is cheap, unworthy of these people defending the law.


How can a judge use the excuse that "this is how it's done" in her court to putting the first considered verdict as "guilty" when the Constitution specifically days the defendant is "innocent until proven guilty"?


Florida voters, especially those from Jacksonville , should clean house of its District Attorneys' office. No defendant should be persecuted by the prosecuting attorney just slinging what ever he/she has hoping that something will stick on the wall that some juror might think applies to an undefended lesser charge .


The Zimmerman trial really brings the shortcoming of adding a form of manslaughter to jury options being fair under our double-jeopardy protection. The lawyers for the defendant gear their defense based on the charges of 2nd degree murder. To add lesser charges at trial completion means the judge & prosecution know that the case for that is lacking substance. If the prosecution had done due diligence on the incident, it would have known its contention was not a provable occurance. I remember a local trial of a man who shot into a car coming out of the government center and killed a person, but since the jury decided that the dead person was not the "intended" victim, the prosecution couldn't prove 1st Degree murder because the shooter hadn't had premeditated thoughts of killing the other person. In spite of letting a murderer go free, I really applaud the jury as the prosecutor really stretched the definition of the charge.


All attorneys, especially prosecuting attorneys, should be embarrassed that law evolution allows that a person can be charged to defend himself on one charge, and the prosecutor asks a jury to consider a lesser charge. Either try someone on what you think the crime actually is, or don't charge at all.


It's a shame that in order to have enough students to fill a new school built for growth, that other schools had to be closed instead.


In the L-E's "Today in History" feature: " In 1977, President Jimmy Carter defended Supreme Court limits on government payments for poor women’s abortions, saying, “There are many things in life that are not fair.”  -- Hmmm, wonder how Cuzzin Jimmy will feel about it being 'fair' when ObamaCare decides he's too old for the Secret Service to continue 'protecting/saving' his life?


Online headline: "Gitmo genital searches halted " -- Hmmm, I wonder. if TSA had been in place on 9-11-01, would the terrorists even have tried to fly?


Story from above: "WASHINGTON — A federal judge on Thursday called a halt to genital pat-downs of Guantanamo Bay detainees who are meeting with attorneys. " -- Wonder when the attorneys appeal this judge?


Low info voter's Letter to the Editor: "Votes, guns and ammo. Our Constitution gives us the right to vote, but we have to register in order to vote because the law demands it. *   Maybe if you registered to buy a gun and ammo you wouldn’t have to pay an added tax on guns and ammo. It’s called the old goose and gander thing. " -- Hey, just as in being legal and registered to vote, you have to be legal and registered to buy a gun and ammo. In fact, to buy a gun and ammo, you have to have a PHOTO ID as well!


L-E headline: "POLICE: TWO ROB ADULT NOVELTY STORE " -- Hmmm,. wonder what the robbers REALLY had in their pockets?


Let's celebrate the 1,000,000th KIA being made up the river, but at the same time, temper it with memories of the nearly 850,000 American soldiers who have been Killed In Action over our history that has allowed KIA to operate.


Mississippi State has become big time. Even the Columbus L-E mentioned State's stadium makeover in progress.


Online story: "NEW YORK — Microsoft Corp. is reshuffling its business in an attempt to promote faster innovation and a sharper focus on devices and services." -- Hmmm, wonder if that includes office space for the NSA?


Continue your prayers for Randy Travis.. Thanks.


We'll end today with the help of a fellow BCer:


For those who haven't heard, Washington State just passed both laws- gay marriage and legalized marijuana.
The fact that gay marriage and marijuana were legalized on the same day makes perfect biblical sense because Leviticus 20:13 says, "If a man lies with another man they should be stoned."

We obviously just hadn't interpreted it correctly before!

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